Texture Problems, Pictures included.

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sAnt@ said:
Im having some problems with missing textures and objects in coast level.



[email protected]
WinXP Pro SP2

After i load the level, i get this error message in console. "Dead end link: apc_path_1_2". Perhaps the missing textures/objects are caused by corrupted game files?

tried, Omega drivers, catalyst 4.9 , 4.10 , 4.11. Tried every options possible. Nothing worked for me. I also have small squares around objects and peoples heads. It's so annoying.

Can someone tell me how to disable the AI and how the heck do I get my console to work?
I just gave the Omega's a go, including a full safe-mode driver cleanup to remove any left-overs.

No go.

I refuse to play the frigging game in this condition, and this shit is definently not what I was expecting for my $60US.

Whether this is a Development issue, A steam issue, or a driver issue - I really don't give a ****. It should have been relatively bug free when it left the studio - Especially after how many ****ing years?

Consdering the problem is exactly the same with a wide WIDE variety of drivers and setups - It looks like the game is missing textures or they are corrupt somehow.

How the **** are we expected to play when half the static meshes aren't even textured? Its a ****ing joke.

There better be a fix soon, otherwise I will be reversing the CC payment in a heartbeat.
im also having a problem with textures... but its not just the textures missing in some cases... but the whole model... notice a floating head but no body... also having problems with basically the same thing but instead of a textured head its the wire-mesh underlay? pic included...
Just an update for you all. I had the same purple and black checkerboard problem with water splashes. So I deleted source materials.gcf, source models.gcf, and half-life 2 content.gcf and it worked. No checkerboards on the splashes. So I think maybe you guys who deleted some of the gcfs didn't delete enough. Try again. Of course, it took a hell of a long time so do it overnight.
Well one more thing I can try I guess.
Thanks for the heads up Goss.

74% down at the moment, should be right to go in a couple of hours. I'll report back once its done.

Luckily my ISP now has the content on it's server, so I can download without it counting towards my cap.
Doesn't mean I shouldn't have been playing this bitch of a game a few days ago though.

Thanks again Goss, I'll let you guys know how it goes.

Re-Downloaded all three - and my problem is now fixed.

There are still some graphical issues, but generally speaking they are minor. Cracks in the wall/floor - Same old bug you would find anywhere else.

That doesn't mean im not pissed off about having to screw around all week though.

All Valve had to do was say "Hey, here's an idea" or even better "Here's a fix" or at very ****ing least - "We're looking into it guys"

But no, They are off smoking stogies, and playing poofter poker with Bill Gates, celebrating yet another highway robbery.

Me too ......

gblaz said:
I agree with the previous poster, there do seem to be two different issues:
a. The people with large expanses of purple/black checkerboard boxes instead of textures; and
b. The people with small "speckled" off-colored polygons (myself included).

I have a Radeon 9800pro with the latest (rel. 11/12/04) drivers and I have been unable to make it go away even after playing with many video settings. I basically get a speckled polygonal "glitter" that will affect one area of the enviornment, i.e. one section of a wall, or particularly one persons face (but not the body or anything else). It seems to go away when a level reloads. I am going to try the mat_reloadtextures work around to see if that works.

It doesnt make the game unplayable, but it is darn annoying and distracting for sure.... Hopefully a driver update or fix will be out soon. If anyone else sees a solution be sure to post it here!

I have exactly the same problem... ;(

Asus A7V8X-X Via KT400
1 GB RAM PC3200
80 Gb Matord Dplus SATA
Sapphire Radeon 9800pro 128 mb
SB Audigy 2

- Win XP Home SP1
- DirectX 9.0c
- Catalyst 4.11

The game also suffers from incredibly long load times and audio stuttering .... :flame:

Nice work, Valve !
Ok, I have tried everything that has been said here so far. Nothing has helped me. I'm going crazy.

Been sitting here for hours. The only thing I haven't done is mat_reloadtexture. Can't even get the consol down. If someone has the same problem as me and has an anwser please tell me!

thanks in advance
ChessMess said:
I'm experiencing checkerboard patterns, smearing, tearing, missing textures... makes it unplayable...

9800 Pro
Det 4.11
Dx 9c
XP Sp2

edit:forgot to mention
Purchased retail copy
Tried deleting HL2 & reinstalling... no effect


I've had that problem with my 9800 Pro before. I hate to say it, but it turned out to be bad memory on the video card.

You might need to RMA the sucka... :(
I've had the same problems as what gblaz labelled B. I've got a 9800 Pro 128 which is a little over 2 weeks old, it seems to me that if I had corrupted memory other games would suffer, specifically newer games that will push the card so the same extents as HL2 does.

It seems like a lot of people are having these types of problems, if it's a bug that patches could fix, or an issue with various chipset variations and Source then that's ok, if it's a case of corrupted content gcf files I think it could prove to be a big flaw in Steam's design, if downloading the content can cause these types of issues it's the kind of problem that will really piss people off, myself included.

It might be a good idea to specify how you got your copy, it'd be interesting to see if people who have bought retail are having the same kind of problems.
I have bought mine. Doesn't make any any difference. The game should work if it meets the standards. It's one thing if you need to download the latest drivers and it would work after that. But I mean this is pathetic honestly
I downloaded all from steam, now I am redownloading all files and i hope it helps me :)
Thanks to the 3d Menu backgrounds, which usualls show some purple/black boxes, i was able to find a key to the problem. I brought up the console, and saw the following error.

