teenage Iranian girl to be hanged

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Jan 19, 2004
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wasnt sure whether i should post this in politics or general off-topic but here goes:


basically, a group of men attempted to rape the girl and her niece, and in self defense, she stabbed and killed one of them
now she's going to be hanged
read the article, its shocking

there's also a petition you can sign that may potentially save her life:

i also read about another girl that was hanged at 16 for having relations with her brother
and even more shocking, a 13, yes 13 year old that was STONED to death
absolutely atrocious stuff
Yeah man. Murder is a crime aswell. Sucks, doesnt it?
Killing in self defense is not a crime if your life is in danger. Petition signed.
I signed it. Doubt it's going to do much, though.
Glo-Boy said:
Killing in self defense is not a crime if your life is in danger. Petition signed.

Her life was not in danger. It was rape.
B_MAN said:
my god, you are twisted

At least I'm correct. The men were going to rape her, not kill her. She doesn't have a right to defend herself from sexual assault with deadly force.
Nat Turner said:
At least I'm correct. The men were going to rape her, not kill her. She doesn't have a right to defend herself from sexual assault with deadly force.
so she should be hanged?
LOL listen to yourself!
you must be joking
or flaming.
B_MAN said:
so she should be hanged?
LOL listen to yourself!
you must be joking
or flaming.

No I didn't say she should be hanged, but I was just pointing out the above. It's their society, their way of life for people like her to be hanged. I don't think we should disrupt that.
B_MAN said:
my god, you are twisted

my god you lack the ability to think world-mindedly.

Nat is right, however wrong it may seem to you.

Also, petitions don't usually work in a democracy, how the hell do you think it's going to change the mind of an authoritarian theocracy!?
OvA said:
my god you lack the ability to think world-mindedly.

Nat is right, however wrong it may seem to you.

Also, petitions don't usually work in a democracy, how the hell do you think it's going to change the mind of an authoritarian theocracy!?

Iran has been a democracy since 1978. Just one that Americans usually don't support.

The people really want those laws. They elected their leaders into place just recently.


just clarifying (in case people don't know this)
Nat Turner said:
No I didn't say she should be hanged, but I was just pointing out the above. It's their society, their way of life for people like her to be hanged. I don't think we should disrupt that.
any person with moral integrity would agree that this is unjust, regardless of cultural differences
Well, it's not her fault she lives in that society. It's not like she can move to America or somewhere with a less punishing society if she wants to.
OvA said:
my god you lack the ability to think world-mindedly.

Nat is right, however wrong it may seem to you.

Also, petitions don't usually work in a democracy, how the hell do you think it's going to change the mind of an authoritarian theocracy!?

so you and nat would both agree that she did not have the right to defend herself after being attacked?
she should have submitted to it right?
B_MAN said:
any person with moral integrity would agree that this is unjust, regardless of cultural differences

If your moral integrity came from the Koran, you would agree with them and feel that it IS just.
B_MAN said:
so you and nat would both agree that she did not have the right to defend herself after being attacked?
she should have submitted to it right?

She had a right to defend herself, but not with a knife and not to kill.
Nat Turner said:
If your moral integrity came from the Koran, you would agree with them and feel that it IS just.
mmmm yes perhaps
but fortunately, i was raised with a choice
and i chose to uphold and defend moral integrity
vegeta897 said:
Well, it's not her fault she lives in that society. It's not like she can move to America or somewhere with a less punishing society if she wants to.

This is true. But she knew the laws. She should have known better.

And actually, she could move if she had the money.
B_MAN said:
mmmm yes perhaps
but fortunately, i was raised with a choice
and i chose to uphold and defend moral integrity

What makes your moral integrity better than theirs??? Because you say so? Because it *feels* better?
Nat Turner said:
This is true. But she knew the laws. She should have known better.

And actually, she could move if she had the money.
she acted upon a BASIC human instinct: survival
B_MAN said:
she acted upon a BASIC human instinct: survival

So? The men acted on a BASIC human instinct too: sex

I hope you realize that morals aren't based on human instinct. Otherwise there would be no need for them.
Nat Turner said:
She had a right to defend herself, but not with a knife and not to kill.

