Test your artistic ability

i was on the phone, and didn't even notice that i was suppose to draw things, i was confused why it kept giving me a score. Then 'it' happened, and i was just confused.
this thing with a professional company using this internet scare tactic kinda reminds me of that thing you did back in high school where you tried to get people to look at your hand when you made circle with your thumb/middle finger. Well i was in math class and my teacher was plotting some graph in 3d on the white board, and he marks all three points, and says, "well, this point wouldn't actually be right here since it's on the z-axis,' and he pulls his hand away from the white board to show us where the point would appear in a real 3d graph, 'it would actually appear right here.' he says as he makes the circle with his fingers and gets our whole class.
xcellerate said:
this thing with a professional company using this internet scare tactic kinda reminds me of that thing you did back in high school where you tried to get people to look at your hand when you made circle with your thumb/middle finger. Well i was in math class and my teacher was plotting some graph in 3d on the white board, and he marks all three points, and says, "well, this point wouldn't actually be right here since it's on the z-axis,' and he pulls his hand away from the white board to show us where the point would appear in a real 3d graph, 'it would actually appear right here.' he says as he makes the circle with his fingers and gets our whole class.
He punched the whole class :O
My speakers were off when I did it, I had to turn them on and go 'oh right, screamer'. :LOL: