TEXINFOS problem



I have an issue:

Extract from compile log:
Object names       Objects/Maxobjs  Memory / Maxmem  Fullness 
------------       ---------------  ---------------  -------- 
models                  22/1024         1056/49152    ( 2.1%) 
brushes               3741/8192        44892/98304    (45.7%) 
brushsides           30712/65536      245696/524288   (46.9%) 
planes               13138/65536      262760/1310720  (20.0%) 
vertexes             22811/65536      273732/786432   (34.8%) 
nodes                 6123/65536      195936/2097152  ( 9.3%) 

texinfos             10657/12288      767304/884736   (86.7%) VERY FULL! 

texdata                 31/2048          992/65536    ( 1.5%) 
dispinfos                2/0             352/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_verts             162/0            3240/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_tris              256/0             512/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_lmsamples        7128/0            7128/0        ( 0.0%) 
faces                14675/65536      821800/3670016  (22.4%) 
origfaces            11387/65536      637672/3670016  (17.4%) 
leaves                6146/65536      344176/3670016  ( 9.4%) 
leaffaces            18509/65536       37018/131072   (28.2%) 
leafbrushes           8272/65536       16544/131072   (12.6%) 
surfedges           114337/512000     457348/2048000  (22.3%) 
edges                64981/256000     259924/1024000  (25.4%) 

blah blah

Does anyone know what texinfos actually is?
Obviously I need to get the figure down but without knowing what it actually refers to it is hard.
I assume it is texture related but I currently have very few textures in the map.

The map is unfinished and has large areas of openness. I have enclosed map in box. I know this is bad and it will be removed before the map is finished it is just for testing purposes.
Could this be contributing to teh error.

The error? As long as it's not actually full (Above 100%) it should work fine.
I think Hammer keeps the textures settings (tiling / scale) on faces that do not have the same values. So if you scaled many faces to different values then that's the problem. Do you have Texture Lock, ON? I don't know if Hammer delete those informations if you delete the brushes but if it works like MS Access (yea I know it's a wierd analogy but...) it would keep those infos even on deleted brushes so if you started with a big map and then deleted a part and then build another part and delete it might end up with alot of unnecessary infos. I'm really not certain about that but you can try this to be sure: Select everything in your map then copy, paste special (0,0,0) in a completly new empty map. If texinfos is lower then we would have discovered something :)
A Texinfo is one particular orientation, scaling, and alignment of one texture.

Essentually you get a new texinfo created whenever you apply a texture to a face the is orientated differently in the world (i.e. faces a different direction), is scaled, or shifted.

For example, think of a cube. If it has the same texture on all sides (like it does by default), it actually counts for 3 texinfos. One for each direction that its sides face (opposite and exactly parallel faces can share the same texinfo, which is why it's 3, not 6).

If you scale a texture up, or rotate it, or shift it, it also requires a new texinfo to be created. Plus of course, using different textures requires at least one texinfo for each texture used. Using lots of reflective textures and env_cubemaps also requires more texinfos, since in effect a new texture is created for each envmapped material and cubemap.
Thanks guys, some stuff to think about there.

Since I noticed this I am getting errors about it being full and some crazy effects once compiled (textures appearing and disappearing as you walk around).

Generally when making a wall consisting of several brushes I would pick the bottom corner face, align the texture bottom left then ALT Rightclick along the wall aligning the textures.

What can be done to overcome this problem (other than cut and paste whole map as suggested)?

I have a few screenies of the map if you want to see it, should that help:
Thought I'd bring this thread back to life as the problem hasnt really been sorted.
I have abandoned the above map but used some of the architecture to build a smaller church.
Already the texinfos are at 45% and I have only half built the map.

I cant be the only person with this problem.

My brushwork is pretty damn good if I say so myself but obviously I am doing something wrong!
Dead-Inside said:
Well no, that doesn't have to be true.


I cant be the only person with this problem?
My brushwork is pretty damn good?
Or obviously I am doing something wrong? :)
hello !
plz can some 1 explain me how to create a new post/thread ?
thnx !
Cryx said:
hello !
plz can some 1 explain me how to create a new post/thread ?
thnx !
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