Tell me about gang trouble where you live?


Apr 20, 2004
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Is there any ppl in America (or anywhere) that knows about the gang trouble in there area, exspecially Los Angeles and New York.

Ive always been intrested in gangs i have heard that the mafia is still in new york but is being forced out by other gangs such as the triads and russian mafia.

Anyone seen any gang members before, tell me :D
Nah, but really...the only ones here who make trouble are those ****ing immigrants!
They keep saying:
"Oh bu-huuu, we're so bored, let's go smash something or someone"
****ing cocksuckers...
Oh god.....

No, I wont get started on the immigrant issue.... I will just go too far...

Anyway, on the issue of gangs... I heard some pretty nasty shit going on in Nottingham where I used to live in the UK.

I had a close friend who witnessed guns drawn on several occasions. Which btw is very unusual in the UK since handguns are completely illegal and gun regulations are extremely tight. Our police dont even have guns, only specialist firearms units...

Anyway, I am getting distracted...
Well what an enlightening remark there...

Actually, in the town just next to mine there have been several shootings recently and people get stabbed fairly often on "party" nights....My town is nice though :D

Just somethin in the tone of Frank though...several times at collage there have been so called "racist" incidents. My friends for example was walking past a group of Bangladeshis and they called him white trash, he just made one of his witty little remarks and one of them made a move to go for him, fortunately a security guard came around the corne, however later on it was my friends who was punnished by the teachers and they even told him they don't tolerate racism in the collage. The other party wasn't even talked to because having a go at them would be racist...At least thats how Politically correct people see it. There have been lots of other problems but that was the most recent one that springs to mind.
In my neighborhood in North Carolina we had gangs all over the place, the 3 years I lived there, there were several shootings behind my house. That eventually led them to close all the roads there also. I lived on an Army base though, and they usually caught the people in trouble, but they did keep alot of people in line by vandalizing there property.

Also, my Aunt lives in Millwakee and they are having lots of trouble right now with a gang from the North side coming down and shooting up peoples houses and cars. There was a drive by shooting one house down while I was visiting there last time.
my parents are I guess they should be thrown in jail because after all everybody knows immigrants are responisble for everything that's wrong with a country :rolleyes:

there is good and bad in every country, it doesnt matter what race someone is
Actually, in the town just next to mine there have been several shootings recently and people get stabbed fairly often on "party" nights....My town is nice though

Just somethin in the tone of Frank though...several times at collage there have been so called "racist" incidents. My friends for example was walking past a group of Bangladeshis and they called him white trash, he just made one of his witty little remarks and one of them made a move to go for him, fortunately a security guard came around the corne, however later on it was my friends who was punnished by the teachers and they even told him they don't tolerate racism in the collage. The other party wasn't even talked to because having a go at them would be racist...At least thats how Politically correct people see it. There have been lots of other problems but that was the most recent one that springs to mind.

I disagree.

Thats how STUPID people see it.

Racism is possibly my personal number one most hated things of all time.

Whenever I see it I really really feel like crushing the life out of something.....

My other pet hate is little (And big) bastards thinking they are gangstas when they quite plainly arnt.

Example: In nottingham there are people that you should fear and respect.
But not I live near newcastle near a place called morpeth.

There are still annoying twats acting like gangstas. Except for this time they go to one of the best schools in the country. They are born into priviliged families and no hardship. Yet they still have the ****ing nerve to try and start fights with me and my friends.

I swear I am gona snap one of these days.... I nearly did yesterday. One hit my friend while he was frickin walking away. I mean how ****ing cowardly can you get. I was sooo tempted to kick is feckin moped thing over... and then kick the shit outa him....

Fortunatly for him I calmed down enough just to go and ask him why the **** he hit my friend and that if I saw him do it again I might not be so talkative.

Pisses me off........

(Wow, I talked for a while didnt I....)
CptStern said:
my parents are I guess they should be thrown in jail because after all everybody knows immigrants are responisble for everything that's wrong with a country :rolleyes:

there is good and bad in every country, it doesnt matter what race someone is


Thats what I was going to point out. But I am not going to get in an arguement about it right now. I'm tired. :x
Thats not the point CptStern....I'm not saying that someone is bad because they are a different colour, im saying that political correctness has gone mad. I also think there there are stereotypes which exist which create a lot of resentment, especially when people play up to them. Also, people of a different colour are usaually from a different culture or at least have something of a different culture in them, that makes them inherrantly different and will cause incidents, be they good or bad.

Racism doesn't just exist "in the white side" either. There are people in my collage from bangladesh (The ones i mentioned) who are very racist and they get away with it because of people being too PC.
I wasnt talking about you specifically farrow...I agree there are some people that will play the race card no matter how enlightened the society around them is. I live in probably one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world and we rarely have racial incidents (mind you we did have people defacing jewish cemetaries recently...but they're just irate hooligans and hardly represent the people of my city)
Perhaps you weren't directing it at me, sorry for coming back at you but still i see people say things like what you said before only they are just trying to say "You are a racist" in a nice way.

