Temporal Anti-Aliasing


Feb 22, 2004
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ATI have invented a new form of anti-aliasing with their latest set of drivers. Instead of using the same pattern of Anti-alaising the card actually changes the pattern each frame to make it look as though you are running at a higher level. However it only works well at high frame rates, because the human eye may pick up the difference at lower frames.

I have given it a go and I think ATI have successfully eradicated jaggies for good! I took some screens... Can you see any jaggies?... amongst the ultra low-res jpeg quality of these screwed up pics??? :cheese:

PS: These shots were taken on an Athlon 2600+ with 9800pro. If you wanted to know... :p The first is Serious Sam the second encounter, the next is MOHAA, the last is UT2004... I couldn't be bothered with Max Payne 2... :p

HERE is a link for those interested in finding more.
When you shrink the resolution of the screenshot, that gets rid of jaggies. :eek:
i know shrinking the res of screenshots getsrid of jaggies... But i can't really help it. Can anyone host a large 1280x1024 FarCry screen with Temporal Anti-Alaising? Then i can show everyone how this rules!
It increases the performance too... It's good all round! Except maybe on lower frame rates, although i have been running it on lower fram rates and i can't see a big difference... At least it looks better enabled than not enabled.
u cant take screenshots of temporal AA.
u dont exactly know how it works, but u cant take screenshots of it!
hahahaha.... he's right!! You can't take a screenshot of temporal anti-aliasing... I AM SUCH AN IDIOT, next time I should think before posting images. Temporal anti-aliasing tricks the eye by changing the patterns of anti-aliasing on each frame, when you capture a screen you are seeing a SINGLE pattern and you eyes are no longer seeing the effect of a continually changing pattern... what we need is video feed! lol.
:thumbs: Whoa, for a second I thought this was actually new news. I thought wrong, shit's ancient... who didn't know this yet?
ailevation said:
who didn't know this yet?

Me and probably others.

Im guessing this is useless? If its not wider known.
Yeh, i had temporal aa on my 9800 pro before i upgraded to a gt a few months ago. You need quite a high fps to begin with (greater or equal to the refresh rate i think) for it to work.
Temporal AA has been around for a few driver versions. It's a great way to make your games look better and saves performance.

It's a big point for those who know about it and who can run at those higher FPS. It's best if you can run your monitor at 75 or 85Hz and if your framerate can keep up.

It might be a little difficult to maintain (framerate wise) but it is a big payoff instead of using 4 or 6x AA you can use 2 or 4x temporal AA and get equal quality with a lot less performance hit. And AA generally gives you more of a hit than AF does so you can still use a good level of AF.