"...ten new weapons..."


Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
From the store page. http://store.steampowered.com/app/500/

What are the ten new weapons? I thought there were only 7:

- SMG (can't remember exactly what it was)
- Pump-action shotgun
- Hunting (sniper) rifle
- Auto-shotty
- M16
- Pipe bomb
- Molotov cocktail
- ? Pistols
- ? Mounted Minigun
- ? Dual pistols ?

Anyone help me out here?
Don't forget the pistols.
I don't know if the mounted minigun counts as a weapon?
Oh. Good point.

Even so, that'd only be 9 (unless dual pistols count as two, which I can see happening).
Valve included the mini-gun as a weapon including nades. I don't consider those as a weapon, but more of a usable item and world object. Anyways we will find more weapons including a flamethrower. I really doubt that idea worked out too well though.
They will most likely add a new weapon or two with any new campaigns they add, I would love to see a hard hitting Revolver myself, I also think a chainsaw would be entertaining.
Valve included the mini-gun as a weapon including nades. I don't consider those as a weapon, but more of a usable item and world object. Anyways we will find more weapons including a flamethrower. I really doubt that idea worked out too well though.

A grenade is a weapon.
I saw this weird timed explosive thingy that might be the pipebomb I suppose, but it looked a bit more high-tech than your average homemade pipebomb. It had beeps and everything.

Check to everything else on your list. The SMG was either an Uzi or a micro-Uzi. Some sort of Mac10-alike.

I wouldn't count the duals as an extra weapon because you just pick up a second version of the default one you're carrying, same way Halo does it.
that's the pipe-bomb...they altered it so it has beeping and lights that will attract the infected.(as well as alert your teammates to it being tossed)
This "ten new weapons oh wait not really lolz" thing was easily the shittiest thing about this game. I went through every ****ing campaign expecting to get stuff like a revolver and flamethrower and etc.
Pissed me off too, man. I guess Uzi, shotgun, pistol, dual pistol, molotov, pipe, autoshotty, M4, hunting rifle, and mounted minigun are the 'ten weapons'. :hmph:
Oxygen tank, gas canister, petrol can.
I guess it's "ten new weapons" when you include

1. Pistol
3. Uzi
4. Autoshotty
5. M16
6. Hunting rifle
7. 'Extra' pistol (?)
8. Pipebomb
9. Molotov
10. Mounted machine-gun

Seeing as you're a survivor and whatnot I understand you're not supposed to have access to a large arsenal but it still feels like they could have included some more :/
By 10 new weapons I thought they meant 10 in addition to those seen in the demo. Where's my 10 new weapons godamnit!

If this game wasn't so awesome i'd be annoyed.