What city do you live in by the way?
hehe no, hehe that wasnt my intent

I live in toronto, canada

we have ethnicities from every corner of the earth...makes you appreciate things like rice pillao, pekoras, Aglio e Olio, pud thai, and Mu Shi Chicken
I used to live in an area extremely crowded with immigrants and stuff.. I've just got one thing to say: No wonder people become racists.
Heh....Although it doesn't seem like it to the outside world, England is one of the most cosmopolitan countries on the globe. Largely because of the old days of Empire and prior to that. So many different cultures all existing in the country.

I think sometimes when you aren't sued to it, its hard to not get annoyed at different people moving in. The obvious being those of a different colour because if they were just Irish or something then you wouldn't really notice. But anyway, it can feel quite opressive when suddenly everyone around you changes colour and you are, what feels like, the minority in your own country. Of course, as i said before, their different customs and culture doesn't always gel.
we have pockets of immigrant areas in toronto but people of all races live in every area. My neighbour is greek, the other is english (england) the other is chinese, somebody down the street is jewish, someone else is korean etc
English(England) Wow....I didn't know there were any other English people.

Heh...At the cafe in the Airport where i used to work there was someone from Zimbabwa, a guy from Kenya, loads of Albanians (Most of them were cleaners in the airport, but one actually worked in the cafe...he acted like some kind of Gangsta though) a couple of Japanese people, and a Chinese guy.
Farrowlesparrow said:
English(England) Wow....I didn't know there were any other English people.

Heh...At the cafe in the Airport where i used to work there was someone from Zimbabwa, a guy from Kenya, loads of Albanians (Most of them were cleaners in the airport, but one actually worked in the cafe...he acted like some kind of Gangsta though) a couple of Japanese people, and a Chinese guy.

hehe sounds like an off-colour joke ;)

incidently I said english cuz to an immigrant here in canada when you say english they automatically think "canadian"...not that that makes any sense ;)

the woman who works in the cubicle next to me is from zimbabwe, and she has the cutest "english" accent
So someone immigrating to canada might think English means Canadian? I guess its to do with the language....weird.

I see what you mean about it looking like a joke :)

Anyway...Gangs. As i was saying before, there aren't so many gang problems around here. Gangs don't form with the organisation that you might see in places like London or the other cities, obviously you get groups of thugs and youths but thats it.

Edit: Its funny because i met someone from malasia in the USA and she had a US accent...ok thats not the interesting part...She had had elecution lessons back in malasia and that had given her a very proper English accent...of course she was about 50 and had been living in the US since she was young so unless she put it on she didnt really speak like an English person.
Where ever you go in the world you'll always find one Russian mob member.
Okay, first of all, I'm not a racist! But sometimes these dicks (everybody can be dicks so I'm not being a racist here, people!) are so ****ing lazy, and they don't do shit to earn some cash! I've been in class with 2 immigrants both from Iran - I think! First of all they thought that the men were in charge of the class and that the women should just shut the **** up and do what the men told them to. 2nd they didn't study at all, and they both got warnings tons of times (one of them got caught stealing on a field trip), but the danish schools are a bunch of pussies and they didn't do crap about it!
I love people who care - but I have absolutely no respect for those who think that they're the alpha-males in this group...just like monkeys - even though I LOOOOOOVE MONKEYS!!!
We've had the usual gun incidents along with the robberies here.

In fact, my dad was robbed at gunpoint about three weeks ago. Two days after the guy robbed my dad, he decided to confront police officers. The man hit both of the police with small arms fire and he ended up getting hit himself. The result? He died.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I had a close friend who witnessed guns drawn on several occasions. Which btw is very unusual in the UK since handguns are completely illegal and gun regulations are extremely tight. Our police dont even have guns, only specialist firearms units...

You know they don't have handguns in England, how crazy is that? They must be really polite.

[badenglishaccent]"Give me your wallet!"


They have proper crime there. You can just picture some guy holding up a bank.

[badenglishaccent]"Alroight, this is a stickup, nobody move! I've got a soccer baaaaaaall!!!"

"Shit, Ian, he's serious, that's a Spalding!"[/badenglishaccent]

- Bill Hicks :D
Hey Frank were are you from France? It seems like it, you guys are all right, in France the they always worry about "cultural invasion by Americans" but they don't see that the Arabs are taking over man, in the streets now all you see is Arabs, fine with me, but all they do is tag streets, rob, and when you look at them they all get racist, don't even get started in school, the French are scared of them, this people are always hitting on them, its horrible, that’s one reason why me parents left France, last year I went back, and I really cried, such a beautiful country, now all you see is them making havoc, they don't even work, the government pays for them to do nothing.
When some one who has balls come and says enough, the media start accusing them of being Nazis and racists.

