Taste warriors and flavour pioneers

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
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One day, in the long, long ago, there was a person sat at a table eating a peanut butter sandwich.
"Well, this is tasty and all," thought they, "but I wish it was a bit sweeter."
Their sad eyes looked over their humble kitchen until they spied a small jar on the other side of the room...
"JAM!" they exclaimed. "That's what I need in this peanut butter sandwich! Jam!"
And with those fine words, in that brief spark of inspiration powerful enough to shame God, a taste legacy was born.

On another day, on another side of the world, beside another kitchen table, sat another bored person, eating their ham pizza.
"Well this is tasty and all," thought they, "but I wish it was a bit more Hawaiian."
Their sad eyes looked from their Hawaiian holiday brochure to the fruitbowl and back again and... Well, the rest is history.

But what odd flavour combinations have you, those brave taste warriors of hl2.net, encountered in your adventures?
Flavours that all logic says shouldn't work together but do...

Personally, custard cream biscuits and salsa go fantastically well together, although I have a feeling it helps if you're:
a) very drunk.
b) pregnant.
c) both and thus an unfit parent.

All the rules suggest that it's just WRONG. Well, I play by my own rules and I don't care who gets in the way.
But by God, I get results.
My little cousins made peanut butter, jelly, mayonaise, meat, cheese sandwiches. I've never had one. But they loved it.

Talk about gross.
Hotdogs dipped in buttered mashed potatoes. Damn good.
If you want an awesome bachelor food. Take a box of crackers, and open a can of jellied cranberry sauce like you have for thanksgiving. Just put some of that on the crackers and enjoy. Simple, tasty... and unhealthy. The hallmarks of a good bachelor food.
i've always been partial to cream cheese on toast, but that's not so farfetched
Lame? Probably.
Pointless? I beg to differ.

Anyways, that's not all too different to the other 75% of threads in General Off-Topic.
it wasnt a knock on you, its just i made a thread similar to this and he called it stupid and pointless.
it wasnt a knock on you, its just i made a thread similar to this and he called it stupid and pointless.
Cry more n00b.

I always though Coke and some fruit other than lemon would go well.
I've tried extensively but to no avail.
Chilli seeds in 2 minute noodles.

A Danny-Nono indeed.
Peanut Butter and Jelly Waffles.

Try them, they're delicious.
Bacon, cheese, coleslaw, mayo, turkey, ham, chicken, lettuice, tomato, and lurpak easy spread margarine in between two slices of hovis toastie bread, cut up into triangular halfs and held together by toothpicks. I feel thats just the right level of excess for me.

Either that or cheese & branston pickle. But I don't think thats too unusual?

Peanut Butter and Jelly Waffles.

Try them, they're delicious.

QFT.. Shame we don't get proper waffles here in the UK.
Rice waffles + Gouda cheese (young) in the microwave for a minute (or 1.5). It STINKS LIKE ****ING HELL but man is it good :D

Also, (just tried out) hot pancakes with speculoos (you know, those brown biscuits) = awesome.
Well, the only waffles we get are crappy pre-packaged ones that are nothing like their US counterparts. It's hard to explain, suffice to say that waffle-irons dont exist over here, and the waffles you can buy in the shops, for toasting, just suck. Compared to every waffle I've ever eaten whilst over in your country, that is.
Well, the only waffles we get are crappy pre-packaged ones that are nothing like their US counterparts. It's hard to explain, suffice to say that waffle-irons dont exist over here, and the waffles you can buy in the shops, for toasting, just suck. Compared to every waffle I've ever eaten whilst over in your country, that is.

You don't get Eggos? You poor deprived bastards :(.
Nope :( I just googled them though, and god I wish we did get them. I'll need to see if my tenessee friend can bring any back next time he comes over from the states. Along with everclear, JD BBQ sauce, Fruit loops, and assorted other US-only foodstuffs/booze.
Bacon, cheese, coleslaw, mayo, turkey, ham, chicken, lettuice, tomato, and lurpak easy spread margarine in between two slices of hovis toastie bread, cut up into triangular halfs and held together by toothpicks. I feel thats just the right level of excess for me.
God bless Scottish cuisine :D
The mere thought of it makes your arteries scream for mercy.

Solaris said:
Cry more n00b.
Dude, that's harsh.
Hmm, I find potatoes and salad often blend well.

Wow, even though I wouldn't eat almost any of the stuff being posted, it sure is a hell of alot more interesting then my shit. I'm pretty conservative when it comes to food.
Once I had vanilla icecream stirred in with some milk and put a few peppermints in there. Left the flavour to sink in for awhile and it was actually pretty good. Now I'm wondering if they make peppermint icecream...
Well, the only waffles we get are crappy pre-packaged ones that are nothing like their US counterparts. It's hard to explain, suffice to say that waffle-irons dont exist over here, and the waffles you can buy in the shops, for toasting, just suck. Compared to every waffle I've ever eaten whilst over in your country, that is.


btw BadHat they do. lol.

btw BadHat they do. lol.

Yep. God bless Baskin Robbins.

I think the strangest thing I've put in my mouth is one of those silica packets. You know, those things they put with clothing or computer parts to absorb moisture? I was curious. D:
Peanut Butter + Syrup +Grape Jelly


Cook some Hamburger meat, chop it up real good, then scramble some eggs, dip bread in it, fry the bread *french toast!* and salt the hamburger meat, and chop up the french toast, and combine. YUM.
Yep. God bless Baskin Robbins.

I think the strangest thing I've put in my mouth is one of those silica packets. You know, those things they put with clothing or computer parts to absorb moisture? I was curious. D:

Aren't those things supposed to be bad for you if you eat them? :eek:
My friend is fond of fishcakes, cheese and mayo sandwhiches.

I think they sound ming-tastic.
Cook some Hamburger meat, chop it up real good, then scramble some eggs, dip bread in it, fry the bread *french toast!* and salt the hamburger meat, and chop up the french toast, and combine. YUM.

That sounds amazing.

I just tend to eat whatever's around at the time, so I don't really have any quirky food habits.
Baked Beans with tuna and cheese thrown in.

Cheddar cheese and branston pickle sandwiches.

Tuna and salad cream sandwiches.

Choffee - Basically a milky coffee with a tbsp of chocolate powder in it.
Baked Beans with tuna and cheese thrown in.

Cheddar cheese and branston pickle sandwiches.

Tuna and salad cream sandwiches.

Choffee - Basically a milky coffee with a tbsp of chocolate powder in it.

isn't that a mocha?

Tuna and salad cream is great, nice change from Tuna mayo.

Tuna mayo, mature cheddar, and branston pickle.

Yum yum

I also do a wok special where I just throw everything that's about to go off in and shallow fry for bout 30 mins. Results clearly vary.
Yep. God bless Baskin Robbins.

I think the strangest thing I've put in my mouth is one of those silica packets. You know, those things they put with clothing or computer parts to absorb moisture? I was curious. D:

You mean those things that say DO NOT EAT all over them?
And umm... you ate it? lol

Now I know why they have warnings on everything...
Toast slathered in peanut butter, with sliced pickles layed out on top.

Delicious as all hell... even my grandmother loves them. And she's from germany.