Test of my first map :)


Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
hehe, I know :p But I'm lazy ;)
And pics really doesn't tell u have the map really are.... But if u want pics I can snap some later ;)

Are u happy now? :p
Should I brighten those images? Are pretty dark in windows comparing to the game...

Cubemaps and texturework.

When that's done we can talk about lighting. But first off, definently work your cubemaps. My god it looks like shit only because you haven't added some cubemaps. Baby jesus cries. Next up is some misplaced textures, the most obvious is the ramp up to the lift. You don't build stuff like that with metal sheeting fit for a boat's hull. You just need to change it to something else. You should also concider some kind of handrail on the side, it'd make it look better aswell ;).

Edit: Oh, and the bricktexture should be changed in most any areas you use it.
And as you're a new mapper I have a feeling you don't know this; Put nodraw on all sides of a brush that's in the open but not seen by the player. Saves RAM space and CPU/GPU power, because it doesn't have to render useless faces.

First of all thanks for feedback :D I have added about 40-50 cubemaps on this map... But after running buildcubemaps I can't see any changes except the bsp is gaining 1 mb :S What I'm I doing wrong :( And ramp up to the lift?? I don't have any lift on my map? And what is wrong with the brick texture? Looks fine from my angle :p

And I use nodraw on every brush I make and then I face them with texture :s hmmm

But I will have a closer look at my map... :s
