TF Team?


Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
So did VALVe hire the original TF team back when the game went retail and is the same team working on TF2?
Or dose anyone even know? lol
Yes. They hired the guys who made Team Fortress for Quake and they did TFC for HL. They are most likley behind the new TF2 too.
well robin walker was doing episode 1 up until release, so who knows if he has had anything to do with this version of tf2
They only have 3 of the original TFers working at VALVe I believe. So no, the original team was most likely not working on it - but people from it were.
afaik, they only have 2 of the original 3 TFS people (that is, robin walker and john cook)
Officialy, it's:

Yahn Bernier
John Cook
Moby Francke
Brian Jacobson
David Sawyer

Most likely more...

That page is good reading.

Jeremy Stone - Troublemaker
Prior to joining Valve, Jeremy spent 12 years at Microsoft as a developer and manager, shipping products including Windows 3.11, Windows 95, Internet Explorer 1.0 through 4.0, Flight Simulator 2000, Combat Flight Simulator 1 and 2, and MSN Messenger. Because of his penchant for building industry-shaking and disruptive technologies, he now works on Steam. He expands to ten times his normal size when placed in water.

Lol, indeed:

Chet Faliszek - Mr. Awesome
We are all still trying to figure out exactly what it is that Chet does at Valve, but at the very least he occupies office space on the 10th floor as self-proclaimed Mr. Awesome.
they need to update that page
a link clearly intended to go to Erik Wolpaw (who doesn't even have an entry), goes instead to Erik Johnson
just as an example :P
Thats a good thing, Erik Johnson is the man, he's always really helpful and a nice guy. :D
Heh, is that from Marc Laidlaw's entry? 'cause the funny thing is I could swear that wasn't there the last time I looked, so it must have been recently updated. Heh.