Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles


Feb 11, 2008
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Just want to see who here watches T:SCC? I highly recommend this show. I suggest you start with the season 1 DVD so you don't get lost. This is the kind of show that grows on you over time.
I think this show would've been liked by more people if it wasn't called terminator. They could've called it something else, after all the story has gone in a completely different direction...
I like it, I have no problem deviating into another timeline from the movies given the nature of the entire series, seems quite reasonable.
The show does have dull episodes, but there are weeks where it's really good.

Only thing I don't like is not having Virgin TV so having to download it off torrents.
Dawnsons creek in time travelling machine caused coming apocalypse.

In other words its some drama, some boobs, and a well known name tagged on, pass.
It's alright.
And is nothing like Dawsons Creek, and is very low on the boob quotient. Enjoy your preconceptions though I'm sure they're fun.
I hate how John is a whiny little bitch and Sarah doesn't let him do anything.
(Only saw the first season.)

Also, terminator rebuilding itself after getting ripped apart = **** this shit.
It's ok. I watch it, but it's not exactly demanding my attention unlike say LOST, BSG, Fringe or (lately) Dollhouse.
It has started getting really good lately, John has started taking charge, pieces are coming together, and there has been some great action.

I would highly recommend this show both for new viewers and old.
(for new viewers go out a rent season 1 and you can find season 2 recaps online)

Imagine Friday evenings. Start with T:SCC on Fox followed by Dollhouse, then switching over to SiFi for BSG.

T:SCC+DH+BSG +Awesome Friday!!!!

P.S T:SCC needs more viewers... Please watch : )
I don't like it much as I like Terminator films, but I still watch it (maybe because I don't have any alternatives). They need to spend more money on it.
It was good, but not great - good enough to keep on watching just not enough for me to love it and mock anyone who doesn't.
Teen Angst Terminator would have been a more proper title for the show. John is a whiny bitch and Sarah seems to be constantly constipated. The first season was promising and so was the supporting cast.
The new supporting cast annoys the crap out of me. Weaver, Riley and especially Jesse.
The James Ellison and John Henry aka Cromartie aka SkyNet? story arc is only reason why i still watch the show. I don't expect this to be renewed for a 3rd season because it is going nowhere. It's been moved to Fridays for a reason.
The James Ellison and John Henry aka Cromartie aka SkyNet? story arc is only reason why i still watch the show.

Yeah that's why I'm watching it too. Also, Ellison trying to teach John Henry christian morals .... yep we're doomed.

I don't mind Weaver, however Riley is annoying, and as for Jesse... I really feel the need to crack her scull open with a sledgehammer in every scene she appears...
If you want the show to survive, get a new season, get a bigger budget we all need to watch T:SCC and stop complaining (polite and constructive criticism is ok though)

John is not as whiny as he used to be and seems to be taking charge. Weaver is becoming more awesome... slaughtering 30 people and blowing up a warehouse. Also prototype HK's are very cool. :) John Henry is very interesting and amusing (with a constant undertone of 'is he going to snap and kill us all?')
New Salvation trailer is coming out today.
Watched the first episode and wasn't impressed so...eh.
Best show out there? Hardly. Not the worst though.
Now that they're back from break, I can't be bothered watching an episode, so shit now.
This show needs more Stephanie Jacobsen, she is smoking.
Did any one here watch ep 17 Ourselves Alone? Because it was amazing. it had suspense, action, snappy dialogue, humor, cool special effects. awesome... if you didn't catch it go watch it on Fox.com

It this does not bring you back then two things could be the reason: 1) you have been out of the loop too long and don't know whats going on, or 2) this is not your show and you should go away and stop complaining.
FOX's web player sucks dick, it stutters like a mother****er for me.
FOX's web player sucks dick, it stutters like a mother****er for me.

