Teh Gamez u Play


Aug 12, 2003
Reaction score
What games are you playing or are planning on playing while you wait for HL2? Just wondering what people think is any good at the moment.

I'm playing WC3 and Deus Ex at the moment.

I'm thinking about reinstalling Starcraft, but i'm not sure....

I'm definitly getting freedom fighters when it comes out, and if you havn't already i recommend getting the demo. http://downloads.ugo.com/details.php/id/4415

This is sort of related to HL2 because it's what you're playing while you wait for it, this is also the best area of the forums.
i plays ut2k3 hl and its mods of course uhhh deus ex a bit =D great game

bf1942 of course.... more getting lazier...fatter....ughh

DUDE FREEDOM FIGHTERS IS TERRIBLE... from what i played of teh demo
I replay half-life because i want to stay in the mood. I also play vice city to pass time.
avp2+expansion multiplayer IS soooooo fun

i got used and my cd key got raped )= :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
All great games so far, i really enjoyed AvP2.

Hey, freedom fighters is gooood, did you get to that massive battle in the courtyard? The AI is great also, just that the controls are unconfigurable for the demo.
im such a huge aliens fan, but i honestly dont find AVp or AVP2 fun at all. in my opinion they dont capture the mood or the sutleties of the movies.

I'm playing DoD almost exclusivley right now, a little bit of CS on the side.
Recently I have played (in some cases for a second time since I bought it):

Half-Life: Opposing Force
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Action Half-Life
Counter-Strike 1.6 (got into it again for a few weeks :O but alas once again I've lost interest)
The Specialists Mod Beta 2(for HL)
Soldier of Fortune 2
Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Postal 2 (I thought parts of this game were pretty cool. Lots of it rather original, and generally a lot of fun)

I'm waiting for Splinter Cell to arrive in the post too.

Once I found out about HL2, I pretty much planned to play as many recent action games as I could until its release. I went at a slightly faster pace than I thought I would due to getting bored of MOHAA and SOF2 (as I've completed them before) and now I'm running out of games to play! Now I'm back at work full time and I'll be so much busier, I would have thought a few more games would just be enough to keep me going until HL2. I'm also going to complete HL1 again, just before HL2 comes out! But I don't know which games to try out next.

Any suggestions? Preferably 1st/3rd person action/adventure games, with a decent singleplayer part. I need games!! :D
Vice City, Sim City 4, Rise of Nations (demo), and for the rest mostly studying for my exams :s Wish me luck, i've got my first one tomorrow morning (really should try to get some sleep now)
Originally posted by Ro@cH
Vice City, Sim City 4, Rise of Nations (demo), and for the rest mostly studying for my exams :s Wish me luck, i've got my first one tomorrow morning (really should try to get some sleep now)
Heh. Don't what I do, which is go to sleep around 2 am, then set the alarm about 4 am to do an extra 4 hours revision before the exam. That's not a recommended technique :)

Good luck, anyway.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Any suggestions? Preferably 1st/3rd person action/adventure games, with a decent singleplayer part. I need games!! :D
NOLF 2 might be worth looking into - it's cheap, too. Doesn't take itself as seriously as the rest, and it's quite stealthy in places, but I enjoyed it.

Also, I'm *really* going back a few years now, but I thought Kingpin was pretty good if you don't mind the swearing.
Jedi Outcast at the mo, and The Specialists HL mod. I have a bunch of other games but HL2 spoiled em all :p
Me minding about the ****ing swearing? You've got to be ****ing kidding me. I love the ****ing swearing. Do you think I'd ****ing like Postal 2 if I minded the swearing? Shut the **** up you big bad mother shitter. Kingpin owned all you ****tards man. And as if I haven't played NOLF2. Are you ****ing crazy? I just ****ing forgot to add the ****er to my list, I'm sooooo ****ing sorry. Dick **** ass bullshit mother beater **** shit.

/me ****ing dies


God bless the swear filter.
right now, I play....

Day of Defeat
Tribes 2
Jedi Outcast if I'm in the mood
I just quit star wars galaxies. it should be called snore wars galaxies

I've never played Deus Ex before, I heard it's really good though, I'm considering buying it to hold me until HL2 is out :D
oooh Rise of Nations demo....that one was fun for the four hours I got to play it on my sister's computer (the only one set up right now that was fast enough to play it....and now she took it to college). I also would play Return to Castle Wolfenstein but again, computer's not fast enough :(
I play Age of Empires occasionally but not that much anymore. Multiplayer sucks for that game since everybody's "strategy" is to make as many people as they can and rush you.
I started playing through hl again and was going to download a bunch of mods for half-life and start playing those, but school already started so I actually hardly have any time to play games anymore.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Me minding about the ****ing swearing? You've got to be ****ing kidding me. I love the ****ing swearing. Do you think I'd ****ing like Postal 2 if I minded the swearing? Shut the **** up you big bad mother shitter.
Ok, so you've got a ****ing point about Postal 2, big ****ing deal. Excuuuse me for trying to help some ****er out.

