TF2 Introduces: The Replay Update

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
The TF2 team have been busy improving the way you can play around with replays and edit them. There is now a new replay system which includes a replay editor and the ability to upload your videos straight to youtube in-game.
Replay-enabled servers record every round of the action, allowing you to make movies of your awesome performance (and the embarrassing performances of others) in the Replay Editor, using different camera angles, sexy motion blur and antialiasing.
You can check out a guide here of how to do it but there is lots more to this update! There are 8 new film-making achievements (which will obviously reward you with new hats) and a new comic named "Meet the Director" which knits the Replay Update into the TF2 story nicely.[br]Lastly before I go, there are the The First Annual Saxxy Awards, of which there are 20 categories which you can submit videos to. Categories & rules are in the link above. Phew!
Valve is also adding a video recording option as well in the future. Good times ahead for Steam.
I'm actually pretty impressed at the amount of continued work they're putting in to TF2. It's like they've turned it into their experimentation project and run all of these crazy ideas. I rarely play TF2 anymore though so I don't think this really applies to me.
Call of Team Fortress 2: Hat Ops.

It was the best I could come up with. *shrugs*

Cool feature though.
Whoa it even works but there is a major porblem with lag on movie enabled servers. And the videos are a little blurry for my taste. Plus you need to have quicktime installed on your computer. Watch and cry ;D
is it just me or did those TV screens on the last page seem like a reference to Meet the Medic to anyone else?
My god some people are just...I have no idea what goes on in this guy's head:
MrChooChooHead said:
I don't know about you but who the ???? thought up these achievements?

1000 views would be difficult enough since there'd be a slew mundane videos suddenly appearing on youtube. But how the ???? is the average player expected to get 100,000 hits on youtube. so much for anyone who worked to get every achievement by PLAYING THE ????ING GAME!

Gears or War on the 360 had an achievement for 10,000 kills - that was stupid. Gears 2 had 'Veteran Gear' which was even worse (approx 36,000 kills depending on your gametype). But at least you got those within the game.

Valve are becoming like a console developer (or a drug dealer whichever way you look at it) drop some regular achievements when the game ships and release some ridiculous time consuming achievements when they release dlc. When Gears 2 shipped there was originally no levelling system - just a laggy multiplayer. Upon its introduction it became apparent that playing the game to level 100 would require somewhere upwards of 1000 to 1500 hours (minus loading screens).

I loved the class update achievements - They were fun and imaginative and I had hopes of getting them all one day. I always looked upon Valve as a developer who wouldn't treat their customers like Pavlov's Dogs. Then they released hats and 'oh how wrong I was'.

But for ???? Sake Valve, this is getting ridiculous unless you are a video editing wiz, have an excellent imagination or somehow can rig the views on youtube, you've just made it nearly impossible for the majority of players out there to actually earn all the achievements.

There are going to be people saying "just play the game" and "its to encourage creativity". ???? that! I enjoyed playing in the knowledge that 100% completion was possible given enough time. I'm also sure that I (and a lot of people out there) don't have time and skills to make a video worth of 100,000 hits on youtube.

As far as I can see right now, I cant see myself playing TF2 much longer.

Anyway, crazy predictions for what will happen when the winners are announced:
Meet the Medic will be released
Meet the Pyro will be released using footage from the competition entries as part of it
Winners will each get a Saxxy award melee weapon for Sniper that has the Golden Wrench kill effect
I can't think of anything else.
I smell a storyline based mode where the administrator is the main enemy
They just added the ability to link your Steam profile to your Youtube account and feature your Youtube videos on your profile.
They just added the ability to link your Steam profile to your Youtube account and feature your Youtube videos on your profile.

ohh nice, didn't know I guess thats what the update was

Is it possible to do multiple in/out points, or at the very least splice and merge different takes?
Does anybody know of any decent 3rd party movie making kits for quicktime movies