Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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I was reading a IGN-shooters-of-2005-preview when my eye caught this:
Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms
Publisher: Sierra
Developer: Valve
Release Date: June 2, 2005

Have I missed something? Is this date in any way official?

Link to the article.
They sound like they know more ("But now it seems like things are back on course for this title's eventual release. This summer, god-willing, gamers will finally get a chance to play the new Team Fortress.") but could be bullshit. Valve said they'd talk about it more in the spring. E3 perhaps?

Heh, they talk about the beauty of Source games, only then to post screenshots from 1999 underneath it :D
is sierra still the publisher. Didn't they move to vivendi?
Wasn't Valve gonna release info about TF2 after HL2 was released?

I could be wrong.
ign likes to make eduaced guesses on when certain games will be released
DarkStar said:
Wasn't Valve gonna release info about TF2 after HL2 was released?

I could be wrong.

Yes, they said after HL2 was released they would talk about it. This E3 will be another HUGE year for Valve once they show off TF2, WHICH THEY BETTER! Oh and btw, Resident Evil 4 is AMAZING.
*crosses fingers* YAY for TF² info, but I doubt that they got some insider info there, just estimations i guess ;)
I doubt IGN knows more than us, and furthermore Valve learned their lesson about posting release dates, remember? IGN is guessing.

It's the same thing that game retailers do. TF2 will likely be released this year, but I doubt it will be so soon as June. A better estimate would be the end of Q4, 2005.
how old is the article u were reading? it could be that its a very old one that has stupid info released by sierra or sommit a while ago
rpgprog said:
is sierra still the publisher. Didn't they move to vivendi?
Sierra Studios were bought out by Vivendi Universal Games. Then Sierra Studios went bankrupt, but the name "Sierra Studios" still exists as a publishing lable. I believe Half-Life 2 boxes had Sierra on them.

Anyway, I think this is all going on the assumption that because Half-Life 2 is out the door, Valve is going to be definitely working on TF2. However, this probably isn't the case. I'd say there still is a team working on TF2 but their main focus is still HL2 and the Source ports along with any future expansions they may have planned.

We may see it at E3 this year, but I very much doubt we'll see it in the shop in June.
My guess is that they just re-hashed the old TF2 info and changed the year of the release date by 4 years.
Eunoch said:
how old is the article u were reading? it could be that its a very old one that has stupid info released by sierra or sommit a while ago

It's two days old, so it's new info.
If it's trustworthy we don't know.
I wonder what kind of innovations Valve is gonna try to bring to the table, seeing as how every feature or uniqueness of TF2 has since been created by every other company.
guys don't u see, it's not even in source. Pictures are with characters of Half Life 1 not Half Life 2. It's total bull. I TF2 is in source, why would they make TF2 in original Half Life engine?
guys don't u see, it's not even in source. Pictures are with characters of Half Life 1 not Half Life 2. It's total bull. I TF2 is in source, why would they make TF2 in original Half Life engine?

The fact that they haven't got new screenshots has nothing to do with anything, its another case of secrecy behind valve's door.
However, if that announcement by ign is true, we should see games magazines next month, try and verify the news by talking to valve, hopefully with new info.
My theory is that they are wating from the VU lawsuit to finish. Them they can announce it with Activision if they win.
Day of defeat, counter strike, team fortress all suck. Let's get some new mods out with original ideas and stop concentrating on old games.
^Ben said:
Did'nt they already win?

Ah well heres some random DOD : S info for you from Greg Coomer.

Originally posted by Greg Coomer
Work on Day of Defeat: Source is coming along very nicely. Beta testing is beginning soon, and the release is not too far away. We'll have more news on this soon.
That was the steam case, I believe there was another little thing about valve wanting to go to activision but vivendi offcourse didn't want that to happen, so they sued valve for it. about claiming all rights for halflife, wich would mean that valve would be forced to publisch all halflife related products trough vivendi and not activision
But TF2 is not half-life related. That's why they can publish DoD/S through activision.
oh man that would be cool TF was better then CS if u ask me
That was the steam case, I believe there was another little thing about valve wanting to go to activision but vivendi offcourse didn't want that to happen, so they sued valve for it. about claiming all rights for halflife, wich would mean that valve would be forced to publisch all halflife related products trough vivendi and not activision
Actually as I remember it valve were in 2 court cases with vivendi.
1.)About them putting Condition Zero in Cyber Cafes.
2.)Steam Rights
Valve won the condition zero one, the Steam Rights I believe is still going on.

That should be correct.
EVIL said:
so they sued valve for it about claiming all rights for halflife, wich would mean that valve would be forced to publish all halflife related products trough vivendi and not activision

What does this matter to us game players?

Rachel Powers said:
Day of defeat, counter strike, team fortress all suck. Let's get some new mods out with original ideas and stop concentrating on old games.

There are. Look in my sig.

But, the fact is, when you have people getting together to build a mod, and they've never done it before, sometimes the mod project gets crappy or dropped altogether.

That's why it's good to stick with success.
I hope this is true but prob is valves version of Duke Nukem Forever at this point...At least there will be the mod Fortress Forever in the meantime (i apologise if i got the name wrong...really hope i didnt)
It's a wonderful idea, less than 5 months away, but
I won't count on a project's ETA when they have other projects in the pipeline.

I've waited plenty a year, i can wait longer : ]
Not quite DNF yet. Valve barely made any announcements, and has only switched the engine near the start of developement, not 5 years in :P
Rachel Powers said:
Day of defeat, counter strike, team fortress all suck. Let's get some new mods out with original ideas and stop concentrating on old games.

Hahaha. TF2 is not just a TFC port. It's an entire new mod.

But yeah, I do agree, CS + DOD are getting quite repetitive. Wait 6 months for any thirdparty mods to hit mirrors.