Teh Luke Dance!!!


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
lol, i just got my dads digital camera and took some photos of one of my star wars figures... next thing you know, i have made an animation =P

DanceMag said:
trust me, he does ;)

you have more =P

anyay, it'd be coolto make a huge animation lol :) would be so tedious though...
Out of the way deities, Suicide42 is the new god!
CyberSh33p said:
its mesmerising

Yeah, I think it hypnotized me. Maybe there are secret messages embedded within the animation. Suicide, is "Teh Luke Dance" some sort of recruitment tool for your own private army of evil minions?
:dozey: I thought sitting on my ass in front of the computer all day some days was a total waste. I guess your little animation justify's that it isn't! Nah probably not.
Oh what the hell Why do you delete my posts admins?

Because I am that much of an asshole you don't like me.
Wow something spooky if you look at ti long enough it seems to speedup.. or is it just me and my stupidity
you think b3ta.com would actually put it up? sweet lol :D

and yes, i am a god :P
LOL took about half an hour to 45 mins :P

i just took really quick pictures, then just uploaded them, Cut out the top bit of luke and compiled them to a GIF :)
Took a while, but I got it resized and optimised enough to use as a forum avatar (see attachment). I already set it as mine to try it out, and start the luke revolution! :E Soon, the forum will be full of dancing lukes... well at least one :p

I'll remove it if you want suicide, put in my sig that it's yours
Hey, greenbunny, what GIF program do you use? mine just stopped working because i had used up the trial period.
That animation is great, keep at it Suicide42... you could make a living out of it one day :) Like that guy, Nick Park.
Yeah, my brother does that sometimes with his iSight, he took a gold head of Abe Lincoln and rotated it .3 inch every shot, really creepy
o3jox said:
Wow something spooky if you look at ti long enough it seems to speedup.. or is it just me and my stupidity
it has to load, while its loading it goes slower, then speeds up once its done a cycle.
lol, that figure looks funny cause just imagine him crying out loud, "I HATE THIS GUY BECAUSE HE HAS NO LIFE AND HES FORCING ME TO MOVE SO MUCH!" lol (i hope this doens't insult you.
I hope it insults him! Muagahah!

No, seriously, that is one cool animation. Of course it didn't meet my high standards of viewing but only because I was expecting it to be my mate Luke Wood 'getting wiggy with it'. ;)