TF2 Soon?

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If you go to and check out the link for Kristen Perry, you will stumble upon her site . Upon checking out the news ( ), one can see this bit:

"Rumors of my demise have been, somewhat greatly exaggerated... Yeah, I know, guys. I know. I've been scarily silent lately. So much so, I've gotten a couple letters from concerned citizens. Whell, Ah've always depended on the khindness of strangers. ;}

Seriously, I really really want to update the site. Really I do. But I literally haven't drawn a thing since my last update. We've managed to hit this little thing called crunchmode at work. ;} Don't get all excited, it's prolly not what you think, but I can't talk about it just yet. Believe me, though, it's big. And it's really cool. And when I CAN talk about it, you'll be the first to know. Shouldn't be too long. Either way, said stuffs are literally keeping me at work every day till midnight most nights including weekends. If it weren't for company in town, I'd be on my 23th straight work day today. As you can imagine, when all a gal does is wake, work, eat, work and sleep, drawing isn't really an option."

Could this be TF2 that is in crunch-mode ?
Possibly. I bet its the multiplayer version of Half Life 2. Its the most secret part of the game and it has been said that it is not TF2.

I'd really like to keep talking about this, but theres nothing more to say if I'm right.
Originally posted by wendle
Possibly. I bet its the multiplayer version of Half Life 2. Its the most secret part of the game and it has been said that it is not TF2.

I'd really like to keep talking about this, but theres nothing more to say if I'm right.
This is taken from her resume:

5/2002 – PRESENT Valve Software.
Texture Artist

Texture artist on the FPS game Team Fortress 2

My bet would be TF2, but who knows for sure.
Hmmm, that's interesting. Well, if she worked on TF, she's probaly working on TF2. So, my guess....TF2.
Guys, by "not what you think" I think she means "not what most visitors think" In all seriousness she probobly gets a lot more visitors from the anime side of her work than the HL/Valve side of her work. So what I am basically saying is you are most likely correct, and really good find :cheers:
I'm sure texture artists don't always stay specific to the game being worked on, it's likely she does both HL2, CS2, and TF2 textures whenever they're needed.
TF2 has been left to the spiders and flies for all we know, can you finally confirm that TF2 will be released in Source with HL2?

Gabe: TF2 is being done in source, and will be released as a stand-alone product. TF2 is not the included MP.
So this comfirms that TF2 will be stand alone and will not be included as HL2's multiplayer
Originally posted by peasoup
So this comfirms that TF2 will be stand alone and will not be included as HL2's multiplayer

It was confimed months ago.
The reason it says TF2 all over her site is because that was the official cover story for what Valve has been doing for the past 5 years, remember? Before HL2 was released, if you asked any Valve employee what they were working on, they would say "Well, we're still working on TF2!". So yea she could be actually working on TF2 specifically, but I suspect she's also working on HL2 :)

And TF2 being a standalone product wasn't confirmed months ago. Originally that was the plan, but since there was no updates in 2 years concerning it and then suddenly we find out Valve has actually been making HL2 this whole time, I think there was pretty good reason to believe that TF2 was the multiplayer component for HL2. But since that email, I guess TF2 has been worked on just as hard as HL2 and is still planning on meeting their original high standards. Which is pretty god damn surprising. When hearing about HL2 exsistence I immediatly thought TF2 was put on the backburner as a smaller project and would be a mod for HL2, but alas I was wrong :o

I'm pretty convinced CS2 is coming with HL2 as the "official" mod for HL2, much like TFC was for HL. Or they are planning on releasing CS2 as a standalone game :/ If they do, don't expect it out for many months... Still have to milk the CS and CS:CZ cow a while longer I fancy :P
but you can already play cs 1.6 on steam without needing i dont think they are looking to milk it at all... cs:cz mabey......
That is only because Steam is Beta. Once it leaves Beta you will be required to enter your HL CD-Key to play HL and its mods.

Alternatively you can buy HL via Steam to continue playing.
Originally posted by Viscid
Brandino-- oldschool shacker brandino?

Hey what's up dude :)
I still remember those good CS games we had going...
For me it was so shure, that the multiplayer of hl2 will be tf2.
I think it would be stupid to split the community apart with official stand alones cs2 and tf2, so we can expect, at least one of them to be the multiplayer-part of hl2, I think.

Just because the smilie is so cool --->:afro:
Gabe specifically said the MP would be something new and not cs2 or tf2. Something new and cool would be awesome.
Well they aren't going to split the community if TF2 is all they planned it to be- TF2 is supposed to be a stand alone game completely. Not a packaged mod like CS or DoD. If CS2 is equally complete, then that would justify being stand-alone too, and not just a packaged mod. TF2 should be as much game as HL2 is.
Oh come on!

TF2 and HL2 is the same game, just different scenarios and API programming. Valve clearly explains how you can build a BF1942 game out of the Source and HL2 API. How hard can it be to build TF2?

Last November a Valve guy went to a public interview and explained that TF2 was still in the works and we would hear something "soon". I think "soon" has passed, but why would anyone in November 2002 say they are still working on TF2 if they were not?

Rest asure, the multiplayer part of HL2 *is* TF2. I bet you we will hear all about it no later than HL2 release day.
so u say that gabe said sth. wrong to not give the suprise away?
TF2 and CS2 will BOTH be seperately sold retail products because of they are both wildly popular franchises. TF2 was delayed because it would of looked dated on the old engine, so they are now re-creating it with Source. CS2 will probably be many years from now. CS:Z, if I'm not wrong is just a graphics upgrade to the origional CS + SP ?
Well it does have graphics upgrades, but it also has new maps, two new weapons (plus riot shield), new models, official bots, and singleplayer. It's still all the same gameplay, with the movement, original maps, weapons, damage and so on retained from the original.
However, I don't know about CS2 being years from now. It's likely it could be out in 2004, or early 2005 @ the latest.

BTW, Pjotr, TF2 is *not* going to be HL2's multiplayer part. Gabe has stated that many times, and he has never once confirmed that it was the MP of HL2.
I'm not sure but the only time I've seen Gabe asked about the CS Team making CS2 or another mod with Source and releasing with HL2 he said the infamous "No comment." but I remember seeing that he confirmed TF2 will be separate.
Dont you think it kinda takes the piss that fans of the Team Fortress series have waited very patiently for TF2 for a very long time, a few years now, it was scheduled for a release, then delay and after delay then it just disappeared. Yet Valve still dont give us nowt in info or screenshots, release dates etc. Although they want to "keep it secret" i dont see the point really...Surely weve waited long enough?!
Well it does have graphics upgrades, but it also has new maps, two new weapons (plus riot shield), new models, official bots, and singleplayer. It's still all the same gameplay, with the movement, original maps, weapons, damage and so on retained from the original.

Apparently, the bots are the best new feature of CS:CZ. They are even more fun to play with than real people, because they don't cheat.