Team Fortress 2 Gets Unlocked!


May 6, 2005
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A couple of weeks ago we heard rumours that Valve we planning to introduce some major changes into Team Fortress 2. Tom Francis from PC Gamer UK is currently visiting Valve and has revealed the big change and a new game mode to go along side it.[br]The big change to the gameplay of TF2 is the addition of unlocks, at first they will only be limited to the Medic class and will be unlocked by completing a certain amount of the new achievements for the Medic. The new game mode requires you to escort a mine cart accross a map to the opponents base. Here is some of what Tom said.[br]
Starting with just two new items for the Medic, Valve are going to be gradually rolling out new, unlockable weapons for every class. These will be alternative versions of their current loadouts that, once unlocked by earning a certain number of achievements, you can pick and choose from on a new 'Loadout' menu.[br] The new game mode is showcased in Goldrush - the map that will ship alongside cp_badlands in a little over a month from now. One team must escort a small mining cart through a series of Dustbowl-like map segments. The cart moves faster the more Blue players are near it, but stops entirely if even one Red player is in range. Blue have to escort the cart all the way to Red's headquarters within a certain timelimit.
Read the rest of this news here.
One team must escort a small mining cart through a series of Dustbowl-like map segments. The cart moves faster the more Blue players are near it, but stops entirely if even one Red player is in range. Blue have to escort the cart all the way to Red's headquarters within a certain timelimit.

i the fun awaiting me..
I'm hoping that the new abilities don't spoil gameplay.

And I'd have thought that only giving these to players who have unlocked stuff would have given them an unfair advantage.
Goldrush sounds like fun.

I'm not sure how I feel about the "unlocks" I really need more info, how many extra weapon choices, how drastic will choosing different weapons affect the class (ie will we have sub-classes), there is already a lot of variety in TF2 (admittedly spread over 9 classes) what could they add, how will this effect TF2's gameplay as a whole, how hard will it be to unlock, will it be worth it?


The unlockables aren't just beefed up versions of the weapons, they balance major advantages and disadvantages to fundamentally alter the role of that class. The first Medic unlock, for example, is called the Overhealer. Instead of temporarily buffing people's health to 50% above their normal maximum, it permanently boosts them to double their standard health. The downside is that it'll be dramatically worse at building Ubercharge - in fact, Valve are toying with not letting it Uber at all.

No details on what the second unlock they'll be rolling out in this update will be, beyond the basics: it'll be another Medic healing ray, and it'll change the way the class plays all over again. The first is earned by acquiring half of the thirty-five new Medic achievements, the second for acquiring them all.

Okay so two new medic heal gun's, a change for the class but not a drastic one, I'm excited to hear about the other additions now, it's hard to imagine classes like the Soldier, Sniper or Spy being any different than they are now.
The developers know what they're doing with their game. I trust they won't do anything to cripple it.

I'm looking forward to the unlocks!
This is Valve not EA. I am 100% positive they won't ruin the game with the new additions.
looks like fun, although i do wonder how they're planning to balance it all out (it'll be near impossible to KNOW everything is balanced in closed testing with all the different combinations of loadouts, so I'm thinking that they'll just get it as close as they can and see what happens as they go class by class)
gee that was a no-brainer different load-outs for each class. haha.
OMG I KNEW IT! VALVE HAS DONE IT AGAIN! Im ****ing hyped. Havnt played TF2 in a while but this is going to bring me back in and for a while!
Well, that's it for me I guess, because I'll never bother to get the stupid "play with friends!" achievement, leaving me dead in the water...

I'm a little disappointed with the server population as it is: seems like every other servers is a "24/7 2fort!" server. I like all the maps. I like variety. That just sucks (and getting people to vote is lame and almost never works).
Apos, just hit up a bunch of friends on Steam- I think you only need 7 other friends on the same team.
I believe they're referring to the new class-specific achievements they'll be rolling out. So I don't think you have to worry about that one, Apos. I'll probably never get it either.

