Tell me what you think..... please..... PLEASE


Sep 27, 2003
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Ok, i had me a good ol' go at Flash, and all i could come up with was a 5 or so second flash movie with a stick figure, and an unlikely turn of events.

EDIT: Copy paste the URL or it wont work, or for those of u who are saying, "WTF^^ is a URL mate?", select the link >> and copy it, and paste it up there ^ in the address bar, and then, with every ounce of your puny strength, press "ENTER" or "RETURN", or the weird arrow thingy on the right side of ur keyboard, the big button "

U have been MINDArised
mmm, i decided to put my l33t paint skillz to use to create one of the crappiest comics ever, with no plot, and the poorest looking characters u ever saw'd

keep in mind, i made it on a laptop with a touch pad, and in paint, so i dunno what u expect

U have been MINDArised


  • harf lyfe cormic.jpg
    harf lyfe cormic.jpg
    59 KB · Views: 305
you did those in about 5 minutes, right? I don't want to be harsh but they suck..
I see some potential. Just try spending more time on them like the other guy said.

Good luck!:cheers:
Minda, why don't you save yourself some time and stick "U have been MINDArised" in your sig?

About the flash + comic strip, they were.........ok i guess :S
I thought the comic was pretty bad, but then I read this:

Originally posted by MINDA
i made it on a laptop with a touch pad

Considering how poor touchpads are, I'd call this an accomplishment.
yeh, i was just screwing around. i plan on making something much larger with flash.

heres what i come up with:

>>>>>>It starts off with an american soldier, crouched with his back against a wall. There are germans on the other side of the wall and there is a big gap in the wall that he needs to get passed. He runs out and in slow motion he fires at the row of germans behind sandbags. One of them gets hit in the eye, and bullets are whizzing past the rest. All of the bullets are missing the american, and he pulls out a grenade, dives, throws it, and rolls to the other wall, and presses his back to it, and then the germans behind him explode. The camera goes back to the american, and he grins. <<<<<<

This will also be my 3D modelling/animation project, once i learn MAYA or 3DStudioMax. EDIT: I am hopefully going to a school that teaches it, AFTER HIGH SCHOOL, I AM ONLY 15. So, this is the project that i have planned.

Anyway. I will post the flash and any other pieces that i make. Please also keep in mind that that first flash, was my first attempt with this program. Its gonna be a hell of a lot easier for me to do this in 3D. Cause im actually good at 3D.

I also put "U have been MINDArised" into my sig, cheers dood. I couldnt find the Control Panel, cause the things just called "User cp" which is shit, but oh well. I didnt ask, and saved myself embarrassment.

I will make some new comics aswell, serious ones, probably in PAINT. I have photoshop 7 but, i suck at photoshop, so, ill learn it when i need to.

Thanks for the input :cheers:
Ok, i was bored enuff to open Notepad, and i created this for a friend.
check it out.
Hey MINDA, could you change your sig? They aren't supposed to be longer than 5 lines long. Thanks!

Done. anyway, could i have some feedback on my idea?

please ;(

I thought it was 4 lines max? Did we change it? Why doesn't anybody send me the memo's on these things! lol :p
about your soldier idea... sounds good. But but a lot of detail in it.
Well, its sposed to be detailed.

Quick update, i got 3dsmax yesterday, so i started working on a tutorial. i finished modelling it last night about 2 and a half hours after i started, and i am gonna have a go at skinning it. ill post some images later.

Good luck man. Also, if you are trying to make the model for "in game", you might want to create a new thread in the models section of this site. Although the people there might see a bit more *harsh* they know what they are talking about when it comes to 3D.

And Fenric, it appears there are conflicting rules on the sigs. In the pub rules it says 4, while in the private forum it says 5.

EDIT: Alright, it appears the new rule is four. Sorry about that minda!
;( I understand.