That would probably be your computer or your internet connection. I have DSL and it works fine for me... or you don't have the right drivers or players downloaded on you computer.
The last 2 episodes have been amazing! best since Sampson and Delilah!
So I power watched the whole first and second season over the last week, and I have to say I am really impressed with the show. I thought it would be pretty lame, but its probably one of my favorite shows now.

I'm glad that asian twat got killed. She was a major **** and annoying as balls. But I am sad Reese died in tonights episode. When he got shot in the head in a split second and died like he was just a nobody... I was just like... D: Why?
After they came back from break it was shit, don't watch it anymore
They killed two major character in last two episodes. Looks like they gonna do a new season, with low budget.
I haven't watched this show in like 5 months but I have quite a few downloaded and ready to go. I'm also behind on Lost and I just need to watch the last ep of 24 to be all caught up.
They killed two major character in last two episodes. Looks like they gonna do a new season, with low budget.

Charlie wasn't in it that much tbh, but I was pretty amazed that they just killed Derek off like that (esp as he had become quite a cool character tbh). It was pretty blase' they way they just capped him as well. No heroic rescue, or drawn out gunfight, just walk through door and receive a bullet in the head. I had to do a double take because I initially thought it must of been an extra as a security guard of something. Bizarre really. I can only conclude he must have another venture lined up and wanted off...
Ellison, and Connors might work, or maybe even live together in Season 3. I always thought Sarah and James would make a great couple. As for Charlie, I think he was a good side character, with some potential. I never been a big fan of Derek, but it's sad to see him wasted in a way like that.
Adam Raised a Cain was an amazing episode... I am sad the killed off Derek but I heard that he was originally not supposed to survives season one.
Weaver is clearly part of the Terminator uprising and building her own version of a self aware super computer to take down SkyNet.
The T-1000's are not cyborgs/robots but non-organic organisms that can't simply be programmed like their single minded solid counterparts.
Just like SkyNet, they probably became self aware and retaliated against their creator.
Unlike SkyNet, "The Brother" who fears and hates humanity.
John Henry is beginning to understand and experience compassion, love and why life is sacred through his friendship with Samantha and Ellison.
He definitely cares for Samantha as we've seen in this latest episode. He even lied to Weaver for Samantha's well being.
I wouldn't be surprised if he sacrificed himself to save her as well as others. Props to Garret Dillahunt. I loved both of his characters on Deadwood.
That said, it's really a shame that it took them so long to pump out these last few good episodes. They should have kept the unnecessary side plots and obnoxious characters (Jessie and Riley) to a minimum or at least gotten better actors to play those parts.

As much i like the show, i don't expect this to be renewed for another season.
Killing off 4 supporting characters in such a short time is a sign of trouble. It's not exactly doing well ratings wise and you know how Fox is with these kind of shows. The timing isn't exactly good either. With the new movie coming out, this is more likely to get canned to reduce the confusion it may cause with the movie's plot line and characters. After all, the average movie goer can't even spell let alone comprehend the possibility of other time lines existing.

Sorry for the wall of text.
Season Finale is tomorrow! I can't wait!!!! watch it! bug your friends! haha. It looks like a good one!

Here is a link to the Terminator Wiki... really a great com community and we talk about all thing Terminator
Totally awesome. Fox better continue it or at least someone should.
Some fav quotes from this ep:

JH and Weaver at the same time "we'll see"
JH: :3

JH: "20!!"
Weaver & Ellison: >_>
Just finished watching this myself. Great episode.

But wtf at the ending

So John Connor, John Henry and Weaver-1000 are in the future now? And what the hell at Derek not knowing who Connor was? Was he joking or was he serious. If he was serious then this is some weird alternate timeline thing. Head asplode.

Also, I LOL'd at how easy Weaver took out that terminator in one hit. Terminator 2 would've ended kind of quick if Robert Patrick's character thought of that. :laugh:
Yeah the future is being altered all the time, and this is the end result of everything up till they followed Henry to the future.

Also I heard Fox may be cancelling the series so there might not be a 3rd season, if you want, send an email to these telling them you want it:

[email protected]

[email protected]