Teh phyziks are teh fun (video)

that is one of the reasons i wont this game and can't wait till x-mas,
physics are your friend!
W00t, now thats the kind of thing I'll be doing most of the time.
lol! Now that actually looked like fun! :D
Cant wait to get my hands on the game and do things like that there :p
Can you make Gordon sit in one of those swings and have a little swing too? :LOL:
Theres also one part with a basket full of bricks with string tied to it. If you follow the string, it is tied to another basket high in the bridge. Take enough bricks out and the other basket comes down full of ammo and health kind of like a scale. The whole game is like this. You can pick up everything and anything and interact with it, throw bottle at people and see what they say and do.
I hate all of you. Have to go work no play later.
Great video btw
too bad the


didnt work, or did it? did i leave that place too early? what fun have i missed?
Haha did you guys throw bottles at combine soldiers when u got off the train? They ****in chase you down and beat you hahahaa
Is this a normal level or a play area kind of thing?

I wa shoping there was a play area where you cam play with the physics engine.
oasismark said:
Is this a normal level or a play area kind of thing?

I wa shoping there was a play area where you cam play with the physics engine.

Can someone answer my question please?

woooow i so can't wait... how am i gonna get to sleep tonight :'(
:/ i woke up at 4 to play
but if my parents woke up and came down, they would probably be like whyd u wake up so early
then im like well this game just came out and i really wanted to play it
then they would be like....
probably would be better if i waited till 5..