Terminator mod (was: He's Back)



He's Back

Deciding to choose which game engine to make a mod on, I finally found one.

I am new to the Half-Life community and plan on working on a new mod for Half-Life 2 when released.
Which mod?


I will be making the site soon, and the story will take place with all 3 currently released movies. As soon as the site is done, I will send it to Planet Half-Life and see if they will allow me to host it on their site.

Finally both fans of the movie and Half-Life 2 alike will get what they deserve.

Community members.... It is time.
Moved to general editing

aren't a couple of other teams doing Terminator mods?
Absolutely you can join.

If you have MSN could I have your [email protected]?

Or do you use AIM?

I need to organize all of the team.

p.s. those models look terrific (mostly the terminator that rolls on the treads)
Doesn't matter where you live. Copyright violation is copyright violation.
Yeah you need to ask them before making something that messes around with any license.

I know a few cases of sucess but they're rare.
no, we just dont use any material that is copyrighted, and we will be ok, so no "terminators" just robots instead, and such, we will be ok.

kinda like the bfmod home front did. (halo mod)
magnetmannen said:
no, we just dont use any material that is copyrighted, and we will be ok, so no "terminators" just robots instead, and such, we will be ok.

kinda like the bfmod home front did. (halo mod)
None of those models you did will be usable then, there are of course copyrights on all those designs for the T100 and so on

Course, they'd have a job on stopping you if you designed everything yourselves, from the ground up.. Say for example your storyline goes... Russia built some advanced AI systems (Russians are good at that from what I've found) But something went wrong when one of those problem countries tried to steal the plans, thus creating their own but very inferior versions, the result was the eventual take over of all these machines... Design all your robots and machines yourselves without copying others, use a storyline fleshed out and based on that and you should be safe. It also means you wont have to stick within the limits of the Terminator storylines. If you wanted something that wasn't there, you could put it in without anyone saying it shouldn't be there

Not to mention you'd get to have that smug satisfaction of creating something all of your own that you have full copyright control over too. Worth it IMO :)
We can also call them T-800 or T-1000 possibly. There is always a way around these copyrights. That's why there is no use on having copyrights.

Besides the site will have a disclaimer and all that other crap.
But yes asking for permission would be wise.

And as for a completely different story: No way.
The main motive of this mod is to include all 3 storylines into one solid mod. This is not a goal, this is something that must happen.

Terminator is a word, you can't copyright a word.
Terminator 800, Terminator 1000 can be used safely.

This is something that is NOT protected by copyrights:
Titles, names, short phrases, and slogans; familiar symbols or designs; mere variations of typographic ornamentation, lettering, or coloring; mere listings of ingredients or contents

Ideas, procedures, methods, systems, processes, concepts, principles, discoveries, or devices, as distinguished from a description, explanation, or illustration

There is no such thing as an "international copyright" that will automatically protect an author's writings throughout the entire world. Protection against unauthorized use in a particular country depends, basically, on the national laws of that country. However, most countries do offer protection to foreign works under certain conditions, and these conditions have been greatly simplified by international copyright treaties and conventions.
Terminator is a word, you can't copyright a word.

You make a film and call it "Terminator 5" then. Or make a game and call it "Quake 7". See how far you get.
Why would anybody name something Terminator 5 in the first place?

Terminator is not a trademark nor a copyright.

Terminator : Rise of the Machines, that's a different story.

Naming wont be a problem. You can simply name the mod
"The Terminators"

And then you can simply twist the story easily.
Thats why all movies will be included.

3 Terminators are sent to prevent John Connor from living before Judgment Day.
John Connor can be an actual persons name in real life, no copyright issues.

I have studied much of this and am prepared to know my rights, and continue this project without any legal issues.
You're only convincing yourself.

But hey, it's your funeral.
Woah, missed the rest of this thread

SpecOp9.. you have no idea about copyrights.. Use something without permission and your screwed, simple as that, you really are kidding yourself if you think your more powerful than a large corporation.

I do not believe you have studied copyright law sorry.

As PiMurho says though, its your funeral and not our problem :)
as long as we make the models ourselves and dont rip them from some terminator game, we are in the clear, also for naming , just call the robots 100`s 800`s 1000`s and so on, and lay off simple stuff like using movieclips and such, and its not a actual issue, as long as the mod is totally free of charge.

sure copyrighpeople can be scary, but if you make the models yourself, and only loosely use terminology they dont have anything to send you to jail for.

ofcourse if you live in usa, you risk high lawyerbills, but in my country its no problem, they can sue me anyday i dont worry a bit. (free lawyers here)

copyright law is made to protect a artists product from beeing exploited by otheres, but if the others arent making money of your copyrighted material , they dont actually have anything to sue for.

