TF2 Alternative Art


Jan 2, 2010
Reaction score
I need more pics of alternative art please it would be greatly appreciated.
Since you used the word "more" I imagine you have some examples to post for us so we can see what you mean in order to help you?
What exactly do you mean by "alternative"? You mean fan-created art?
He means slash fiction (Heavy/medic romance fanfic, spy/demo, etc)

The medic stroked Heavy's large throbbing Sasha, and he screamed, "I'M COMING, DOCTOR!!" Heavy then got up, looked back at the cumstained doctor, and said "Thank you, doctor!" and left in to the mist to go fight more bad guys. AND THE MEDIC WAS SAD.
Yep. So why you hatin' on me, Barnz?
Also, I have some Alternative Art for you that I just finished. I spent HOURS on it.

EDIT: Here lies MorganFreeman911's artistic talent, forever may it rest. Amen.
TF2 might actually be a better game with this sort of art style. It's clear, concise, and pleasing to the eye.
Why thank you, Dave! I have been contacted by Valve and we're doing work together, based on that picture. Expect an update in TF2 in the next few minutes.
I was expecting some really artsy-fartsy, over the top "This is my first year in art college" sort of TF2 fanart.

I am dissapoint.
There was a spree of it in the image dump that was pretty funny - surely you have those?
Do we only post in these kinds of threads for the lulz?
DeviantArt is filled with slash and yaoi. Go there.
Use an image uploading service, then put the URL to the image (the direct URL) in image tags:


Replace the squiggly brackets with square brackets.
I did an alternative picture of the spy when I was really bored once. I kinda like it.

I did an alternative picture of the spy when I was really bored once. I kinda like it.


That's actually a good picture. We need more artists like you that can actually draw comprehensible art that everyone likes.