Technology in 50 years time

Sep 17, 2003
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Technology is always getting bigger, better and smarter.
Although many of us may not be around to witness it, my question is:
What kind of technology do you think that we will have 50 years down the road?

here's some starters -
In 50 years technology will be alot more advanced. There will be low-cost widely available water purification/desalination tech. Consumer Robotics will be huge by 2054 and it will render most menial and dangerous jobs obsolete much to the dismay of the poor(and the gap gets wider...). Advanced Molecular Technology will be available to the rich(ie Nanobot, Grey Goo weapons etc..).
Safe and effective Implants augmenting everything from memory size,hand eye co-ordination to strength and speed, and second skin technologies. Oh yeah and lets not forget Cures for Cancer, AIDS, Diabetes and Aging for the Insanly Wealthy.

By 2054 the first permenant colony on Titan will be up and running and Mars's population is over 100. In 50 years we will probably see the beginning of the new migration from the old world(earth) to the new world(the rest of the solar system). We should also have extensive mining operations on the Moon at this time as well.
Hybrid Electric-Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars will outnumber Gasoline Cars since Cheap Oil was all used up in the 20s forcing a rather bloody and messy switchover that caused alot of people to commit suicide thinking it was the end of the world but it wasn't. Hot Fusion will also be the most used power source on planet. In 50 years Nasa will no longer exist. In its place will be an International Space Agency whose sole purpose is to map the solar system for safety purposes.

Or another way it might go is the is the skynet theory (Terminator) where the AI gets so advanced that it decides that it does not need the human species and wages war against us.

What you think?
you mean theory? most of what you said sounds pretty accurate, except for hydrogen fuel cells being the norm. by 2054 I think even they'll be obselete.
2095: Self-sustaning nanobot immune systems implanted into marine special forces render the human host essentially immortal, raising endless moral questions and the largest media blitz in history. Riots ensue and governments collapse as citizens vie for access to the technology. The technology is maintained by the supremely rich in private.

I dunno. I like nanotech. hehehehe
and then on the 30th of september 2100:

Half Life 2 gets released :D

But your future sounds plausible. However if between now and then we have a war, things will probably look less polished.

Not that i'm not fascinated by the future, i can't wait to be one of the first to try out a human > computer neural interface. I bet games get a lot more involved once that happens :P

And ofcourse the living forever. I always said i would, or i'd die trying ;)
Too bad we'll be so damn old by then :( Totally born in the freaking wrong century man! ;( One of the reasons why one would like to live forever. To see the different stages of humanity. Interesting :)

Edit: We can always hope we don't turn into the Matrix (well cool in a way I guess). Seems plausible to me at least.
In 50yrs time (if Moores law holds) processors will have 2^33.3 times as many transistors as the do now. However, since that seems unlikely, I will say that they will probably be able to compute as if they had 2^33.3 times as many transistors.
I doubt there will be humans living on Mars by 2100, let alone 2054.
I doubt there will be humans living anywhere by 2010 :|

I'm so optimistic, me.
Pobz said:
I doubt there will be humans living anywhere by 2010 :|

I'm so optimistic, me.
I just don't see the problem here ;) It's not like we have much that talk FOR us you know.
Pobz said:
I doubt there will be humans living anywhere by 2010 :|

I'm so optimistic, me.
So your giving us annother 5 and a half years? Hm. I personally hope we arent in a post apocolyptic state in 50 years.
:dozey: 50 years from now computers will have dual motherboards with triple CPU's on each mobo, each CPU rated at 40 Ghz. HDD's will be 50,000 RPM and hold 5 terabytes. Ram FSB's will be like 10,000 with DDR 10. Graphics will be super ultra fast super uber omega. All this will be in a case only the size of a cereal box.
hey we dont know.. 20 30 50 years, some events can always lead to massive jumps, so who knows, drastic change could be around well before 50 years have past.. I hope I live to see the day the human race makes its first starship. ;)
ailevation said:
:dozey: 50 years from now computers will have dual motherboards with triple CPU's on each mobo, each CPU rated at 40 Ghz. HDD's will be 50,000 RPM and hold 5 terabytes. Ram FSB's will be like 10,000 with DDR 10. Graphics will be super ultra fast super uber omega. All this will be in a case only the size of a cereal box.

All completely understated. 5TB is nothing, you can already get 1TB systems.
Shuzer said:
All completely understated. 5TB is nothing, you can already get 1TB systems.

Yup, you can also get higher than a 10,000 rpm drive.. (so 50k in 50yrs is an understatement.)
Jammydodger said:
In 50 years technology will be alot more advanced.

lol that one fits in perfectly ;)

Edit: Aren't there companies in the States who have TB-connections to the Internet? Some weird guy @ the forums @ said he shared this connection with a company inside his house... He did have a nice FTP to "back it up" too ;)
I predict that in 50 years time humans will ride the skies in huge metal birds.
I predict, that by the year 2000, we'll have flying cars!

..oh, crap :|
No, that won't happen until 2015. I saw it in that documentary "Back To The Future II"
I think flying cars is way into the future. Getting rid of all the roads will be tiresome work & I doubt anyone is really up to the task. Maybe they won't bother? That's the way things are usually done around here on this planet ;(
It always feels like we're going nowhere... but we are... but if it feels like nowhere... then things won't be all that different than what they are today... because we didn't feel it... but it's still different... it's like... standing on a giant rotating rock in outer space... whoa... :O

So, really, the lesson here is always look behind yourself to make sure you didn't step in any dog shit....

There will be quantum computers... Just think, theoretically they can do an infinite number of calculations in a moment.
Isn't 'moment' something you say when you don't really know how long something's gonna take?
Letters said:
Isn't 'moment' something you say when you don't really know how long something's gonna take?

Oohhh! Ponder.
I just want a comp that does what its supposed to the first time, instead of over and over.
:dozey: It's pretty crazy just thinking about what can happen in the world and you personally in years to come, man life is mysterious!
* puts on 1950 voice *

By the year 2000, we will fly to our work in our cars. Your personal robot will do every heavy chore like laundry for you.
When you go on vacation, you can take the flying bus to Mars! Or stay in one of our fine Lunar colonies.

* normal voice *

I don't think it will be much different, it'll be all much faster, cheaper and smaller, and maybe we even have quantum computers, but our lifestyles won't change much. All this technology will only add to luxury and making things easier and faster. But we'll still be driving cars, be it hydrogen driven, we'll still have to perform heavy labour and we sure don't have to wory yet about stuff like ethics with sentient robots.
We will have manned missions to Mars probably, but no cities or big colonies yet. We'll probably be able to reach 10% of the speed of light (it's even possible now) and visit places like Europa (moon of Jupiter) and find alien life.