teenage Iranian girl to be hanged

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Nat Turner said:
Nobody ever deserves to die.
That isn't the scenario. Read again. Someone MUST die. There is ALWAYS the possibility of the rapist going further than rape, and this SHOULD ALWAYS be accounted for.
Nat Turner said:
Not our problem, it's a different world over there.
What a beautiful way of thinking, Nat.
vegeta897 said:
That isn't the scenario. Read again. Someone MUST die. There is ALWAYS the possibility of the rapist going further than rape, and this SHOULD ALWAYS be accounted for.

Oh well, I don't believe people have to die because of a "possibility", especially on the part of a woman. In almost every case of rape, the victim does not die. In fact in most cases the victim is not physically injured.
Nat Turner said:
Oh well, I don't believe people have to die because of a "possibility", especially on the part of a woman. In almost every case of rape, the victim does not die. In fact in most cases the victim is not physically injured.
So, what, are we just going to IGNORE the cases where the victim IS killed? You go tell that to the families, they'll appreciate it. "You are the unlucky exception and frankly we don't give a shit about your minority"
vegeta897 said:
So, what, are we just going to IGNORE the cases where the victim IS killed? You go tell that to the families, they'll appreciate it.

No, in Iran murder is illegal.
Nat Turner said:
No, in Iran murder is illegal.
And rape... isn't? What are you saying? I didn't mean ignore as in don't punish anyone. Jesus, read and understand please :(

You're saying the victim shouldn't act just because we don't know for sure that the rapist is a murderer.

So what do you say to the cases where the victim is killed? That's what I mean by ignore, you can't say anything except "too bad, you are the minority, we choose to ignore you"
vegeta897 said:
And rape... isn't? What are you saying?

Rape needs to be proven on the testimony of several witnesses in Iran, I believe. She probably couldn't prove this rape, so she couldn't justify the killing.
Nat Turner said:
Rape needs to be proven on the testimony of several witnesses in Iran, I believe. She probably couldn't prove this rape, so she couldn't justify the killing.
You're completely missing the point.

I'll come back to this thread once you figure what I'm saying. I've said it twice in two different wordings so you should be able to understand if you try hard enough.
vegeta897 said:
You're completely missing the point.

I'll come back to this thread once you figure what I'm saying. I've said it twice in two different wordings so you should be able to understand if you try hard enough.

I'm not missing any point. You still fail to prove that we must intervene in Iranian affairs against the will of their people.
Nat Turner said:
I'm not missing any point. You still fail to prove that we must intervene in Iranian affairs against the will of their people.
I never even began to discuss that, you brought that up and I don't have any answer. I'm simply attacking the way things work over in Iran. And apparantly you say it's acceptable in their culture, and I'm providing that it is simply rediculous and is causing more bad than good.
vegeta897 said:
I never even began to discuss that, you brought that up and I don't have any answer. I'm simply attacking the way things work over in Iran. And apparantly you say it's acceptable in their culture, and I'm providing that it is simply rediculous and is causing more bad than good.

Clearly the majority of the people of Iran enjoy their laws. That's why they have them. They wanted to legislate morality, and this is what they get.
Nat Turner said:
Clearly the majority of the people of Iran enjoy their laws.
Woah woah woah, where in hell did you get this from?
vegeta897 said:
Woah woah woah, where in hell did you get this from?

All their officials were voted into power through democratic means.
Nat Turner said:
All their officials were voted into power through democratic means.
That doesn't necessarily mean they are happy :| Just that they elected the lesser of two evils. (Not saying anyone is evil, just proving a point)

I seriously doubt the majority of the people in Iran are happy about a rape victim not being able to defend herself. And yet for some reason they aren't allowed to change that? Why? It's a democracy isn't it? According to you, that solves all. You are hugely incorrect.
vegeta897 said:
That doesn't necessarily mean they are happy :| Just that they elected the lesser of two evils.

They had a revolution in 1978. The people overthrew the more liberal government and elected leaders who would bring back conservative Islamic law, known as sharia.
Please stop giving me a history lesson, you aren't addressing what I'm saying.
vegeta897 said:
Please stop giving me a history lesson, you aren't addressing what I'm saying.