*** Tried to load a non-VTF file as a VTF file!
Error reading material "materials/Plaster/plasterwall049c.vtf"
*** Tried to load a non-VTF file as a VTF file!
Error reading material "materials/Plaster/plasterwall049d.vtf"
*** Tried to load a non-VTF file as a VTF file!
Error reading material "materials/Wood/woodwall028a_normal.vtf"
*** Tried to load a non-VTF file as a VTF file!
Error reading material "materials/Wood/woodwall028a.vtf"
execing skill.cfg

The same errors kept reappearing every 30 seconds or so.
I got the pink checkerboard one time. It would happen everytime I loaded the same save game. Instead of loading the same savegame, I started a New game on the same chapter and it was fixed. It could be a memory or one-time loading hiccup. I doubt that that particular problem is a graphics card or driver problem, if your card and drivers are reasonably new.

p4 3.2
9800 pro
1g corsair.
I have found a fix for the missing texture issue where in the default texture of a purple/black checkered texture is applied.

This is due to a corrupt materials package. Delete the materials source package in your hl2 /dir and redownload.

Make sure not to restart or disconnect during the entire download. This may result in loss of data and corrupt textures.
i guess ill have to

<sigh> that file is a whole gig to reinstall. Oh, well, if it helps then I'll go through with it.
shire said:
im also having a problem with textures... but its not just the textures missing in some cases... but the whole model... notice a floating head but no body... also having problems with basically the same thing but instead of a textured head its the wire-mesh underlay? pic included...

I have that problem like I posted in this thread:


I have problems like that you posted (as if the whole model is missing) and like this:


I also get things where the body appears with textures and they have wireframe heads. :|
That's just freaky. Have you seen the latest news post on Steampowered.com?
Varsity said:
That's just freaky. Have you seen the latest news post on Steampowered.com?

Scared the crap outa me when I first saw it just a floating face, but yeah I have tried. I'm trying to redownload the source materials.gfc
guys!! u dont have to redl the gfc files... go here Validate Half-Life 2 ... this was taken from steampowered.com
all it does is makes sure all files are not corrupt and ur not missing anything then it automatically redownloads bad files and replaces them... fixed all my problems... hope it works for u guys...
Sometimes steam doesn't fully decompress or whatever it does the gcf files - I had the problem where on first go of HL2 all player models were corrupt! Sometimes if its just a particular map its because the files isn't fully processed etc. Best of luck. BTW i know of an issue where surfaces with pixel shaders mess up with AA. If you turn off AA or put AA 6* on it works fine - ATI 9800se softmodded works fine on every game ( i get the same problem with AA on Deus Ex 2 but oddly not in UT - same engine! I think it must have something to do with the shaders and AA.
i got simular problem but its purple light shades .
I've got the same problems as some of you have mentioned earlier. I've tried 4.11, 4.12beta, Omega, and DNA drivers on my 9800Pro and I still have the same issues to varying degree. When I reload a save game, it sometimes disappears, but returns eventually.
noqu said:
Can anyone how I disable A.I.??
(Note that this is about ATI's "Catalyst AI", nothing to do with the HL2 game AI)

You have to have the bloated abomination known as "Catalyst Control Center" (CCC) installed.
In CCC's "Advanced view", go to "3D" and "CATALYST A.I." and tick the "Disable CATALYST A.I." checkbox.

This got rid of the infamous "flickering rainbow" effect on textures for me.


But what's with these white wireframe lines on reflected textures that I have? The "original" textures are there all right, but when they're reflected on water I get these white lines. The game files are validated OK by Steam, and I haven't spotted any missing textures anywhere. Look under the crosshair:


And while I'm at it, does anybody else get weird screenshots like that? That vertical striping. In-game it looks fine, and the problem only appears occasionally. The same phenomenon is visible in some save-game TGA thumbnails.
well seehund yours is a strange error, that seperation of colors, is either A. a monitor problem, or b a video processing problem. if your monitor is crt, it probably is just the projection skipping out of alignment, ive had mine go out of alignment, i just hit it and then degaussed. as for the white lines those are a render error, and maybe a driver error? did you try some of the drivers in earlier posts or revert to a slightly older driver? just suggestions, those are what i would think to try with that problem.

Edit: it could also be a problem just with a particular render, again drivers maybe? but its hard to predict how any particular complex realtime program is going to reacte to a certain hardware set up or system.

Thanks, but the screenshot bug(?) is not an in-game problem. I.e. it's got nothing to do with the monitor, and I wouldn't think my gfx drivers would have anything to do with it either as it's never visible in-game (which is why I tore my hair after having played for hours with the false belief that I had collected a bunch of glorious screenshots...). You only see this afterwards in the JPEG/TGA pictures, and only in some of them.

I have run HL2 with Cat 4.10, 11 and 12beta, and IIRC the wireframe-on-water problem has been there with all of them.

shire said:
guys!! u dont have to redl the gfc files... go here Validate Half-Life 2 ... this was taken from steampowered.com
all it does is makes sure all files are not corrupt and ur not missing anything then it automatically redownloads bad files and replaces them... fixed all my problems... hope it works for u guys...

This sorted out my problem! inly 10 min downloading too... looket like this before:


Got latest drivers from ATI for my ATI 9800Pro PE.

Chrs shire!!!