Team Fortress = HL2 Multiplayer


Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
What do ya'll think? People have mentioned big surprises for HL2 and CS:Source for HL2 multiplayer is not by any means big or a surprise.

Valve has cryptically mentioned more to come regarding TF2 after HL2 comes out.
it's been confirmed that TF2 is a stand-alone game
We all wish TF2 were the multiplayer component. But it isn't. If they do spring this special surprise on us, I believe the world would be thrown off it's axis by all the jaws dropping to the floor at once. :P
TBH, I could careless about TF2, I just hope there will be a TFC: Source.
We all wish TF2 were the multiplayer component. But it isn't. If they do spring this special surprise on us, I believe the world would be thrown off it's axis by all the jaws dropping to the floor at once.

You mean like when HL2 was announced at E3 2003? I wouldn't put it past Valve to do this.
Psycho_Soldier said:
TBH, I could careless about TF2, I just hope there will be a TFC: Source.

Your insane. Straight up. I GUARANTEE you will feel like an idiot for saying that once pictures and videos start to show up on the web over this game.
HL2 WILL have a multiplayer mode, but im not exactly sure what it will be. Trust me
...I just want to be a good lil consumer and buy the game. Waiting for this game is becoming tiresom. Actually it was tiresome in Oct 2003. Right now as far as HL2 is concerned I am dead on my feat about it.

I wasn't even excited about it going gold. I want to be out so I can sleep at night.
Personally, I wouldn't be suprised if a C-17 themed map is included with TF2. But I doubt it would be based on hl2 alltogether.
Omega, it's multiplayer has been comfirmed by icaruis(in an interview with PC Gamer UK), and various magazines that it is Cs:S, and it wont have its own themed.

I agree with kage, valve does have a sense of humor and style. I think there will be some areas that will be included in TF2. Like the big area of City 17, fully destructiable etc.. Would be really cool in TF2. Not HL2 all togeather though.
They will probably even add some things making fun of Cs even. Valve has a sense of humor, and I think its going to be put into alot of TF2 levels(though not the design of the game itself).

TF2 will pwn though. I mean if it keeps the same idea as the oringal TF2 for the HL1 engine was. Infact TF2 could already be near done, I know when they decided to put it on source they had to shut up about it because no one new about "Source" and HL2(well not to much about it).