Teh Amazin' Movie Quotes!

"This is New York, baby. A simple walk in the park can get you killed"
Guess this one.

"Of course there's a government. There's always a government."
“No women no children” - Leon the professional

“You always told me to stay off the freeway...you said it was suicide” -umm... Speed?

edit: yep, you're right. Matrix: Reloaded, dialogue between Trinity and Morpheus

“I'd say it's a half gram heavy on the back end:p.” -

“You're gonna kill me with your soup cup?”
“Tea, actually”
“I'll kill you with my teacup” - Chronicles od Riddick

“If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

"Evacuate, in our moment of triumph?...I think you overestimate their chances."

"It's the ship that made the Kessel run in twelve parsecs"- Star Wars - A New Hope

”The death toll is catastrophic!” - SW: EP I

"Asteroids do not concern me Admiral..." - SW: ESB

some of mine:
'Dick Laurent is dead'

'- I love you
- I know'

'- see Mikey? Ted's walking to work
- big deal, that takes five steps and he's there...'

'23-19!!!! we have a 23-19!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

'cheer up. there's plenty of John G's for us to find'

'you're not a killer - that's why you're so good at it'

'- bishop to king 7, checkmate I think
- got a brainstorm Sebastian? milk and cookies kept you awake?'

edit: edited some SW mistakes;)
oberGeist said:
“You always told me to stay off the freeway...you said it was suicide” -umm... Speed?
Sure it's Speed? I remember a quote like that in the Matrix Reloaded I think
'cheer up. there's plenty of John G's for us to find' = memento?
Incitatus said:
'cheer up. there's plenty of John G's for us to find' = memento?


I love that movie :thumbs:

'no reason Lenny, no conspiracy - just bad fu**ing luck'
'you know what time it is? it's beer o'clock, I'm buyin!''

The "do or do not" one, Star Wars. Forgot which one though. ><

Mine is: "The game is war, you have to learn that."
"I want the finest wines known to humanity and I want them here and I want them now"

"I mean to have you, boy, even if it must be burglary."

"I demand to have some booze!"

"I don't advise a haircut, man. All hairdressers are in the employment of the government. Hairs are your aerials. They pick up signals from the cosmos, and transmit them directly into the brain. This is the reason bald-headed men are uptight."

""I assure you officer, I have only had a few ales.""

All from the greatest movie ever made :) What is it?
“Come on, Johns. You got the big gauge.”

“Where's Johns?”
”Which half?”

“I hate it when we're not the bad guys.”

"Quite right...interesting, that was quicker than the others"

"No Mr. Bond...I expect you to die"

"We are getting aggravated"

“I've got nipples Greg, can you milk me?”

"Shoot the hostage"

"What’s in the car?"
"Seats and a steering wheel"

“They say most of your brain shuts down during cryo-sleep. All but the primitive side; the animal side. No wonder I'm still awake.”
Main Offender, number 1 you got wrong. This one's tricky; I'll post another obscure quote from the movie and see if anyone gets it. I guess I'll progressively make them easier; I wanna see if anyone actually gets this.

"First we crack the shell, then we crack the nuts inside."

And #4 is As Good as it Gets, with Jack Nicholson. Great, great movie. It's hilarious, and it's also a good movie to study interpersonal communication.
5 was LoTR, yes.

Main Offender said:
All these memories will be lost... like tears... in rain. Time to die.
Blade Runner.
I see DoctorGordor, that you like Riddick's saga;)
#1, #2, #3, #10. not sure about few others.
and #8 - that has to be Speed

ok guys - another classic:
'what's the matter Eastwood - chicken?'


Darkside55 said:
First we crack the shell, then we crack the nuts

Transformers: the movie?
1. "Y'know what I think? Don't really matter what I think. Once that first bullet goes past your head, politics and all that s**t just goes right out the window."

2. "I always tell the truth. Even when I lie."

3. "You laughing at me, dickbrain?"

4. "Freeeeeeedooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!"

5. "You climb obstacles like old people f**k!"

6. "I will see you again... but not yet. ;("
Y'know what I think? Don't really matter what I think. Once that first bullet goes past your head, politics and all that s**t just goes right out the window. - BHD (said by eric bana who is such a face puncher)

Freedom - Braveheart

You climb obstacles like old people **** - FMJ?

I will see you again - Gladiator


How about this?

"People don't like fire poked, poked in their noses."
Still no one guessed mine?
I guess it may be too difficult to recognize. So I'll give you all a hint. It is a fairly recent movie. It was released within the last 5 years.

Here it is again...
joule said:
Guess this one.

"Of course there's a government. There's always a government."
joule said:
Still no one guessed mine?
I guess it may be too difficult to recognize. So I'll give you all a hint. It is a fairly recent movie. It was released within the last 5 years.

Here it is again...
Enemy Of the State...?
crushenator 500 said:
Was it... terminator3! :O
Try again. :E

I can't think of another hint I can give you all without giving too much away.

EDIT: Ok, I've got one. It's rated R.
Glo-Boy, all the ones you said you got right! :thumbs:

Here are two of mine that nobody got yet:
"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie."
"You laughing at me, dickbrain?"
You got it, oberGeist. :D That's my favorite movie, right there...I know every line by heart. I can even listen to the soundtrack and know at precisely what minute:second someone says a certain line when that song was playing during the movie. It's my obsession. ;)

I bet the answer to joule's quote will make everyone slap their foreheads and say, "Aw why didn't I get that?!" But I don't know it either.

Here's some more:

"His name is John Lee."

"You're wondering what a place like me is doing in a girl like this."

"There's something in the wind that feels like tragedy's at hand."

"Where is your honor, dirtbag? You are an absolute disgrace!"

"You're wondering what a place like me is doing in a girl like this." - The Mummy

That's all I know. :p
For all of those you are still wondering what movie that quote was pulled from, it was..............................28 Days Later. :E
Darkside55 said:
"You're wondering what a place like me is doing in a girl like this."

"Where is your honor, dirtbag? You are an absolute disgrace!"

I can vividly hear both of those in my head when I read them, but I don't remember which movies they are...
In my opinion one of the greatest lines ever!!

- I could have been a contender. I could have been somebody... -

Who gets this one wins a prize :D

Hint: Marlon Brando was probably the greatest actor ever
Darkside55 said:

Robocop? Cant remember which one, so Ill say the first.

Incitatus said:
- I could have been a contender. I could have been somebody... -

Robin Hood Men In Tights? Im pretty sure that quotes in that film anyway, dont know if you meant another one, hardly anyone seems to have seen it. :(
joule said:
Guess this one.

"Of course there's a government. There's always a government."

Sorry if it's been answered, 28 Days Later.


"Are you a faithless preacher? Or a mean mother-f***in' servant of God?"

EDIT: Sorry, didn't realise how old this thread was that I'm dragging up...
Reginald said:
"Are you a faithless preacher? Or a mean mother-f***in' servant of God?"

From Dusk till Dawn?

"It doesn't look like a bomb, it looks like an apple with lines coming out of it."