

Oct 6, 2003
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If (and it's an if at this stage) there were a Teamspeak server available for the Halflife 2 TF2 members would you use it?

I'm not polling on this (I think people always say yes to free as SOP) as I'd rather see what peoples opinions are. The intention would be that it could provide a hub for hook ups.
Change it to a Ventrilo server, and I'm all for it.
I might use it, but I barely use the in-game voicecomms as it is. If you get into the habit of it it can make for a more communal experience which is more friendly and enjoyable. It's the getting into the habit part that's the trick.
Steam voice chat works fine could anyone explain to me in detail why it sucks.
Steam voice chat works fine could anyone explain to me in detail why it sucks.

It's constantly on! With TS/Vent, you have push to talk. So that way, if two people are playing with speakers, you don't get that shitty feedback noise. Plus, I don't think the sound quality is 100%. It's good, don't get me wrong, just seems it could be better. The P2T is the biggest part that angers me about it.
If you want to push to talk, why not just use the regular ingame voice chat...
Because some games don't have in-game voice chat? And for the games that do, it would require us to be in a game. When we obviously just want to circle jerk in a Steam group chat.
i raely use my mic but if it was on teamspeak setting up games then i guess i would, its easier than using steam chat.
Yeah, i guess I agree with the need for a push to talk button for Steamchat.
So is this going to happen or what?
Hmmm it seemed like a good idea, is it still? Have things changed now we are in 2008...