Team Fortress 2 Maps Workshop Beta Released


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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After faaaar too long, the Steam Workshop hub for Team Fortress 2 now supports the uploading, rating, and downloading of custom maps! While Team Fortress 2 was actually the first ever game to support the Steam Workshop by more or less creating it, it has always been limited to the uploading of custom items such as weapons or cosmetics, leaving custom maps as a much-desired and strangely missing option.

Like the Steam Workshop pages for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and...well, most other Source games, this now allows the Team Fortress 2 mapping community to easily upload their own maps and to easily receive detailed feedback via comments and analytical data, something previously restricted to third-party websites such as This should also make joining community servers that much easier, as the management and downloading of custom maps can now be offloaded to the Steam Workshop, automatically downloading a supported map simply by joining the server.

Despite being listed as a "Beta" feature, the Team Fortress 2 Steam Workshop page already features a massive number of the community's most popular and top rated maps, including Snowplow, Glassworks, Metalworks, and Orange X, with many more likely to follow. With the list growing steadily, make sure you head on over to check out what the community has to offer, and don't forget to give Valve some feedback while you're there!