Team Fortress 2 Free This Weekend


Jul 6, 2003
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[br]Team Fortress 2 will be available for free this weekend to all Steam users, celebrating the Spy/Sniper Update coming today.[br]

Valve has made the Team Fortress 2 game files available for pre-loading.
Free weekends. Ugh, my server will be full of noobs instead of regulars :(
... have they really though. My TF2 says 100%. Last update as of the 20th April. No option to pre-load this side.

Any specific time been given for this yet? Can someone please post it up in GMT for us using mean time of the Greenwich variety? Thank you.
... have they really though. My TF2 says 100%. Last update as of the 20th April. No option to pre-load this side.

Any specific time been given for this yet? Can someone please post it up in GMT for us using mean time of the Greenwich variety? Thank you.

If your TF2 is at 100% then there's nothing left to preload. The preload is for people who don't have TF2 on their accounts and want to play ASAP when the free weekend starts.
You can preload using this link.

The free weekend will start today (long weekend!) but I think they will coincide the activation of the free weekend with the Spy / Sniper update release.

It will be released tonight, the previous updates come between 10pm and 2am GMT. So I would expect activation around those times. Hope that helps.

If there were definitive times I would give them to you, but Doug Lombardi hasn't given any in his press releases.
im almost certain i haven't had to download anything already. Oh well, when it's out it's out. Just wanted to avoid the slow download battle at the release. cheers.
Also to make sure I didn't misunderstand you, you can't pre-load the update. The pre-load will be the game up to current condition. TF2 will automatically update upon release this evening and you'll have to join the download battle. (Although to be honest, it's usually fine these days).
Also to make sure I didn't misunderstand you, you can't pre-load the update. The pre-load will be the game up to current condition. TF2 will automatically update upon release this evening and you'll have to join the download battle. (Although to be honest, it's usually fine these days).

Okay, makes alot more sense. thought the update would be available to pre-load so it's all go at one time. Cheers fellas.
Okay, makes alot more sense. thought the update would be available to pre-load so it's all go at one time. Cheers fellas.

Updates are never pre-loaded as they aren't usually that big, and Valve would have a big problem in stopping people playing the pre-loaded update before they are meant to.
This one will be fairly meaty in size.

That's what she said! Yeah I know...
Team Fortress 2 is free for me every weekend.

Because I bought it (Orange Box).

If you don't have it, buy it to. as "bang for your buck" goes TF2 has to be one of the the best gaming investments you can make.

Or you can go buy The Sims 3 and spend money on new content and features released in a million expansions, much of which could have been in the original game, and pay micro-transactions for non-expansion content.

You know those old pair of sneakers or whatever you've had since you were but a teenager and that even now are going strong?.

That's a Valve game.

Think about it.

Wheres the Spies knife? You think we are going to get the last weapon and update at the same time?
I'm not so sure the Knife is getting an unlockable. They've already listed 3 Spy unlockables, and there's not much you can do to the knife without drastically altering the Spy's gameplay.
ugh.....easy kills??

It's not about kills, it's about having a good, fun game with two sides both using teamwork.
If I wanted easy kills I'd play on those shitty 24/7 instaspawn zerg servers.
If there's a knife upgrade, I hope it's a razor cheesewire so you can decap characters from behind :D

Plus theres gonna be hackers all weekend :(
I'm not so sure the Knife is getting an unlockable. They've already listed 3 Spy unlockables, and there's not much you can do to the knife without drastically altering the Spy's gameplay.

According to the Character Setup screen the Spy has a space for the knife so who knows...
Maybe it's their way of preventing farming- fill the servers with new guys so we don't have to grind to get all the unlocks. :p
ffs release the update already

knowing valve, they will release it at 11:59pm "oh its still thursday" ffs.
It sure is going to be a strange weekend for any new gamers. They'll discover that there are only two classes seeing much use, and when they try to join a game on the hugely popular "achievements_spysniper" map they'll have to figure out why red and blue players are killing each other in extremely polite and cooperative ways.
Now to wait a few eons for the ****ing servers to let me dl it.
damn it. I just realized I had uninstalled TF2. ..and I can't download the game since the servers are too busy.. :p

edit: screw it I'll just dl it tomorrow