TF2 coming out real soon my friends...


May 19, 2003
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So HL2 through steam for $10 a month including other things that come along, correct? Well they will charege $10 a month for HL2, after 5 months and nothing else is coming out then people will get pissed cause they will have to keep paying...uh no...not going to happen. TF2 is their next big project, its going to come through steam in January - March 2004 for the math in yo head!
/me does the math

$10 + $10 + 5 months + TF2 + 2004 = ?

i'm confused.
HL2 costs around $50 through steam with single and multiplayer support. They are only releasing HL2 with both multi and single through steam. $10 a month to start off with HL2, actually who knows they may charge $50 at first and $10 im not sure. But if they start off $10 a month, after about 5 months they will release TF2 so people will keep paying $10 a month, valve is veryyyy smart.
Originally posted by tokin
So HL2 through steam for $10 a month including other things that come along, correct? Well they will charege $10 a month for HL2, after 5 months and nothing else is coming out then people will get pissed cause they will have to keep paying...uh no...not going to happen. TF2 is their next big project, its going to come through steam in January - March 2004 for the math in yo head!

Why don't you do the math for us? I think we're all too lazy. I see your point, though. By that time a subscriber to Steam would have only paid for about three to five months of the $9.95 fee, so they would theoretically already paid off or come close to paying what the regular retail cost.
$10 + 10 = $20

HL2 + 5 = TF

2004 + 50/$10 = $20 + TF = TF2 in 2004!!!!1111

I knew all that math would pay off.

We forgot to carry an and divide by the Valve coefficient!!


This changes everything.

if we factor that it, it means that...
[does some quick figures in his head]

2009 = HL3 + DNF!!!!11111
No. this is $10 USD?
im in Australia. = bad, no money for Vavle :p
And they wont release 5 months later, you pay monthly for it so you get it soon after HL2s release and you just pay it off each month, like a lay-buy. :|
IMO the whole thing sucks so far.
CS:CZ will be out this month as well so

HL2 = 50

CZ = 30

TF2 = 50

DoD2 = 50

CS2 =50

HL2 Expan = 50

Subscription to STEAM... Priceless

10+10+5 months+ TF2+ Steam= Dr.Kleiner is a gay robot.

yes. that's right. Dr. Kleiner is a gay robot.
Actually its more like this.

10+10+10+10=40$ (until february when the game is most likely to be released)

if TF2 = >40$ in store you win for paying subscription

if TF2 = <40$ in store you were RIPPED OFF (and will die a painful death...maybe)

Therefore using the theory of probability there is a 50/50 chanse you will get RIPPED OFF
It will come out on the same day on Steam world-wide as it comes out in the
US in a box.

You start off paying $9.95 per month.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 5:52 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: im curious about this steam method you guys are using...

I have a big question. Im determing if im going to buy HL2 through the
store. Well i was wondering if HL2 will come out the same day on steam as
retail in stores? I also want to know if you start off paying $10 on steam
for HL2 or first $50 or so for HL2 and then $10 after each month? Plus if
you guys are going to charge $10 a month after HL2 has been paid for, then
does that mean you guys are going to be releasing alot of new products
through steam? like TF2? And one more thing, are we going to be hearing an
update soon about TF2, or maybe have some footage included with HL2...bonus
material? Thanks a bunch.
HL2 SP/MP = erm $50 USD

CS2 = Free

DOD2 = Free

Other MODs = Free

TF2 = $30 USD (its an example)

HL2 SP only + $9.95 monthly

TF2 = $9.95 Monthly

DOD2 = $9.95 Monthly

CS2 = $9.95 Monthly

Other MODs = $9.95 Monthly

so for ALL the MODs on the subscription = $9.95 a month


cos i dont :|

Im Australian
Not to bad if you think about it. :) I just don't know what would be the best deal. I want everything, so I wanna buy the special edition box I guess. Heh.
Gordon'sFreeman, can I just post a few corrections?