Why would people ever overthrow a government and then vote in brand new leaders to bring back Islamic conservatism?? Clearly they wanted it.
The girl had no right to use deadly force, but neither does the prosecution, methinks.

I also thinks this is their business, not ours.
Pesmerga said:
Rape is bad self defense is good, I win.

There was no physical harm to necessitate self defense. Therefore it's murder by their standards.
Nat Turner said:
There was no physical harm to necessitate self defense. Therefore it's murder by their standards.

That's like saying, hey, we have a gun at your head, but we haven't pulled the trigger yet. So you have no right to do anything about it. Yeah, that's justice.
Nat Turner said:
There was no physical harm to necessitate self defense.
Once again how was she supposed to KNOW there was no physical harm imminent? Answer that question and do not deviate, or I'm out of this stupid politics thread.
Thanks Pes.
Pesmerga said:
That's like saying, hey, we have a gun at your head, but we haven't pulled the trigger yet. So you have no right to do anything about it. Yeah, that's justice.

Yeah. That's how it works. Someone pointing a gun to your head doesn't give you the right to kill them. What if it were empty?
vegeta897 said:
Once again how was she supposed to KNOW there was no physical harm imminent? Answer that question and do not deviate, or I'm out of this stupid politics thread.

She wasn't supposed to know. But she wasn't supposed to guess by stabbing the man.
That's just giving more power to the rapist. WHY IN THE HELL!?

I bet Iran's goverment couldn't even answer that question.
vegeta897 said:
That's just giving more power to the rapist. WHY IN THE HELL!?

I bet Iran's goverment couldn't even answer that question.

Later, if she could prove the rape, she could get the guy arrested. Or she could have beaten them off with non-lethal means.
If Iran is a real democracy, you have a banana moustache.
vegeta897 said:
Once again how was she supposed to KNOW there was no physical harm imminent? Answer that question and do not deviate, or I'm out of this stupid politics thread.
Thanks Pes.
I believe rape is a form of not just physical, but mental harm, so she had every right to defend herself, but if she was sound enough of mind to bring about this man's death, she could have incapacitated him as easily.

Chances are she is either homicidal or a loose cannon that does not think things through under pressure, therefore must be excavated from society.
At first I thought "What the hell is nat thinking."

Then I thought "what the hell am I saying."

As wrong as this may be, he is right. In their society, murder is punishable by death. We think it's wrong and have all these varying degrees of murders and different punishments, they obviously don't think that. If there is a problem then it's a problem with the law itself, not moral corruption in the judiciary system.
Personally, I'd rather lose a finger than be raped. The psychological torture a rape victim undergoes is simply devastating. If you ask me, if someone is trying to rape you, you have to do whatever the hell you can to stop them- including killing.

So basically, to sum this up: loss of life is never a good thing, but this girl has done nothing wrong, and the sick f*cks trying to hang her are... well, sick f*cks.
THats fooked up alright.

*will read previous posts in morning, tired atm*

JNightshade said:
Personally, I'd rather lose a finger than be raped. The psychological torture a rape victim undergoes is simply devastating. If you ask me, if someone is trying to rape you, you have to do whatever the hell you can to stop them- including killing.

So basically, to sum this up: loss of life is never a good thing, but this girl has done nothing wrong, and the sick f*cks trying to hang her are... well, sick f*cks.

I don't think this is the issue here.

We have absolutely no proof that these men were trying to rape her, all we have is her knife stabs in a dead guy's chest and her testimonial. Not that I don't beleive her story, but if murder is punishable by death then the Judge has no choice.
Nat Turner said:
Her life was not in danger. It was rape.

I suggest you consider the meaning of the word 'Hindsight' before you post such imbecilic nonsense again.
Parrot of doom said:
I suggest you consider the meaning of the word 'Hindsight' before you post such imbecilic nonsense again.

It's not nonsense. Rape by itself affects a person mentally, not physically.
A convenient way to avoid the question implicit in my post. I think you're just trolling now. Nobody can really be so amoral.
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