Legally speaking, I guess you're right. I'm not a man of morals, but I think what she did is what I would have done in her position. Rape is... one of the most horrible things you can do to a woman. It leads to a woman's worst thoughts and dreams, nightmares beyond comprehesionable fear, a life of constant paranoia. It's a scar, and killing the ****s that would have done that to her is far beyond forgivable, no matter what the country thinks. Sure, it sucks, but it was a choice (the one I would have chosen), and there are always forces against you.
Nat Turner said:
What makes your moral integrity better than theirs??? Because you say so? Because it *feels* better?
well, i think you'll agree that there are universal right and wrongs
an innocent GIRL defending herself against rape=right
and so forth
B_MAN said:
well, i think you'll agree that there are universal right and wrongs
an innocent woman defending herself against rape=right
and so forth
He never said defending yourself was wrong..
Morals and instincts are irrelevant, how was she supposed to know they wouldn't kill her? It would be too late for her if they already did. This doesn't make any sense, we know now that they wouldn't have killed her, but there was no way she could know that at the time, so it is completely bullshit to blame her for ANYTHING, and now they are hanging her?!

There are a number of rapes that end in killing the victim. The lady obviously didn't want to wait and find out.

So explain that to me...
B_MAN said:
well, i think you'll agree that there are universal right and wrongs
an innocent GIRL defending herself against rape=right
and so forth

No, rape=wrong is not a universal right and wrong. It is actually a societal right and wrong. Ancient Roman and Greek societies celebrated rape actually. People in Islamic countries feel that many women *deserve* rape. It's just different viewpoints, different cultures.

She was not being physically hurt, just penetrated. Self defense doesn't need to enter the picture. If someone grabs your arm, should you kill them?
vegeta897 said:
Morals and instincts are irrelevant, how was she supposed to know they wouldn't kill her? It would be too late for her if they already did. This doesn't make any sense, we know now that they wouldn't have killed her, but there was no way she could know that at the time, so it is completely bullshit to blame her for ANYTHING, and now they are hanging her?!

She took a risk, and she lost. Society came after her seeking moral retribution. She is blamed for killing the man. He didn't deserve to die any more than she deserves to die, and you can't prove it either way.

There are a number of rapes that end in killing the victim. The lady obviously didn't want to wait and find out.

So explain that to me...

She was in a nasty situation. Any action on her part could potentially ruin her life. I don't blame her one bit for what she did. But I won't disagree with her Islamic culture for blaming her. It's an entirely different world there, and I wouldn't like to impose my Western views onto them.
Nat Turner said:
She was not being physically hurt, just penetrated. Self defense doesn't need to enter the picture. If someone grabs your arm, should you kill them?

Just penetrated. You sick ****.
If you search posts for the word "rape" nat turner is the poster for 95% of them.......lol.
Pesmerga said:
Just penetrated. You sick ****.

I'm sorry you have to resort to personal insults here. I'm just presenting alternate viewpoints, is that so bad?
I'll repeat my last post because this is a more oppertune time..
Nat Turner said:
If someone grabs your arm, should you kill them?
How do you know they don't intend on killing you after they've had their way? Many rapes end in killing the victim. But if she waits, she may die. If she acts, the criminal dies. So it's a case of who deserves to die more? The rapist, obviously.

How does whoever is in charge of the government over there not see this simple logic...
great thread, really brings out the creme de la creme of this forums idiots

calling rape "just penetration" proves just how ****ing understanding you are, nat turner
Nat Turner said:
I'm sorry you have to resort to personal insults here. I'm just presenting alternate viewpoints, is that so bad?

Are you playing Devil's Advocate or do you actually believe this girl should've just let it happen?
vegeta897 said:
I'll repeat my last post because this is a more oppertune time..
How do you know they don't intend on killing you after they've had their way? Many rapes end in killing the victim. But if she waits, she may die. If she acts, the criminal dies. So it's a case of who deserves to die more? The rapist, obviously.

How does whoever is in charge of the government over there not see this simple logic...

Nobody ever deserves to die. Society deemed that she doesn't deserve to live. End of story. Not our problem, it's a different world over there.
DeusExMachina said:
Are you playing Devil's Advocate or do you actually believe this girl should've just let it happen?

Well.. let's see. If she let it happen, she wouldn't have been sentenced to death. So yeah, that.
Nat Turner said:
I'm sorry you have to resort to personal insults here. I'm just presenting alternate viewpoints, is that so bad?

I'm sorry you're so... arrogantly utalitarian. It's the law, so I'll defend rape. Just penetrated. I hope you burn in hell.

Edit - Someone rape Nat Turner. Hey, you're just being penetrated. No biggy, right?
Pesmerga said:
I'm sorry you're so... arrogantly utalitarian. It's the law, so I'll defend rape. Just penetrated. I hope you burn in hell.

It's THEIR law. THEIR culture. We should stay the **** out. I'm presenting their views. You can't prove somebody deserves to die for penetration. You simply can't do it.
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