TF2 + Legos = Amazle

Ah yeah I've seen that before. Some people are just crazy with lego.
damn, i wish i was better at photoshop. (someone make a lego man with an engineer helmet)
Legos are pretty awesome. I used to mess with them when I was younger. They were pretty cool.
Legos are pretty awesome. I used to mess with them when I was younger. They were pretty cool.

"They were pretty cool"? Legos are the ultimate form of... whatever they are!
What are you talking about? Lego is still awesome.
What are you talking about? Lego is still awesome.

Me being myself, I'd probably get pissed off trying to find a certain piece. I lost all of the patience I had when I was young.
i was really into brio, legos being a close second
Saw that a while ago, simply amazing.
wow i was simply amazed how they did that!

Thats like one of the best lego creation ever!
I did make a lego cross bow once D:
It did shoot bricks, 2by2s and 2by3s