HL2 SP/MP = erm $50 USD

HL2 SP = Estimated $35

CS2 = Probably Free, but could be standalone

DOD2 = Probably Free, but could be standalone

Other MODs = Depends on the Mod team whether you are charged or not

TF2 = $50 (estimated, same price as any other game really)

Expansion Packs = Same price as usual

Upgrade from SP-only to SP/MP HL2 = $25 (over Steam)

Steam Subscriptions:

Any Expansion Packs
Other Valve Products

= All for $9.95 a a month
Err..... am I the only one that sees that buying from a store for $50 lets me play the game for as long as I want? Let's divide my life expectancy by months and then in $10 intervals shall we?

Extract yourselves from your caves and go buy a physical copy folks.
I dought DOD2 and CS2 will be more than 30$, and that's a high figure.
Store-bought they will probably be more, but through steam I'm guessing there would be a discount, not to mention the subscription thing
Originally posted by FictiousWill
Err..... am I the only one that sees that buying from a store for $50 lets me play the game for as long as I want? Let's divide my life expectancy by months and then in $10 intervals shall we?

Extract yourselves from your caves and go buy a physical copy folks.

There's more than 1 type of person in the world. A lot of people on these boards will be playing Half Life 2 until Half Life 3 comes out.

But some people aren't, that's the point of subscriptions. Some people will subscribe for a few months, have fun with Half Life 2 then move on.

If you do subscribe, nobody's forcing you to pay for the rest of your life.
heh, true - but I find subscriptions claustrophobic lol! As if I need to use/read/whatever it to justify the subscription. Store disc = no worries! ahhhhh...
Originally posted by tokin
So HL2 through steam for $10 a month including other things that come along, correct? Well they will charege $10 a month for HL2, after 5 months and nothing else is coming out then people will get pissed cause they will have to keep paying...uh no...not going to happen. TF2 is their next big project, its going to come through steam in January - March 2004 for the math in yo head!

Hmmm, I guess they're is something to be said for cluttering the boards with new threads. I said the exact same thing this morning in the middle of thread about all the release stuff and it was completely ignored and now you say it and get 15 replies!

Sheesh! :cheers:
You know making assumptions on fictional prices to estimate a release date for a game that you know nothing about is ridiculous. No really think about it. Besides if you say TF2 is coming out soon, you can't be wrong anyhow: the game hasn't been canceled and it's bound to come out some time... you see my point here? no? nevermind.
Originally posted by tokin
They are only releasing HL2 with both multi and single through steam.

Didn't Gabe JUST get done saying that 3 versions would be available at the stores? The single-only, the full, and the collectors edition. What are you talking about.
Originally posted by Slash
Didn't Gabe JUST get done saying that 3 versions would be available at the stores? The single-only, the full, and the collectors edition. What are you talking about.

he's talking about what he just said...there will be only one version of HL2 aviable thru steam and that will be the SP+MP-version.
Originally posted by tokin
So HL2 through steam for $10 a month including other things that come along, correct? Well they will charege $10 a month for HL2, after 5 months and nothing else is coming out then people will get pissed cause they will have to keep paying...uh no...not going to happen. TF2 is their next big project, its going to come through steam in January - March 2004 for the math in yo head!

good for the tfc players and other ppl who want to try it but i wont buy it untill the gameplay is a little different (i just dont like tfc now :D dont blame me)
Originally posted by kelisis
Not to bad if you think about it. :) I just don't know what would be the best deal. I want everything, so I wanna buy the special edition box I guess. Heh.

You won't get TF2, you won't get Secret Game Number 3 etc. You will only get HL2 and MODs. For $9.95 / month you will get *everything* Valve releases over Steam. I have a feeling the next two years will contain more than just HL2 and TF2 from Valve. Maybe even more than Valve.

I will still buy the games in the store. I'm the kind of person that lets other try first, but I'll be happy to start subscribing if it turns out a great value.
I just knew something was up with Kleiner.....