Test System for Half-Life 2


May 17, 2004
Reaction score
Does anybody know what the system specs were for the computers running the game of which we saw demos of at E3? I think it has been released in an interview but I can't seem to find it.
I assume you mean the e3 2004 and not the 2003? Well anyway, all I know, well I don't know, but I'm pretty sure about the video card being an X800 Pro
umop said:
I assume you mean the e3 2004 and not the 2003? Well anyway, all I know, well I don't know, but I'm pretty sure about the video card being an X800 Pro


at E3 2003 it was run off of a Dell XMS with a radeon 9800 pro
I'm pretty sure the E32k4 vids were run off a MX440...
Six Three said:
I'm pretty sure the E32k4 vids were run off a MX440...

ROFL. I can just picture that. Lag and limited water effects... for an E3 demo.
volume said:
ROFL. I can just picture that. Lag and limited water effects... for an E3 demo.

lol. Gabe: "oh, shat! I keep hitting the wrong year in my Time Machine!"
Arrgghh! It's a x800 Pro they ran it off for 2004, and this has been answered in a mail (though I'm too lazy to look it up, so do it yourself).
Could do with knowing the other specs, though.
think it was something like a p4 2.5 +1gig ram and obv the x800. NOt sure tho.

Gabe said performance improvement past a 1.5ghz p4 with a 9600xt would be negligable didn't he?
jonnyapps said:
think it was something like a p4 2.5 +1gig ram and obv the x800. NOt sure tho.

Gabe said performance improvement past a 1.5ghz p4 with a 9600xt would be negligable didn't he?

Yeah, you believe that you'll believe anything. I bet he forgot to mention that this is at an 800*600 resolution or something...
Gabe said performance improvement past a 1.5ghz p4 with a 9600xt would be negligable didn't he?

Performance wise perhaps (hitting max fps with everything at low) yes but also visual wise? :p
Abom said:
Yeah, you believe that you'll believe anything. I bet he forgot to mention that this is at an 800*600 resolution or something...

i agree but he did say it somewhere didn't he?
Abom said:
Yeah, you believe that you'll believe anything. I bet he forgot to mention that this is at an 800*600 resolution or something...

"We're aiming for the game to work flawless on medium-machines with ATI 9600 and 128 megabytes of RAM" -that's from Crazyharij's gamereactor translation
We're aiming for the game to work flawless on medium-machines with ATI 9600 and 128 megabytes of RAM
Yes it would work flawless but is that with the visual aspects to 100%? Flawless could just as well mean without any hiccups but with some visual stuff lower.
Yea for real I need maxxed out graphics with maxxed out fps lol.
-=Nemesis=- said:
Yes it would work flawless but is that with the visual aspects to 100%? Flawless could just as well mean without any hiccups but with some visual stuff lower.

i took flawless to mean 'without any flaws' ie perfect. If the viewing distance is half what it could be that is a flaw.

However i think there's some confusion because there's no way it could run flawlessly on such a spec. Also, they're contemplating adding HDR for high end machines so this would mess up this 'flawless' idea
jonnyapps said:
"We're aiming for the game to work flawless on medium-machines with ATI 9600 and 128 megabytes of RAM" -that's from Crazyharij's gamereactor translation

As I say, that could either be without stuttering, as people just said, or it could mean on low resolutions which are as bad as having the game details low themselves. Also, there's no mention of AA or AF, which are significant FPS drains.
Maskirovka said:
i swear i read that it wasn't an x800....
yeah, I saw it too somewhere... I think the E3 2004 demos were shown with a R9800XT
As far as I know (read it somewhere) it was a Radeon 9800XT, prove me wrong though :)
I emailed Gabe and he said i can run 1024x768 with my radeon 9200 and 512mb ram
marty905 said:
I emailed Gabe and he said i can run 1024x768 with my radeon 9200 and 512mb ram
oh, wrong thread?

OT: it was a R9800XT
"We're aiming for the game to work flawless on medium-machines with ATI 9600 and 128 megabytes of RAM" -that's from Crazyharij's gamereactor translation

Well, it's a translation. Whatever the word translates to might not be what he actually meant.
has anyone noticed, but the cs:spurce video is kinda of laggy when the guy blows up the barrels with the grenade then goes to defuse the bomb. the time in between that is laggy on there computer.
Abom said:
As I say, that could either be without stuttering, as people just said, or it could mean on low resolutions which are as bad as having the game details low themselves. Also, there's no mention of AA or AF, which are significant FPS drains.

I dont think valve would screw us like that.... they want everyone to enjoy the game.
When the dude pulls out the deagle in the CS:S video, it's majorly laggy.
goldenboi said:
When the dude pulls out the deagle in the CS:S video, it's majorly laggy.
yeah.. but y?!? they have R9800XT FFS!!!! :x

some1 should email Gabe about this.. :hmph:
crabcakes66 said:
I dont think valve would screw us like that.... they want everyone to enjoy the game.

By the looks of it, the 2k4 presentation was done with no AA on, just like the year before.
2aa/4af would be fine for me on my heavily overclocked 9800NP. I mean if Farcry runs maxed out at 1024*768 with 4aa/8af then Id expect those levels at least from a well better game engine!