Teacher refuses to give fingerprints says it's a "Mark of the Beast"


May 5, 2004
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says the constitution gives her the right to be crazy

A 22-year veteran kindergarten teacher in the Texas Bible Belt could lose her job for refusing, on religious grounds, to give fingerprints under a state law requiring them.

The evangelical Christian, Pam McLaurin, is fighting a looming suspension, claiming that fingerprinting amounts to the â??Mark of the Beast,â? and hence is a violation of her First Amendment right to practice her religion. Her case is similar to a lawsuit by a group of Michigan farmers, some of them Amish, challenging rules requiring the tagging of livestock with RFID chips, saying the devices are also the devilâ??s mark.

McLaurinâ??s lawsuit against the Texas Education Agency cites various passages of Revelation, the final book of The Bible:

"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand and on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.â?¦"




full story

So if you don't want to give your prints you just say you're religious? : D
More than likely he committed a felony and he's just trying not to get caught.
does in amish math 5=666?

or her fingerprints have a 6 shape? still is 66666 and the umber is 666
Isn't the number actually 616? :I

I approve of the Iron Maiden-ness though.
She's right, you know.

it depends. since her idiotic sect believes in the End of Times she might have a point:

"Futurist Christian eschatology typically holds that the Mark of the Beast is one way in which the Antichrist will exercise power over the Earth during the period of Tribulation"

however ONLY IF she can prove that fingerprinting is the mark of the beast. which would be hard to do because of this passage:

* Some Christians interpret the mark as a requirement for all commerce to mean that the mark might actually be an object with the function of a credit card (eg. RFID).[48]
* Steven D. Miller proposes that the mark of the beast may refer to a social security number or card.[49]
* Terry Watkins supposes the mark to be a microchip and or barcode on the human body

how would fingerprinting be makr of the beast if all it does is take the impression of what's already there? if her objection is simply recording it then why doesnt that apply with everything from filling out a form to taking a blood test? religious people just pick shit out the thin air without regard as to it's validity
Err, Huh?

Meaning she's been a teacher for 22 years...

Religious + years of psychological damage from being a teacher = religious lunatic that is allowed around kindergarten children, great...
Meaning she's been a teacher for 22 years...

Religious + years of psychological damage from being a teacher = religious lunatic that is allowed around kindergarten children, great...

ooooo, usually veteran means they served in the military, not a god damn school teacher.. I thought it meant she was 22 years old and a veteran, which is possible, but I was wondering how she managed to get her teaching degree though.
Goddamn people don't even know what 'veteran' means.
Except... you know instead of a good flamethrower death like I always pictured would happen when refusing the mark of the beast(when I was religious), she gets fired instead.

Actually, the number of The Beast is 555-4678. He's a pretty cool guy.
Seriously though, RFID chips are ****ed up.
I saw Willie had posted in this thread, and I thought to myself: I'll bet he says "Hail Satan"
Seriously though, RFID chips are ****ed up.

Why? I have 3 RFID chips on myself right now. I don't think there's anyone who lives in a metropolitan area that doesn't use RFID chips.

Anyway, on topic: Take her out back and shoot her.
Meaning she's been a teacher for 22 years...

Religious + years of psychological damage from being a teacher = religious lunatic that is allowed around kindergarten children, great...

They like to get them young these days.