Team Fortress 2 Classless Update Released with new CTF & CP Maps

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
The classless update is now available and your TF2 should be updating as I write this. Day 3 provides info on two new maps, the first CTF_sawmill (only the third official ctf map which is surprising). The arena version has been extensively reworked to accommodate the CTF game mode.[br]We will also be getting cp_Yukon, a community made map with 5 control points. You'll be glad to know it is an alpine themed map and looks extremely impressive (see below).[br]This update has also brought a significant amount of changes and fixes to general TF2 maps / weapons / class tweaks which you can read below.[br][br]
New Content
  • Added King Of The Hill game mode
  • Added custom animations played by the losing team during the post-win state. They are moved into third person camera to enjoy them
  • Added lots of new hats
Additions / Changes
  • Added "Auto Reload" option to the multiplayer advanced options
  • Clip-based weapons that reload a full clip at a time can now have their reloads aborted by firing
  • Pistol now fires at a fixed rate, not based on the speed at which you press the firing button
  • Added a color blind option to add a Jarate icon above enemies who are busy accepting a terrifying existence where they have no dignity
  • Significantly reduced the amount of network traffic being sent
  • Capturing the flag in a CTF game mode gives the entire capturing team 10 seconds of critboost
  • Sappers attached to a teleporter automatically place another Sapper on the other end of the teleporter, if it exists
  • Engineers wrenching a teleporter will repair the other end as well, and remove Sappers from both if they exist
  • Disguised Spies no longer trigger On-Hit effects (like the Blutsauger's heal)
  • Removed self-inflicted minicrits. Fixes Jarate'd Soldiers/Demomen having ineffective rocket/grenade jumps
  • Added an item panel to the spectator cam that shows non-standard items being carried by the player you're spectating
  • Added an "Inspect" key that allows you to look at items being carried by your team mates
Backpack improvements:
  • Added drag & drop to move items around. Item positions are maintained on the backend
  • Added multi-select, allowing you to delete multiple items at once
  • Added a new key to the key binding page that opens your inventory directly to your backpack
  • Fixed mouseover panel being incorrectly position when the backpack first appears
  • Cloaked Spies standing in valid backstab positions no longer raise their knife
  • Added current map name and gametype to the bottom right of scoreboard
  • Added class icons to tips on the loadout and loading screens
  • Improved visuals around flags when they're being carried by a player
  • Improved critboosted visuals, making it much clearer when an enemy has critboost
  • Updated the loading panel to show the game type under the map name during level transition
  • In-game chat dialog now supports full Unicode characters
  • Added BLU main menu background
  • Added response caching for some server queries to help reduce the CPU load from DOS attacks
  • Teammates no longer block friendly radius damage. Prevents nearby teammates causing rocket/grenade jumps to fail
Map Changes
  • Update PLR_Pipeline
  • Increased the starting advantage in the third round if a team has won the first two rounds
  • Fixed carts not continuing to the second round if they're capped at the same time in the first round
  • Fixed being able to shoot pipebombs over the starting gates in the first round
  • Fixed being able to open the doors in the first round before the setup time was finished
  • Fixed players getting stuck in some doors
  • Fixed players being able to get onto rooftops and out of the map boundaries
  • Fixed other minor bugs and exploits
  • Added community map Arena_Offblast
  • Added community map Cp_Yukon
  • Update Arena_Sawmill - Fixed DirectX8 bug where some models would not be visible
  • Fixed exploit with building teleporters outside of the map
  • Updated CP_Granary - Made a few changes to improve balance based on competitive community feedback

Item Reworks - The Force of Nature
  • The enemy knockback now only works in close range and behaves more like the Pyro's air blast
  • Enemies cannot be juggled by the FaN's effect
  • The self-knockback has also changed to respect the firer's view angle. Looking up while shooting will no longer propel the enemy upwards
  • Knockback is now scaled by damage done

The Sandman
  • [*]A Scout will receive 1 point for stunning an enemy and 2 points for a long range stun
  • Stunned players now take 75% of all incoming damage instead of 50%
  • Ubercharged players can no longer be stunned
  • Heavies spinning their mini-guns will continue to spin when stunned (whether the left or right mouse button is pressed)
  • The minimum distance to stun a target has been reduced
  • The negative attribute has changed from "no double jump" to "-25 max health"