I also imagine that they'll all be sensible, so there isn't going to be one that's ridiculously impossible to get barring you from a shiny new weapon.
I don't have steamfriends! Nor want them. :) It's an annoying bit of "tote that barge" exercise in pointlessness for me.
Medic is slowly becoming my favorite class. They're actually quite powerful killers with the syringe gun, they're Pyro resistant with their gradual life increase, and for some reason never seem to be short of heavy firepower near them.
I wonder what they'll give the soldier? A rocket launcher with a faster/more powerful rocket but a smaller clip size? Or perhaps the reverse.
Mmm, an unlimited rocket clip would be sweet!

Maybe they'll give the sniper an "Achilles heel" shot that cripples enemies when the sniper hits them below the waist.

Maybe they'll give the Pyro added range at the sake of damage, which would go along nicely with the new Pyro scoring change.

Or maybe they'll give engineers the ability to build another type of machine!

We're living in exciting times,

Exciting times.
Im an 360 TF2 player I wonder if they'll add all of this in xbox live if not owell it'll give me a reason to play it more on my rubbish pc.
Sounds great TF2 really needs alot more variety within each class. It was REALLY starting to get repetitive, but this might bring me back.
EA steal Valve's art style, Valve steals EA's unlocks :D

I'm looking forward to the new add-ons, starting to get bored of the same old 6 maps.
Eh... not sure. Goldrush sounds interesting, but at the same time it sounds very deathmatch-y. I predict lots of rocket spamming and Heavy rushes.

Have to wait and see what the map layout is like.
For the new-to-tf people, what exactly is hunted?
Agreed...give me Hunted!

But this new game type sounds quite awesome, along with the unlocks...I'm glad they are shaking things up.

*edit* Hunted is where one team escorts the "VIP" to the escape zone...think the VIP missions in Counter-Strike, if you ever played them.
I can't wait to see the new taunts that'll come with the new weps.
Unlockable 2 x health boost. I think that's going too far. It should be +100HP capped imo. Think about how hard it's going to be to kill a 200% HP class (think about the lighter classes, too, e.g. the Pyro). Plus this means the medic can keep everyone on a team topped up at 200% instead of having to choose who to uber, which could actually mean less people feeling the need to go Medic if one person is doing a good enough job at it.

I'm just trying to picture how much more lethal a Medic-Soldier combination is going to be now. Good Scouts with a medic double-healthing them might never die.

I know I'm always skeptical, but 200% health seems a bit overpowered for a lot of classes.
A single crit rocket, and bye-bye buffed scout.

They'll probably make it so the overheal targets cannot be healed by the medigun until they die.
How would that be fair? I'd be shouting 'don't heal me Medic!' for the hope of being able to retreat after an attack or defensive move so a normal medic could heal me or I could use a dispenser. If I couldn't heal I'd be livid...

But with this extra level to TF2 it adds a huge amount of depth and strategy to the game which is going to make things much more interesting. Goldrush sounds like great fun too.

And with the next 'meet the...' video coming up it's a good time for TF2, looking forward to the new one ;)
I'd say a possiblity is that only the overmedic can heal to over 150%, but once the person has lost enough hp to have normal health he can be healed by a regular medic.
That seems likely. The regular medigun probably just won't have any effect on you until your health goes below 150%.
I think not being able to Uber balances out with the overheal. A turret would stick kill an overhealed Heavy, but an Uber Heavy can kill a turret. So it balances out...
Well, at first, I was all 'oh no new weapons that's retarded'. But now if it's just new weapon abilities, then I guess that should be all right.
There will probably be new weapons AND variations of the current weapons.
Keep in mind I'm sure "pure" servers will still exist, in which the gameplay remains at release-style balance.
I personally don't like this mucking about. The TF series has always been very fun and easy to get into due to its relative simplicity in terms of gameplay options. TF2 livened the old gameplay up just enough, and people are having loads of fun with it in its current state.

Anyway, I'm mostly afraid that adding all kinds of new features will make getting a team to work together effectively even harder - which makes the disparity between a good team and a great team even larger. But I guess I trust Valve to make the right decisions in the end.
I have no problems with with new weapons and new abilities,

But I dont like unlocks, I think a person new to the game should have the exact same options as a someone who has played it for a while without jumping through hoops.

What happens when one team gets stacked with people without the unlocks, suddenly they not only have a skill disadvantage but also a weapon disadvantage too.