Teacher has sex with 11 year old student and father!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Smithfield ? A former Johnston County teacher has pleaded no contest to a charge of having sex with an 11-year-old student, authorities said.

Rebecca Withrow, 30, of 265 Cambridge Elm Drive in Clayton, was sentenced to 120 days in jail but was given credit for the 40 days she already has served. She was also placed on supervised probation for five years and was ordered to perform 120 hours of community service and to avoid all contact with the student and his family.

As part of a plea deal, first-degree rape of a child and indecent liberties with a child charges were dismissed. She resigned from Johnston County Schools last October as authorities investigated the allegations.

At the time of her arrest, Johnston County Sheriff Steve Bizzell said the boy's mother claimed Withrow also had an affair with her husband.

Withrow is divorced and has two young daughters.
how can she possibly not be sitting in prison...
wasnt there a post a few days ago about a 17 year old having sex with a 15 year old and getting imprisoned for 10 friggin years?...
I've noticed a pattern here. Any sex-related threads are always created by CyberPitz.

He is HL2.net's sex...person!
When I was that age, I had a mad crush on some hot young teachers. I never got any, though. :(
The female teacher does look kind of ugly in the article picture, see for yourself.

I remember this really hot female teacher that had sex with a younger boy. That's how life should be.
wasnt there a post a few days ago about a 17 year old having sex with a 15 year old and getting imprisoned for 10 friggin years?...

I posted that story last year, it's still getting replies with updates on his case. What's your fucking point?

Now look at this picture. I feel sorry for the kid. Usually it's awesome, but...*gag*
I'd hit it.

... with a paper aeroplane ...

... but lets face it, you couldn't miss.
I feel bad for the dad aswell. I mean if you have an affair with someone like that, you have a pretty appalling wedding tbh :p
I feel bad for the dad aswell. I mean if you have an affair with someone like that, you have a pretty appalling wedding tbh :p
And then to learn that your son had been in there before D:

...or maybe that's why he did it? :O
And then to learn that your son had been in there before D:

...or maybe that's why he did it? :O
When I read the thread title, I assumed they did it at the same time... some sort of semi-incest-teacher-orgy.
The eleven year old probably couldn't find the right hole... and since she was larger than a whale, that didn't help either.
When I read the thread title, I assumed they did it at the same time... some sort of semi-incest-teacher-orgy.

That's what I was thinking when I first saw the news story too :p
When I read the thread title, I assumed they did it at the same time... some sort of semi-incest-teacher-orgy.

I was under that impression as well and was disappointed.
120 days? Had that been a male teacher and a female student he would've gotten 20 years in prison.
I remember back in the days a story like this but the teacher was actually preety hot.
hey...she isn't hot at all!!! Lock her up and throw away the key!!
120 days? Had that been a male teacher and a female student he would've gotten 20 years in prison.

That was what i was thinking

Then i wondered why Pitzy always posts these threads

wasnt there a post a few days ago about a 17 year old having sex with a 15 year old and getting imprisoned for 10 friggin years?...

Well to be fair the case that you are talking about the boy was black, and we all know how it is with our justice system when it comes to blacks.

And man, the teacher wasn't even hot, she should have gotten way more time than that. [/sarcasm]

Now, I wonder if a guy that was 30 years had sex with an 11 year old how long he would have served in prison for. I'm sure it would have been a little longer than 120 days.
I'm really just curious as to why she only got that small of a sentence.... o_O
WO! Put her back in! She ain't done yet!

Christ. Even I knew better than that at 11 years old. He should have held out for a hot teacher.
If she's hot it shouldn't be a jailable offense.

I'm serious.
*Listens to VanHalen's "Hot for the Teacher"*
"Teacher has sex with 11 year old Father"

Now that's scandalous! :O
...Rebecca Withrow, 30, of 265 Cambridge Elm Drive in Clayton...

What the ****! Isn't it prohibited to disclose private residential information in a public television forum?