  • Fixed various issues around layout & presentation of items inside the Backpack and "X is carrying" item dialogs
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to work around sv_pure
  • Particle files are now protected by sv_pure
  • Fixed critboost effect getting stuck on when you die while critboosted
  • Fixed Timer HUD element backgrounds not being the correct color if you change teams during waiting for players
  • Fixed a couple of issues with the way critboosts affected The Huntsman and the Spy's knife
  • Fixed an exploit where you could reload The Huntsman faster than intended
  • Fixed Heavy "civilian" exploit
  • Fixed a set of exploits using the DXSupport config files
  • Fixed r_screenfademinsize and r_screenfademaxsize exploits
  • Fixed sentries firing at a fully cloaked Spy if they're still the closest target

Community requests
  • Added a HUD element for hybrid CTF & CP maps
  • Supports 1 or 2 flags, and any number of CPs
  • Mapmakers need to place a "tf_logic_hybrid_ctf_cp" entity in their map to enable it
  • Added custom kill server log text "train" and "saw" for deaths caused by these environmental hazards
  • Format: "%s<%i><%s><%s>" committed suicide with "world" (customkill "%s") (attacker_position "%d %d %d")
  • Added new "medic_death" event for server logs
  • Format: "%s<%i><%s><%s>" triggered "medic_death" against "%s<%i><%s><%s>" (healing "%d") (ubercharge "%s") -healing is the amount the Medic healed in that life - ubercharge (1/0) is whether they died with a full charge
  • Added "func_respawnflag" trigger entity. It will remove & return the flag if a flag carrier touches it, or if the flag falls into it
Definitely gonna play a load tomorrow. Will be interesting to see how some of those changes pan out.
The Sandman feels so much better now, the alt-fire throws the ball, and primary swings the bat, it felt really odd before.

I also found the following on the steam forums -

New Main Menu BG




TF_Scout_Hat_1" "Batter's Helmet"
"TF_Sniper_Hat_1" "Trophy Belt"
"TF_Soldier_Hat_1" "Soldier's Stash"
"TF_Demo_Hat_1" "Demoman's Fro"
"TF_Medic_Hat_1" "Prussian Pickelhaube"
"TF_Pyro_Hat_1" "Pyro's Beanie"
"TF_Heavy_Hat_1" "Football Helmet"
"TF_Engineer_Hat_1" "Mining Light"
"TF_Spy_Hat_1" "Fancy Fedora"
"TF_Engineer_Cowboy_Hat""Texas Ten Gallon"
"TF_Engineer_Train_Hat" "Engineer's Cap"
"TF_Heavy_Ushanka_Hat" "Officer's Ushanka"
"TF_Heavy_Stocking_cap" "Tough Guy's Toque"
"TF_Soldier_Pot_Hat" "Stainless Pot"
"TF_Soldier_Viking_Hat" "Tyrant's Helm"
"TF_Demo_Scott_Hat" "Glengarry Bonnet"
"TF_Medic_Tyrolean_Hat" "Vintage Tyrolean"
"TF_Pyro_Chicken_Hat" "Respectless Rubber Glove"
"TF_Spy_Camera_Beard" "Camera Beard"
"TF_Medic_Mirror_Hat" "Otolaryngologist's Mirror"
"TF_Pyro_Fireman_Helmet""Brigade Helm"
"TF_Scout_Bonk_Helmet" "Bonk Helm"
"TF_Scout_Newsboy_Cap" "Ye Olde Baker Boy"
"TF_Spy_Derby_Hat" "Backbiter's Billycock"
"TF_Sniper_Straw_Hat" "Professional's Panama"
"TF_Sniper_Jarate_Headband""Master's Yellow Belt"
"TF_Hatless_Scout" "Baseball Bill's Sports Shine"
"TF_Hatless_Sniper" "Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative"
"TF_Hatless_Engineer" "Texas Slim's Dome Shine"
"TF_Demo_Top_Hat" "Scottsman's Stove Pipe"

Very interesting!
The Sandman feels so much better now, the alt-fire throws the ball, and primary swings the bat, it felt really odd before.
Seriously? OH MY GAWD! This is what I wanted since the scout update! Gonna try it now.
Pretty cool update... I may actually use the sandman now!
I knew they'd do ****ing camera beard LOL
I want the Scout's Newsboy cap and the Spy's beard.