You know, all this stuff about bad language and violence in games affecting us is a load of ****ing ********, isn't it?

That was fun :) :devil:
Hehe, thx chris.

I just had my exam results back, i've got a place in university studying molecular biology. My results were not exactly what i had hoped for but i got the grades where they mattered. Just as an example i got an E in chemistry:cheese:

But my biology results were excellent and my physics were ok, i had psychology as a side subject.

When i have an exam looming i hate it because i find it difficult to enjoy anything, i'm always thinking about it.

To be honest i think i'm doing further education because i'm lazey, i don't wanna get a full time job!

Back on topic, chris_d, try;

Thief 2, it is the best stealth game available imo.
Messiah, weired, but quite good third person shooter/adventure, a little sadastic too.
Outcast, oldie but goodie. Graphics have aged a bit.
Chaser, great graphics, FPS, with added bullet time coolness.

Teh freedom fighters demo!
right now im juggling Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, along with Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4, and Tron 2.0. also spending alot of time with SvenCo-op mod

other games i have installed but im not really playing hardcore are Gore, Americas Army, wolfenstein enemy territory, max payne, mafia (really been meaning to play through this fully, maybe after MOHAA), BF1942 (reinstalled to check out the interstate 1982 mod thing), then theres the obligatory HL, blue-shift, opposing force, and for retro moods, i have tenebrae quake, plus quake2max installed.

also have vietcong, rayman 3, AvP2, clive barkers undying, and american mcgees alice sitting in my "gonna install and play again real soon" pile, heh.

oh, and i enjoyed the freedom fighters demo as well, uninstalled now though.
Right now im going to get Warcraft 3 to keep me buisy 'till HL2. Especially if its delayed
Natural Selection at the moment.
I finished Jedi Academy a week ago.
And CS only for scrims. Thats how it should be played.
Enemy territor
GTA vice city
medal of honor
rise of nations
C&C generals
Americas Army
Originally posted by vitale
Natural Selection at the moment.
I finished Jedi Academy a week ago.
And CS only for scrims. Thats how it should be played.

haha you played through that shitty beta of jedi academy and ruined the final game? shame, the beta was terrible.
i had the leaked beta and i got pretty far. I would have beaten it but there was this invisible wall glitch that wouldnt let me pass a level.
The final game will rox.

The beta was ok, i just used it to test what the game was like, deleted it after the first level. I liked the original jedi knight so i didn't want to ruin it.
ruined the final game? nah.
I just played it, i didnt go to their studios and add a bug to the final game.
Originally posted by vitale
ruined the final game? nah.
I just played it, i didnt go to their studios and add a bug to the final game.

no, ruined it for yourself, by playing a buggy beta ;) although i guess when you buy the final game you'll appreciate how much it's improved since the beta, but still you'll know exactly what happens and what to do, which kinda ruins the experience, IMO.
I only play UT at this moment.

I'm going to reinstall all my games next week... New PC is coming :)

Medal of honor,
Battlefield 1942,
command and conquer generals,
raven shield,
Unreal II,
do ppl still play moh:AA online? i have it, but never played it. single or online. i also got nolf 1, but never played that either.
Yeah but seriously though, why isnt this in off-topic?

Off-topic threads

"How many turds do you have a day?"
"Whats your daily routine?"
"Is your mum a nice lady?"
"Anybody have any fake limbs?"

Now lets HL2-o-rize them, surely now they belong in the general disccusion forums?

"How many turds do you have a day, and how many do you expect to have before HL2 is released?"
"Whats your daily routine and will it change when HL2 comes out?"
"Is your mum a nice lady and does she like HL2?"
"Anybody have any fake limbs and are they shaped like the HL2 logo?"

Use your head, and dont just add "HL2" because you want more people to reply
Originally posted by Xtasy0
no, ruined it for yourself, by playing a buggy beta ;) although i guess when you buy the final game you'll appreciate how much it's improved since the beta, but still you'll know exactly what happens and what to do, which kinda ruins the experience, IMO.
Funny you say that because I didnt notice any bugs that would detere(sp?) my experience so im not sure which bugs you're talking about. I enjoyed the game. When I play the final, maybe I'll see what the changes are. :]
-Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2
-Vice City
-Black Hawk Down

By the way the aim on Freedom Fighters is shit.... Thats the only ting i hate bout it ...
at the moment.

GTA3 for the PC and Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (mostly online)