Team America! CSS Mod

We love Shens because of the comedy of the content of his posts, not because of the writing style.

-Angry Lawyer
I was just responding to him calling me a copycat and insulting my writing.

A little, tit for tat, as they say.
Americans...:rolleyes: i will say it again and at all time.......Americans...:rolleyes:
Ways to avoid copyright problems: Have no central website. Ensure there is no way of achieving formal contact. Work in general secrecy. If you want to release media then just post stuff anonymously in forums. Release mod just like normal at first using traditional methods, however once they catch on and stop hosting it then simply move on to P2P methods.
Your writing is horrible Analognovelist and you are also a copycat. You are a disgrace. Also, your penis is small. And you are a homosexual. I also attack and infer carnal relations with your mother.

Angry Lawyer made me do it.
I knew right away that Angry Lawer would reign his fist of steel and crush the forum poster with the truth
Your writing is horrible Analognovelist and you are also a copycat. You are a disgrace. Also, your penis is small. And you are a homosexual. I also attack and infer carnal relations with your mother.

feeling threaterned are we.
Come on Shens, You're supposed to be this funny guy, I'm SURE you can come up with something better than that. Frankly I'm dissapointed in you.
Come on Shens, You're supposed to be this funny guy, I'm SURE you can come up with something better than that. Frankly I'm dissapointed in you.

seeing as hes just challaneged you, you should have said something better than that. in my mind youve lost analognovelist, sorry.
Listen, between you and me, I don't find myself that funny. In fact, I'm not funny at all. Not even close. I can't really find any entertainment in any of my posts. It's just their crappy over-perceived funniness that's just crazy exaggerated. Nothing more than a false illusion.

Crackhead has declared me vanquished. Stop the presses!

Oh, and a post entirely composed of cliched middle school comebacks doesn't exactly neccesitate a finely tuned verbal salvo in response.

When monkeys throw crap at the zoo, Do you throw it back?

By the way, The fact that your name is crackhead takes a little bit of the edge off of your declarations.
Analognovelist said:
When monkeys throw crap at the zoo, Do you throw it back?
It would appear so.

You both seem to have over (or as I will argue under-) blown images of yourselves.

One of you infers the other is copying your style. This to me says you haven't got enough confidence in yourself to truly go it alone. If you believe you are unique, you will be. If you fail to acknowledge that someone else is unique and have copied you, you are no longer unique. If some of your self pride comes from your unique sense of identity, today you have lost some of that pride.

The other claims that he is not copying the first's style. What is important is not what he is claiming but why he is claiming it. I will assume that he is being truthful (indeed I can only see petty reasoning driving the desire to copy an element of someone else's identity). If the second feels a sense of pride in being "unique" (I think this is a fairly human conception and belief), and truly believes it, he has no reason to justify himself. It is only through doubting (no matter how little) his own sense of individualism that he would have cause to justify himself.

So neither of us are really truly unique or individual. In fact, the very writing of this shows that I am not truly unique because I wish to share my knowledge and therefore deconstruct some of my uniqueness.

Just think of it like this: if you both spontaneously combust tomorrow will your bickering really make a difference?
umm he was talking about me. and i dont claim that hes copying my "style" or that i am "unique" if you wernt talking about me then why did you quate something analognovelist said to me.

shens i personly think your posts are really funny but it could just be the whisky.

analognovelist you make me cry.
Bringing a voice of reason to a derailed thread is me...

Do not make this mod. It would be illegal.

so one of the mods should lock this topic cause it aint going anywhere!
I'm rather upset, Analog, that you've blown up in such an angry way at one of my developers. Being called "Shenslike" is a compliment, not an insult.

-Angry Lawyer
Oh come now, this is all pretty much just a little game anyway, I'm just enjoying myself, I thought that we all knew that. Alot of kiddies get offended by the stuff... I'm not one of them, Shens made a crack about my writing, I returned the favor, Its all in good fun.

Let people like Crispy takes things seriously, me, I'll make B.S. Comments where I reference Orwell and "economy of language"
Although, Crackhead, him I was attacking maliciously, I mean... his name is CRACKHEAD... whats not to make fun of?
We all attack Crackhead maliciously. This part of a forum does need a scapegoat.

-Angry Lawyer
I'd like to personally thank you all for giving me a good laugh, and wasting 15 precious minutes of my life.