However wearing the Spy Beard often would be foolish.
The Teleporter thing will create some big problems IMO. Especially in instances where the Engie finds a hiding spot to built his Teleporter, Sentry, and Dispenser in the heart of the other base.
In those scenarios, it's often up to a Spy to destroy the entrance Teleporter to stop the flood of enemies right into a spawning point or intelligence.

A good example is right in this vent area. I think this is CTF Steel? Anyways, right behind the player is a drop into the intelligence.-

A demoman can just as easily destroy it from underneath.

btw. has anyone else encountered a bug with the wrong classes using certain unlocks, I noticed a soldier with a Kritzkrieg and Scout with a bow this evening, may have just been a dodgy server though.
I noticed a weird bug where we went into overtime on king of the hill and the announcer kept saying "Overtime"...over and over and over and over.
yeah this patch although fun and exciting, has a lot of glitches. i noticed no timestamp at the top or an indicator of how far along i am in king of the hill/cp/etc it was annoying. i had to keep asking teammates the timeleft. also several times one person would get like 15 items all at the same time.
Yay, a ctf map for a change. I don't like the teleporter changes at all. It's completely unnecessary.
The Sandman not stunning ubers is pretty ghey tbh but the other buffs improve it. The double jump is back!
those new teleporter features are ****ing stupid.
The Teleporter thing will create some big problems IMO. Especially in instances where the Engie finds a hiding spot to built his Teleporter, Sentry, and Dispenser in the heart of the other base.
In those scenarios, it's often up to a Spy to destroy the entrance Teleporter to stop the flood of enemies right into a spawning point or intelligence.
Agreed. Also, destroying the entrances forces them to leave their nest to rebuild, giving you a chance to sap it without getting bashed.
The Sandman not stunning ubers is pretty ghey tbh but the other buffs improve it. The double jump is back!
How will we get 'The Big Hurt' achievement now?:O
Why? They make it so an engineer can save his teleporter entrance by hitting his exit instead of it being doomed.

It's also harder for a spy to take an abandoned teleporter down. Unless he shoots it in addition to sapping.

EDIT: I haven't played TF2 for a while now, does the Dead Ringer still suck?
This might just get me playing again...
Great. They nerfed the Force of Nature too. They keep nerfing every ****ing thing with each new update.
All the fun factors keep getting reduced. They should focus on bug fixing instead of ruining our fun.
Keep the "balancing out" crap for the competitive version of the game.
I think the teleporter thing is really good. Before, one spy could ruin the whole offense on pubs (esp. on dustbowl 3/2). As engineer, it sometimes was constant back-/forthrunning.
Ctf_sawmill is now my fav ctf map, I love the style of the underground area - Instead of the usual clean and fresh spytech styled area, its all old and ruined, it has a great feel to it. And the changes they've made around the map have made it much better to play.

King of the hill is fun, although Viaduct is strangely laggy for me, which is annoying seeing as though I do love the snow theme.
i love the autofire pistols. I thought i wouldn't, but now I actually use it.

also, try holding R while shooting an automatic reloading gun
I'm a big engineer player and even I think the new teleporter change is questionable.

Really liked CTF Sawmill and KotH Viaduct was pretty fun.

The defeat reactions are kind of funny.
Koth is pretty boring IMO.

also CTF_sawmill has the most retarded and cramped intel-room ever and I'm not sure why they blocked off the one path way. if they wanted to block it off they should have removed that section entirely...right now all you have is a dead-end loop that confuses would-be intel-carriers.

also I still haven't gotten a single hat :(

They better fix that bug...
this update may have fixed alot of things... but it accidentally broke alot more.
Mmh mm, gotta love me some Overtime!

Liking thee update so far. The teleport sapping much boosts the engineer, but it doesn't over do it. The Spy still has the options to just plain shoot it, or sap spam it, which may even distract the engineer from repairing his sentry long enough for it to be destroyed.

FAN's nerf is greatly appreciated, and although intels new glow feature is completly pointless, it still looks pretty sweet.

Also, I know it's a bit picky, but if you shoot the snow it creates the concrete bullet hole, found this a bit stupid.
Meh The Sandman not being able to stun ubers is annoying me. Also 95 health? Get killed in one hit half the time.
Patch just appeared that fixes all of the above.
I haven't played TF2 in a while, but this big update might make me pick it up again. Maybe.