TF2/HL2/CS2 questions....


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
I saw pictures of the leaked source tree, and since i've also seen pictures from the leaked beta on this board i figured i would go ahead and ask...
In a picture i saw of the source code tree, there were folders labeled tf2 and cs2, so does that mean that these were in fact part of the hl2 multiplayer, or not...

To the flamers, go ahead have a field day, sorry i refuse to search through 500 topics with 20 pages each to find my answer im sorry there is just to much junk and i don't have the time...
CS2 is going to be a seperate game.
TF2 may or may not be a seperate game.
hmmm, well i guess i'll find out eventually... maybe.... grrrr the lack of information is making my brain melt....
i think valve, vevindi, and the whole community feels the same way :)
not srue about tf2, but i think that cs2 will most likely be a separate purchase.
I'm pretty sure about what I said, although the possibiility of tf2 being a mod decreases as all of this leakage crap increases.
Valve specifically stated that TF2 will be a separate retail game. And I'm speaking recently... not just 2 years ago. Check the Valve info thread, I'm pretty sure its there.
well maybe my buddy had old information then.