If I hear word of revolution in France, man I'm in, I'll get a plane ticket as soon as possible.
There were alot of gang issues when I lived in Orange County (Southern California). I remember when I was riding my bike one time, there was a drug bust in my neighborhood. The cops in the helicopter were telling everyone to get down on the ground, so I did. I was so freaked out cause I thought they were talking to me. I eventually got up and rode home. They did end up catching the gang that was selling drugs.

Since I moved here, to northern Mississippi (just outside of Memphis, TN), I haven't had any gang related problems. Actually I haven't had any problems at all. It's great except for all the rednecks.
In my school there aren't true gang members. But damn there is a lot of drugs in it. They have these "lockdown drills" where everybody has to stay in the classroom, but the cops come in with dogs and search lockers. So many people got busted too. I think it was like 12 people and one of them had a 10 pound bag of weed.
outpost233 said:
In my school there aren't true gang members. But damn there is a lot of drugs in it. They have these "lockdown drills" where everybody has to stay in the classroom, but the cops come in with dogs and search lockers. So many people got busted too. I think it was like 12 people and one of them had a 10 pound bag of weed.

I have lockdown drills too where they search the hallways for people instead and call them "sweeps."
The Thing said:
I have lockdown drills too where they search the hallways for people instead and call them "sweeps."
Mine are just for police dog to sniff for drugs in lockers/bathrooms.
what drugs are they looking for? I dont remember that happening in any of the schools in my area. Call me naive but isnt that a little excessive for weed...I mean how many teens are into hardline drugs like cocaine or heroine?
CptStern said:
what drugs are they looking for? I dont remember that happening in any of the schools in my area. Call me naive but isnt that a little excessive for weed...I mean how many teens are into hardline drugs like cocaine or heroine?
Most schools dont want there kids doing any mind altering drugs. They really dont care if they are hard core or not, they want them not to be on them period. They also dont want weed to lead to harder drugs, it is a little excessive but isnt everything in our world today getting that way?
weed rarely leads to harder drugs that's a myth

K I can see how the parents dont want that but is the answer having the school locked up like a prison? it's not like they couldnt do that off premises during lunch or whatever.
CptStern said:
what drugs are they looking for? I dont remember that happening in any of the schools in my area. Call me naive but isnt that a little excessive for weed...I mean how many teens are into hardline drugs like cocaine or heroine?
Well there are hardline drugs like crack and heroine its just not used as widely as weed is. Its pretty rare to hear stuff about kids doing heroine but it does happen.
how many kids can afford cocaine? at $100 a gram? for a hardcore user he can do that much in an hour
CptStern said:
how many kids can afford cocaine? at $100 a gram? for a hardcore user he can do that much in an hour
Well that kids who can afford it are the ones who sell weed to other kids. I just want to know how the hell there able to get it and why are they so retarded that they bring it into school in the first place.
CptStern said:
weed rarely leads to harder drugs that's a myth
I didnt say it does often, but schools dont want to take the chance. Like I said, it is blown way out of proportion just like the rest of our world.
I live in southern California so I get to see a bunch of gangs all the time. But I don't have any of the "big" ones around here like 18th street or anything. There's just a bunch of stupid little pussy gangs, mostly really young beaners (sorry for racial slur, but they simply are bad people) I live by a park too, and it use to be a big hang out for some gangs till they started to fight every once in the wile and the cops started comming around more often. Then this one kid(probably 13) from this gang called Citron (say it as spanish as possible.... See-trone) Shot some other kid from some other dumbass gang and killed him. And one of them was walking down the middle of the streat one day with a shot gun saying how he was going to blow some guys head off. The police had the street blocked off and everything till he gave them the gun.
Hmmmm, what else has happend around here. Oh, there was this one pretty nice guy that lives around here who use to be in the Mafia. He use to tell us some pretty weird stories. Like how his dad gave him this indian boy when he was about 8 I think. And when I say gave him... I mean, he was a gift from that boys family and he was basicly like his body gaurd for life. It was the kind of thing where what ever he said to do, the guy did it. And I know he's killed alot of people. He has a ton of guns in his apartment.
Yeah, I don't like it around here that much.
I live in a fairly bad area.. lots of drugs.. gangs.. poverty and because I dont 'hang' with the misfits on the street they all look at me as an 'outcast', and come out with witty remarks, often trespassing on my property just because they know they can without fear of reprive.

I mean what can I do when theres a gang of 20 people stood outside my house? Not that its relevant, but they're all mixed race (usually black/white) people, who have been dispersed from another area of town, which is undergoing re-developement.

Come to think of it, I think its finally time to move on.
I dunno 'bout gangs... but I do see the graffiti... maybe the bums do it... I do see them around. :p
Letters said:
I dunno 'bout gangs... but I do see the graffiti... maybe the bums do it... I do see them around. :p

I think bums would much rather spend their money on food than spray cans.