Tea or Coffee?

Tea or Coffee?

  • Tea

    Votes: 28 51.9%
  • Coffee

    Votes: 26 48.1%

  • Total voters


Aug 28, 2004
Reaction score
So whats your favourite Tea or Coffee?
And what kind?
And how many sugars or sweetners do you have?

I personally like Lapsang souchong (tea BTW) with 2-3 sugars.
I LOVE coffee. Black. As strong as physically possible. I have no angst against tea. I don't drink it hot anymore though. I like a good sweet iced tea though every now and then.
Tea, white, 3 sugars ... rarely drink coffee now... and even when I do, its white. Black coffee gives me bad breath.
coffee, double-double at timmy's

also: turkish coffee, espresso
I think you mean Englander. Or is that Englishman...
StardogChampion said:
Coffee is for strange old men with dirty, brown, decaying teeth.

Plus tea makes you live longer.
Tea. Either English or Chinese.
Usually with milk, no sugar.

And tea has lots of properties to defend against cancer, and is generally healthy all round, unlike coffee :D

Not really into the coffee culture thing, and I hate shops called "Starbucks" "Costa Coffee" "Coffee Republic" :p
Red Bull and Vodka !

But im not allowed that ;(

so it would ahve to be tea with 3 sugars and a load of milk :)
God damnit!! I accidentally voted for Tea but I ment coffee. Tea is awful, I don't understand how someone can like it
Tea. I like it with or without milk, but I don't like having sugar in it. It just doesn't seem right. In fact, lots of foods are better before sugar and salt are added.
Tea, milk and no sugar for me. I cant stand the taste and smell of coffee.
Tea, milk and sugar. Heh never make it myself, as i suck terribly at it. I love it cold, but i dont like ice tea, so i tend to leave it for a while to get cold. Coffees just bleurgh.
dont like ether.

If i had to pick it would be Coffee.
Both... <Jitters uncontrolably>
Earl Grey tea (I was brought up on it guvnor so I's got me expensive tastes, see?), tiny bit of milk and two sugars.
Black coffee. Very strong. Double espresso if you've got one?

<Seizes up and enters a caffeine-enduced catatonia>
el Chi said:
Both... <Jitters uncontrolably>
Earl Grey tea (I was brought up on it guvnor so I's got me expensive tastes, see?), tiny bit of milk and two sugars.
Black coffee. Very strong. Double espresso if you've got one?

<Seizes up and enters a caffeine-enduced catatonia>

You should go see the doctor about that.
I drink coffee and tea both about equally, but an excess of coffee tends to make my mouth smell like someone pooed in it. Plus tea feels like more of a relax-ey drink which I can kick back and drink while reading a book or waffling with friends. Whereas coffee is more just something hot and brown that I swig down in a rush. And I hate Starbucks. So TEA it is!!

Milk, one sugar, strong, PG Tips B)

And now I'm off to make myself a coffee.
Straght Nonfat Latte

Aww yah, thats the stuff
how can some people hate both? you have to choose one. In life someones gonna ask you "tea or coffee?" whatcha gonna say? ill have a nesquick if they're going lol
Tea though, typical english tea, white, 2 sugars. Nothing against coffee, smells lovely just ends there for me.
I like half french vanilla capucinno and half hot chocolate...mmm..
Uhh tea and milk?

the very thought of putting milk in my lipton tea makes me want to vomit
Hectic Glenn said:
how can some people hate both? you have to choose one. In life someones gonna ask you "tea or coffee?" whatcha gonna say? ill have a nesquick if they're going

Mine's a hot milk, three sugars...

I couldnt live without tea/coffee, if I dont have large amounts of either throughout the day i'm just half asleep and unhappy. How anyone can live happy lives without them is beyond me!
Coffee, black, no sugar. The way all coders/lawyers should drink it.

-Angry Lawyer
Kommie said:
Uhh tea and milk?

the very thought of putting milk in my lipton tea makes me want to vomit

Here in the US of K we have real tea that demands milk, not just your fruity chic iced tea poncery! :LOL: That and curry, the proudest remnants of our colonial history...

Maybe in 200 years when America's hegemony is a fading memory, you guys will have got something cool out of it to show off to other countries like we have in English tea... :thumbs:
I like every kind of tea, most without sugar but sometimes I need a bit. ;) Depends on the tea.
Sometimes I drink coffee, too, but I prefer tea (so I votet for tea :)).
Razor said:
A true English drinks tea :).

not just England. whole of britain tbh :D .

personally i like hot chocolate! Where is the Hot choccie???? :x :E