

Aug 10, 2004
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My friend is going to take my calc3 class with me this semester because he was too lazy to pick classes so he just copied my schedule (Despite the fact that he didn't meet any of the prerequisites). Now the farthest he's gotten in math is geometry. How hard do you think it'd be to teach him enough back math to pass the tests?

Would learning everything in between geometry and calc3 in prolly two weeks be hard or impossible?

(Oh, plus he's taking my phys 230 class with me too if he can crash)
Very difficult. He has to be really smart and you two need to work at it a ton over the two weeks.

Is this multivariable calculus or differentials?

If its multivariable (just took this last semester), you have to teach him at the very least trigonometry (except the complex memorization rules), simple differentiation (and the chain rule, it's very important), and basic integration. Make sure he understands the theory behind everything you teach, not just how to do it.

I dunno about differential equations, since I'm taking that next semester.
Okay.. i'm not big on work.. neither is he... we'll prolly spend a couple hours a day... maybe...

Ikerous said:
Okay.. i'm not big on work.. neither is he... we'll prolly spend a couple hours a day... maybe...


Just to pass the class? Depends how fast he is at learning stuff. He won't do well, though.
Nat Turner said:
Very difficult. He has to be really smart and you two need to work at it a ton over the two weeks.

Ikerous told me all about this guy, and trust me when I say he's a shinin' star in a sea of mediocrity. This guy radiates with intelligence and work ethic.

He failed art school.

And he copied Ikerous' schedule because he was too lazy to choose his own classes.

(No offense!)
TheSomeone said:
Ikerous told me all about this guy, and trust me when I say he's a shinin' star in a sea of mediocrity. This guy radiates with intelligence and work ethic.

He failed art school.

And he copied Ikerous' schedule because he was too lazy to choose his own classes.

(No offense!)

How did he actually fail school?? That's pretty bad... :eek:

God if I didn't want to work at school, I wouldn't go in the first place. Obviously.
Nat Turner said:
How did he actually fail school?? That's pretty bad... :eek:
The vast majority of the time we'd hang out and get high instead of doing hw.
That plus poor attendence = failing

I think he can do it ^_^

It cant possibley be that hard
Ikerous said:
The vast majority of the time we'd hang out and get high instead of doing hw.
That plus poor attendence = failing

I think he can do it ^_^

It cant possibley be that hard

Yeah but then why does he go to college then if he doesn't go to class and fails? Just seems like a waste of money. Don't his parents get pissed?
Ikerous said:
How hard do you think it'd be to teach him enough back math to pass the tests?

Send him over to see a shrink that can measure his IQ. If he scores in the top 0.0001% range, there is a slight chance that he might be able to learn Algebra, Algebra II, Precalculus, Calculus I, and Calculus II, in addition to Calculus III, all in the upcoming semester, sometime during his spare time.
at my high school algebra 1 came before geometry

See, thats only like 4 years worth of math for him to learn :D
(plus calc3's stuff.. and all our other classes...)
Ikerous said:
at my high school algebra 1 came before geometry

See, thats only like 4 years worth of math for him to learn :D
(plus this classes stuff.. and all our other classes...)

Seeing that he skips classes and has failed art school, I now vote impossible. :|

Skipping classes or doing drugs isn't necessarily bad, just make sure you know what you're doing. I personally do neither. Keep in mind that employers look at your GPA.
Nat Turner said:
Seeing that he skips classes and has failed art school, I now vote impossible. :|

Skipping classes or doing drugs isn't necessarily bad, just make sure you know what you're doing. I personally do neither. Keep in mind that employers look at your GPA.
I had perfect attendence throughout highschool, it's not really a problem for me. And since we'll have all the same classes (Assuming he can crash all my classes...) he'll probably attend just cuz its bound to be occasionally entertaining.

Plus he wants to be a chemical engineer and he needs to take these classes to do that. And if he does end up learning all this stuff, he could prolly test out of all the lower maths and save himself from having to take alll those classes
Nat Turner said:
Seeing that he skips classes and has failed art school, I now vote impossible. :|

Skipping classes or doing drugs isn't necessarily bad, just make sure you know what you're doing. I personally do neither. Keep in mind that employers look at your GPA.

Nowdays everything is so competitive that those with bad grades are trully ****ed up. Even those who don't have a diploma from a top university will have a hard time getting a decent job..
Lou said:
Nowdays everything is so competitive that those with bad grades are trully ****ed up. Even those who don't have a diploma from a top university will have a hard time getting a descent job..

Well, you'll have a hard time getting a decent job anyways with just a bachelor's, regardless of the school (read: decent job makes >60k). I'm trying for really high grades so I can go to grad school at a decent/awesome place and eventually get a phd. It's definitely doable.
Nat Turner said:
Well, you'll have a hard time getting a decent job anyways with just a bachelor's, regardless of the school (read: decent job makes >60k). I'm trying for really high grades so I can go to grad school at a decent/awesome place and eventually get a phd. It's definitely doable.

What undergraduate school are currently going to? Also, what's your definition of really high grades? Summa Cum Laude?
Lou said:
What undergraduate school are currently going to? Also, what's your definition of really high grades? Summa Cum Laude?

I'm going to Umass Amherst for electrical engineering. It's a crappy school for everything, unless you are in engineering. For this field, it's ranked up there with WPI (Worcestor Polytechnic Institute). Really cheap too if you're going in-state and have all the good scholarships. And yeah, I'm hoping to graduate with a 3.8 GPA for summa cum laude. I'm already there, just have to maintain it.
Nat Turner said:
I'm going to Umass Amherst for electrical engineering. It's a crappy school for everything, unless you are in engineering. For this field, it's ranked up there with WPI (Worcestor Polytechnic Institute). Really cheap too if you're going in-state and have all the good scholarships. And yeah, I'm hoping to graduate with a 3.8 GPA for summa cum laude. I'm already there, just have to maintain it.

Bill Cosby went there, and at least one astronaut that I know of :)

Also don't call it a crappy school. The parties there are great :) How do you guys get along with the kids from Amherst College?
Lou said:
Bill Cosby went there, and at least one astronaut that I know of :)

Also don't call it a crappy school. The parties there are great :) How do you guys get along with the kids from Amherst College?

Yeah, the parties are awesome. :D It's just a relatively crappy school for the non-engineering fields, compared to programs at other expensive colleges. Don't get me wrong, the campus itself is awesome. I love it there.

I haven't met anyone from Amherst College yet. My friend might be going there, though.