Team Fortress 2 Lives

Ok... good news... Don't care much for TF2 tho...
The thing is... it never died... we've known this... for a while...
This is sort fo funny. It's a redundant thread about a redundant news post about an article that pretends to have new information, but doesn't.
I'm sorry, a new screenshot for the first time in how many years?

I just got a , , , er, nm.

I know i shouldn't be too happy but WOO

edit: Oh man im dumb, thats still hl1 engine, der. Oh well. glad they considered talking abute it. heh
I wish TF2 would just die like it was supposed to. That goes for you as well DNF.
Seriously. The original Team Fortress has been more than outdone by games that have taken the whole "class" idea much farther. At this point, a new Team Fortress would have to be a very different sort of game. But many of the new features that are discussed for it already have been well done by other mods and games.

Commander mode? NS already has that.
Classes with different weapons and abilities: common as rain
Vehicles? EVERY game has that.
Capture the flag? Old old news.
History themed battles? Sure, for just about every major war in history!

I mean, they'd better have something pretty darn special up their sleeves at this point.
uhh...errr... that picture was released in like 2000. It isn't new at all Valve lol and i sure hope TF2 still doesn't look like that.
i still think that the class system is the heart of TFC and hopefully TF2.
Sure in BF you get units that have different weapons, but the variety of classes in TFC and their special abilities is still more diverse than most games multiplayer ive seen.
sierra said:
uhh...errr... that picture was released in like 2000. It isn't new at all Valve lol and i sure hope TF2 still doesn't look like that.

It doesnt, TF2 is now being built on Source.
I read that exact same quote in the article about a year ago.
yes but tf2 has biozeminades! so how can you go wrong jesus n00bies

anyways im sure it will be good..
dat_monkey said:
so whats the big deal about TF2? Is it in the HL2 engine?
Yes... the Source engine...

And the big deal is... uhhhh... ever play TFC?! :D
Actually, TFC is probably the least impressive mod out there right now. It was indeed the first really big true mod (CTF was big, but it didn't really change that much of the game), but when you think about it, the stuff that the TFC guys created wasn't as artistically or programmingwise as amazing as either CS or Dod, the other two Valve purchases. In short, we haven't seen anything out of the TF guys that shows that they are really better than the crude models and fairly simple code that went into TFC. They could have developed quite a lot, but the fact is, we just haven't seen much from them since TFC. Natural Selection is like, twenty times cooler than TF at this point.
TFC was a little pet project they made to try to keep the TF2 fans at bay when they found out that TF2 wasn't going to be out for a long time. So, I wouldn't judge TF2 on the quality or "amazingness" (or lack thereof, in your opinion) of TFC.
It doesnt matter if you like or hate TFC, the fact is TFC changed everything. I really don't think that we would have CS or DoD if it weren't for the success of TFC long ago. Sure, the game is out dated, however, at its time it was by far the best multiplayer game available and I was addicted to it. I haven't played it in years so I might fire it up again sometime to take me back to the old days.
I'm not saying TF or TFC were bad. On the contrary, I loved TF and TFC and played them all the time. What I'm saying is that it's chief appeal lay in it coming out first, not in it being something that shows that its designers stack up against other artists and mod makers. Maybe they are awesome, and maybe TF2 will be awesome. But I'm just saying that TFC doesn't show that compared to all the other mods that have come out since.
I fully agree with you that the game is outdated. However, TFC was a breakthrough game of its time and I think that Valve will find a way to give it that appeal. Sure, class systems have been done for almost every game now but there is always a way to improve on that. Yes, vehicles are also used in other games but I am yet to find a game that has it perfect and I personally think that TFC will do something that will balance this.
Saying TFC isn't as good a multiplayer game because its been left untouched for years in visuals and gameplay is like saying HL isn't a good game in comparison : /

Despite graphics and features of current games/mods, I have a hard time thinking of anything with as diverse and *distinct* set of classes as TFC. Also, the game is easy as hell to pick up. I was little turned off by NS's learning curve.
My point is not that the art and game are dated, but that because they are all we've seen, they are not good examples of how talented the TF team may or may not be. TF was big when the field of mods was VERY thin and shallow, and it was unique at the time. But these days, there are tons of great mods, and TF doesn't stand out as much anymore: it's a fairly simple mod, all things told.

