Teen Angst


May 28, 2003
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I was just listening to the song Welcome to my Life by Simple Plan. I think it's meant to be kind of a joke about whiney teenagers. Or do you think it's serious. Do most teenagers actually think like this?

Basically it can be summed up as: nobody understands me, everyone else is phoney, I want to find something meaningful in life, I get treated like shit.
I've heard it, don't listen to it... I stay away from songs like those.

I think it's just a song for some teens to releate to. Some people feel like that, and like music that represents there feelings. Basically, it's a way to target a specific sub population for making money via music.
Yeah, that feeling is passed around every teenager ('xcept the phoney part) atleast once
Most if not all teenagers have some amount of angst. It's very logical.
That song is just a clever marketing scheme. Not all teenagers think the same way, yet most feel some angst.

Simple Plan - 1
Life - 0
I've never ever listened to music for the lyrics :\ Unless they're funny :D
Basically it can be summed up as: nobody understands me, everyone else is phoney, I want to find something meaningful in life, I get treated like shit.

Sounds like Catcher in the Rye to me.
I got in a debate with someone last year who actually defended cutting your wrists to make yourself feel better. That argument ended damn quick...

I avoid "emo" music at all costs, it's just stupid imo, not relating to me much at all. I do know people that feel that way though... I just feel sorry for them and move on.
Simple Plan is shit, so very shit. In fact, I started up an anti-simple plan movement, complete with t-shirts.

I despise them so...much.
I was just listening to the song Welcome to my Life by Simple Plan. I think it's meant to be kind of a joke about whiney teenagers. Or do you think it's serious. Do most teenagers actually think like this?

Basically it can be summed up as: nobody understands me, everyone else is phoney, I want to find something meaningful in life, I get treated like shit.




:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

No, not all teenagers feel like that.
Only "emo" music I like is Rise Against.
I was just listening to the song Welcome to my Life by Simple Plan. I think it's meant to be kind of a joke about whiney teenagers. Or do you think it's serious. Do most teenagers actually think like this?

Basically it can be summed up as: nobody understands me, everyone else is phoney, I want to find something meaningful in life, I get treated like shit.

I'm a teenager, and I don't think that way.
Basically it can be summed up as: nobody understands me, everyone else is phoney, I want to find something meaningful in life, I get treated like shit.

That sounds like Holden Caulfield.

As for me, I'm a teenager, and:

Some people understand me. some people don't.
Finding meaning in my life isn't a top priority.
Hardly anyone treats me like shit.
Some people are phoney. I know many others who aren't.
I like the classic whiner song by Simple Plan. I don't know what it is. Something like "how could this happen to me"

I like it because it's the theme song for so many funny videos on the Internet, and I relate it to those.

See: Give me swirly ball or give us death.
Most if not all teenagers have some amount of angst. It's very logical.

just because the package is bad doesn't mean the message isn't true.. alotof teens these days, me included are unsure about life, feel misunderstod, like things are chaotic. i don't listen to emo but i can understand why people do.
Yeah, Rise Against, pretty whiney music, but still kind of cool.
I hate whiney music.
I love how teenagers claim that nobody understands them...

When really we do... we just don't give a shit about them because we're older and we're past that stage (if we even went through that phase at all).
Almost everybody goes through an angsty phase in their teens. Doesn't have to be noticeable. You don't have to listen to emo music. A lot of people keep it internal. But it's there nonetheless. I imagine you'd have to have some kind of pristine childhood if you never experienced it.
Crawling in my skin indeed.

But that's just the syphillus.
Hmm, never taken Rise Against for emo =/
I think it's sad when people belittle teenage angst. It may be just related to the age but it doesnt mean it feels any less awful for them. It's age racism I think. A way of dismissing any teenager's problems...
I think it's sad when people belittle teenage angst. It may be just related to the age but it doesnt mean it feels any less awful for them. It's age racism I think. A way of dismissing any teenager's problems...

lol, internally felt problems are not real problems, when you otherwise are rich in relation to most people in the world (unless you have a legimitate medical condition).
I've never felt like that. I've always know how fsking lucky I am to have food and a house, etc..
I think it's sad when people belittle teenage angst. It may be just related to the age but it doesnt mean it feels any less awful for them. It's age racism I think. A way of dismissing any teenager's problems...

Age racism is everywhere.. I remember when I first got put in High School, all the teachers were basically saying "Look, everyone will treat you like shit, but just go on with life"
I was just listening to the song Welcome to my Life by Simple Plan. I think it's meant to be kind of a joke about whiney teenagers. Or do you think it's serious. Do most teenagers actually think like this?

Basically it can be summed up as: nobody understands me, everyone else is phoney, I want to find something meaningful in life, I get treated like shit.

yes that is a very common stereotype
lol, internally felt problems are not real problems, when you otherwise are rich in relation to most people in the world (unless you have a legimitate medical condition).

That's an incredibly ignorant point of view.