"they made a game that lots of people play, we want 60$ for each player in copyright money"

doesnt sound quite right eh?

no dont worry about it, they will sertainly try to intimidate you to quit modding, but when push comes to shove, they lack 1 item to make theyr lawsuit agains you work.


you have made 0 money on the mod, they have lost 0 money on your mod.
to argue that the free mod makes them loose customers on theyr professionally made game is also bull, as no such judge or jury in the world would be convinsed that a hobbyproduction could ever be better than a multimillion production.

so the only thing to wach for is using theyr names on stuff, noone will mind. if someone makes a minimod of our mod with the correct names on stuff, well what can we do , its not our fault.

big companyes will allways threaten with lawsuits to squeeze theyr crap games out(wotm as a good example) but if we are though and not worryed we will have a terminator mod out and they cant stop us, as long as its not using theyr movies directly, and is free.

as for the t-100 beeing copyrighted, bull. maybe the name t-100 should be shanged to e-100

call the mod EXTERMINATORS and skynet for spacenet and you are safe, basically.
Ho hum.

Copyright law and Intellectual Property 101.

To maintain ownership of it's Intellectual Property (IP), a company has to visibly defend it.

This means that even if you make a free mod, the company that owns the IP will have to take action. After all, if they turn a blind eye to you, what's to stop an unscrupulous developer releasing a game using their IP?

This is the exact same reason why the Aliens Quake mod was shut down. The same reason why Duke It Out In Quake (A Duke Nukem Q3 mod) was shut down. The same reason why numerous other mods are shut down.

If it's not your property, don't use it. Otherwise face the consequences.

As for being sued, it's unlikely to occur. What is likely is that you'll get a Cease and Desist letter from the IP owner's lawyers, telling you to stop work on the mod. Failure to comply with this usually leads to them sending nastier letters and getting your ISP to stop hosting you.

Assuming you ignore all this, and don't care about losing your website/hosting, and further assuming that you actually finish the mod, who's going to host it? Fileplanet? No. Any other major hosts? No. Who's going to run servers for it? No-one with any sense.
PiMuRho said:
Ho hum.

Copyright law and Intellectual Property 101.

To maintain ownership of it's Intellectual Property (IP), a company has to visibly defend it.

This means that even if you make a free mod, the company that owns the IP will have to take action. After all, if they turn a blind eye to you, what's to stop an unscrupulous developer releasing a game using their IP?

This is the exact same reason why the Aliens Quake mod was shut down. The same reason why Duke It Out In Quake (A Duke Nukem Q3 mod) was shut down. The same reason why numerous other mods are shut down.

If it's not your property, don't use it. Otherwise face the consequences.

As for being sued, it's unlikely to occur. What is likely is that you'll get a Cease and Desist letter from the IP owner's lawyers, telling you to stop work on the mod. Failure to comply with this usually leads to them sending nastier letters and getting your ISP to stop hosting you.

Assuming you ignore all this, and don't care about losing your website/hosting, and further assuming that you actually finish the mod, who's going to host it? Fileplanet? No. Any other major hosts? No. Who's going to run servers for it? No-one with any sense.
Great post, and the sticky about it too.
File planet does'nt need to be a host. The wonderful world of download Mirrors works just as good (and you don't need to wait in line for 43 minutes)

and I have no way of contacting C2 pictures? Whats theyr web site?
i look at it like a parody, its legal to make parodys. they may own terminator but they dont own humans against robots. there thats all i need to say.
You claim to be doing a parody, yet you say you're going to use the Terminator storylines.

Your entire defence against this is that you're going to pretend that it's not the Terminator series when really it is. Pitiful
SpecOp9: way to miss the point. Fileplanet was an example. No legitimate download mirror is going to touch your mod if it's been shut down.
btw, i wouldnt count on being safe and not being sued, you still own stuff and have money yourself, so if they really wanted to and you didnt obey the 'stop ripping off our ideas' letter they could sue you and the members of your team (or at least the ones in areas where the copyright is enforceable, which is the USA and probably most of Europe at least).

Basicaly, dont do it, its a Bad Plan(tm)
Obviously we would give full credit to the original authors, so this WONT be concidered 'ripping off their ideas'.

The people on the team are Terminator movie fans. The last thing we would want to do is not give credit to those who rightfully deserve it.

There are many many high chances they won't find the mod. It's a risk I am willing to take, nothing is going to stop us at our attempt to try.
There's so many things I could say in response, but there's no point. You'll find out.
no im just pulling your legs, i know its impossible to make a terminator mod, so im out, i just wanted to get some ppls attention for a small moment in time.

ill return to the colossus mod now. wich happens to be androids fighting against human kind. ;)