And whatever else you say about them, they sure aren't FAST. :)
Apos said:
This is sort fo funny. It's a redundant thread about a redundant news post about an article that pretends to have new information, but doesn't.

You said it. Absolutely no reason to even bring up TF2 unless Valve is releasing new info on it. I get sick and tired of hearing Lombardi say,'Oh we ought to be hearing new TF2 news in the coming weeks...'. He's been saying that since 2000.
Apos said:
Actually, TFC is probably the least impressive mod out there right now. It was indeed the first really big true mod (CTF was big, but it didn't really change that much of the game), but when you think about it, the stuff that the TFC guys created wasn't as artistically or programmingwise as amazing as either CS or Dod, the other two Valve purchases. In short, we haven't seen anything out of the TF guys that shows that they are really better than the crude models and fairly simple code that went into TFC. They could have developed quite a lot, but the fact is, we just haven't seen much from them since TFC. Natural Selection is like, twenty times cooler than TF at this point.

It's doesn't have to be cool or impressive, the fact of the matter is that TFC is fun. You can just get right in there, choose a class and start fragging away. No building skills up, managing points or anything like that. It's like they say - the simplest things in life are the best.
Abom said:
It's doesn't have to be cool or impressive, the fact of the matter is that TFC is fun. You can just get right in there, choose a class and start fragging away. No building skills up, managing points or anything like that. It's like they say - the simplest things in life are the best.

Also it was the FIRST mod to ne bought up by Valve having been originally planned for Quake 2.

Also it had a long period of time where it was dominant, everyone was playing it and it was great. They havn't done anything recently because they havn't needed to. It's a solid mod.

Also the team is working on TF2.
They had BETTER bring Dustbowl back. IMO, that had to be the best map in all of TFC. Is it just me, or does it look like they are still using the HL1 engine?
Please note that the dude does say "for nostalgic purposes"... So I very much doubt they're still trying to use the original Quake engine :hmph:
The funny thing about that screenshot (which I remember seeing Loooooong ago) is that its running in software mode :LOL:

... and yes that is the original HL engine with no opengl hardware acceleration
Speaking of using old engines - is there any word on whether Duke Nukem Forever is still using the (original) Unreal engine? It's not gonna be at E3 apparently - maybe it's been ported to Source? I hope it's still on the Unreal engine:)
el Chi said:
Speaking of using old engines - is there any word on whether Duke Nukem Forever is still using the (original) Unreal engine? It's not gonna be at E3 apparently - maybe it's been ported to Source? I hope it's still on the Unreal engine:)

No it's not. They have an UNREAL LICENCE which means they get all the updated builds when they are released. 3DRealms are using the Unreal Warfare Engine (ut2003/4) as far as I know.
Oh, that's really pissed on my strawberries... Oh well, I'm sure it'll e a bit bum really. <Crosses fingers>
It would be cool to see DNF as the first UE3.0 game... but I'm not sure if it will be out that soon.
I'd be more than a tad surprised if DNF came out with an Unreal3 engine before Unreal 3...
All I know is that TFC was one of the funnest games I ever played, right up there with 4-player Mariokart 64. I still play it and it's still fun. That's all that matters. TFC was really fun and there are already plenty of games concentrated on trying to be super-realistic or "original" but are in fact just complicated and semi-fun compared to the pure enjoyment a good old game of TFC brought with it.

Don't you guys remember when you made some kind of amazing capture or interception that just made you laugh a little to yourself and say, "I can't believe I made it!"?

Oh yeah and I think the team behind TFC was Valve themselves, so it's funny when you say, "the stuff that the TFC guys created wasn't as artistically or programmingwise as amazing as either CS or Dod, the other two Valve purchases."