Change it after i post this

Ok, so i had a play with 3DStudioMax. And i skinned the gun. It came out looking nice, but the gun was gay, so i took it upon myself to make a different gun, the Thompson. Here is what i made. Rendered on a grey background, stylish :afro:
Originally posted by tim8604
Good luck man. Also, if you are trying to make the model for "in game", you might want to create a new thread in the models section of this site. Although the people there might see a bit more *harsh* they know what they are talking about when it comes to 3D.

And Fenric, it appears there are conflicting rules on the sigs. In the pub rules it says 4, while in the private forum it says 5.

EDIT: Alright, it appears the new rule is four. Sorry about that minda!

Don't I get an apology too? for me being right about 4 lines and you being wrong :E
Does anyone post feedback in my thread that asks for feedback? i mean, seriously, this isnt a argue about the number of lines in a sig thread. sorry to yell, but, it was neccessary.

Now, if u please :cheers: could someone tell me whether my gun is good or shit?
Ok, im on a modelling rampage. Another 2 hours, another gun model.

I decided to use a concrete background for my renders cause it looks cool. If anyone can help with how to fix the lighting in the renders, that'd be awsome. Ill enquire in the models and skins forum aswell.

well, here are my shots. I have an unskinned render also, that kinda looks better than the skinned one, only cause the image i was using as a reference was shoddy quality.

but, here you go anyway.
the models lack detail they are very flat .. looks like u just extruded a spline.
edit: the best site for learning the basics of max
the galil tut there is very good.
u need to learn how to cut and about smoothing groups to settle ur "jaggies"
Well, all i did was extrude a spline. They are only my first 2 models. Gimme a little slack. Im just practicing.

I dont like comments like those. They put me off accomplishing stuff. Im sure you didnt mean to be offensive, but. To me. That was.
Originally posted by MINDA
I dont like comments like those. They put me off accomplishing stuff.

How on earth will oooh wow excellent, your amazing type of comments help you in any way? People are giving you honest opinions so you know what needs fixing and where you should practice more.

So sorry you don't like them types of comments, if you don't like them maybe try harder eh? Or do you prefer people to simply lie to you so you think your better than you actually are, that'll never do you any good ever.
lol, sorry, add a <sarcasm> into my post.

did u see wat i wrote first? All i did was extrude splines, lol. Thats how i made the model. read it all before u accuse me of being a wanker or something of the sorts. I appreciate all comments.

maybe u should delete my other post then. sorry if u took it te wrong way.
Originally posted by MINDA
lol, sorry, add a <sarcasm> into my post.

did u see wat i wrote first? All i did was extrude splines, lol. Thats how i made the model. read it all before u accuse me of being a wanker or something of the sorts. I appreciate all comments.

maybe u should delete my other post then. sorry if u took it te wrong way.

I read it all which prompted me to respond. Out of interest where did you buy your copy of 3DS Max 6?
IP reported to discreet.

jk ;). But like I said before, you would probably get more response if you posted these in the modeling forum, since its sole purpose is to showcase 3d work and receive crits. I can tell you though, a lot of the guys in there really look down on spline modeling ( even for beginners ), so be prepared for anything. For a first timer, I think it's fine. Even I Started out by just spline modeling. After that, I moved on to a combination of spline modeling mixed with other things. Now i'm up there with box modeling and all of that fun stuff ;).

This was done with spline modeling and other 'stuff'. It was one of my very first guns, probably 4 years ago. It was made in Inspire 3D ( a chopped down version of lightwave ), which I purchased on my own after saving up the $300 to get it.

So just never forget, you have to start somewhere, so don't let too many people get onto you for spline modeling, especially in the modeling forum.

Hope that was enough to 'satisfy' you.



splines are good, but i still hate them. i have been fixing my deagle model, with some cutting of polygons and then moving vertexes to get some nice curves. atm i have no idea how to get curves any other way but i asked in the modelling forum, so we will see.

but yeh, ur model is cool. even if u used splines :D. i still cant figure out how to make the shadows and stuff work properly. ;(

but. ill just screw around in the program and see what i can do.

cheers guys :cheers: