Team Fortress 2 Custom Sound Pack


Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
The sounds in TF2 are awesome and this is in no way trying to disrespect the designers. I'm a sound designer in the games industry myself and was a slight bit disappointed to find that the pick up sounds were still from HL2 (not much to be disappointed about I know).
I was thinking of doing a small sound pack to make these custom as well, but was wondering if it would interest anyone at all?
I haven't played it yet so I am probably in no position to speak but I imagine the sounds are placeholders.

Having said that, it's a bit late in the day not to have sounds implemented...
I doubt they're placeholders, they work well with the game. Even when they're the same as HL etc..
The sounds in TF2 are awesome and this is in no way trying to disrespect the designers. I'm a sound designer in the games industry myself and was a slight bit disappointed to find that the pick up sounds were still from HL2 (not much to be disappointed about I know).
I was thinking of doing a small sound pack to make these custom as well, but was wondering if it would interest anyone at all?
Perhaps it's just the game designer in you that's picking it up - to be honest, I hadn't noticed and I'm normally quite perceptive with things like that.

I don't think I would download a sound-pack just to replace that sound, to be honest. So to answer your question, no it wouldn't really interest me enough. Thanks for the offer though. If you decide to do it, good luck.
That's one of the first things I noticed when watching some of the gameplay videos and I was a bit disappointed. However, after playing the game, the sounds fit in very well.
man...I can't beleive people are complaining about 2 sounds out of what appear to be hundreds of high quality sounds that are all original...the pick up ammo and med kit sound are kind of iconic, that is why I think they used them...not because they were lazy or uninspired...this game has the most varied amount of controlable voice acting in any game I have ever heard and half the time it isn't even repetitive when you give the same voice command...
Perhaps it's just the game designer in you that's picking it up - to be honest, I hadn't noticed and I'm normally quite perceptive with things like that.

I don't think I would download a sound-pack just to replace that sound, to be honest. So to answer your question, no it wouldn't really interest me enough. Thanks for the offer though. If you decide to do it, good luck.
Nah it's not just one sound, the pack will be about 10 sounds big.
The sounds in TF2 are awesome and this is in no way trying to disrespect the designers. I'm a sound designer in the games industry myself and was a slight bit disappointed to find that the pick up sounds were still from HL2 (not much to be disappointed about I know).
I was thinking of doing a small sound pack to make these custom as well, but was wondering if it would interest anyone at all?

Absolutely, some cartoon movie quotes too!!!
When you put your mouse over the Pyro and Soldier during the class selection menu, you can hear combine soldier stepsounds !!11.

Not a big deal, seriously come on.
I associate that sound with getting health, thus I immediatly knew what health items did in TF2.
Great idea, but I honestly don't notice the HL sounds enough to warrant downloading a pack like this.

A bit off topic, but am I the only one who completely hates people who add a million Quake sounds and overused movie quotes to their server? And then the wonder why they only get 3 players at a time. I'm not going to wait 5 minutes for a round of Dustbowl just for some dumb sound clips.
Hamsocks said:
A bit off topic, but am I the only one who completely hates people who add a million Quake sounds and overused movie quotes to their server?
No; the only people who enjoy those, as far as I can tell, are the admins who set it up in the first place. That - that and annoying admin plugins that pop up useless messages - is why I set my download filter to "none" a long time ago.

Yeah, really drives me freaking crazy after the first soundbyte playes.
Yeah i'm with you Hamsocks aswell, there is nothing more annoying then waiting an age to download loads of sounds i dont want.

As for the original topic i hadnt really thought about it tbh, i associate the sounds in the game with the items so its never been an issue. If you did a sound pack i would look into it, but doubt i would install it a) because i'm lazy and b)i dont particulary dislike any of the current sounds. Sorry, nice idea though.