TF2 Player on Hl2 SP MOD in third person view


Mar 7, 2005
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hi there,

is it possible to use a TF2 player model as the player on HL2 SP mod in third person view?

Thanks for any help
I'm not entirely sure, since the animations may or may not work. It is probably possible, but just what sort of jiggery-pokery would be needed is best answered by a coder or animator.
I know that with any character from hl2 it's possible, i've tried already with bree, male 02 and alyx and it worked.

I want to use also characters from TF2 because they have a non-realistic figure.

I'm doing a research on virtual reality and presence, and i want to test if the "reality" of the characters influence presence.

Thanks for the reply
That's a bad idea, because of the difference between TF2 and HL2 character models.

Overgrown bastards!
But is it possible or not to use the models from tf2 as the player?
Cube, those look like static models. The question is: can a TF2 player model be used in HL2 as a single-player model from the third-person perspective?
Yep, but I was simply supporting test's comment about how they were too different from standard hl2 models :O
That doesn't necessarily mean they can't be used. If it's a mod the doorways will be made to fit. Since it's a mod there also may be a way to import both the models and animations into HL2. You'd have to use TF2 weapons, but it still sounds theoretically possible.
You wouldn't need to use TF2 weapons. Check Trailer 1, the Scout uses a SPAS-12.
You wouldn't need to use TF2 weapons. Check Trailer 1, the Scout uses a SPAS-12.
What I mean is the player animations would be suited to the size and ratios of the TF2 weapons.
You wouldn't need to use TF2 weapons. Check Trailer 1, the Scout uses a SPAS-12.

Wait, what?

He had the sniper`s smg on the first promo screenshot, and then he had somekind of nailgun during early ingame footage.