TF2 trouble


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Cross post ftom the Steam forums:

After the new patch my TF2 has been having an old problem again. A couple of months ago I kept having trouble playing TF2 because the game checked the validity of the game cache every time I started it and didn't launch. When I was able to launch I regularly got an error messages saying my map differed from the server's. To fix this I verified the game cache and / or deleted the registry blob (or even everything in the Steam folder except the .exe and the Steamapps folder), and after a lot of tinkering that usually did the trick. I think I must have updated my game almost daily in that period for two or three weeks in a row.

As by magic this problem disappeared after a patch (can't remember exactly; probably 3 or 4 months ago). But you guessed it, it came back to haunt me tonight when trying out the new patch for the first time. At first nothing was wrong. I could log on to one of my regular servers and I played for about half an hour. Then suddenly, I dropped to the desktop because of a Windows popup. I couldn't read the message somehow; only part of the top side was visible with the square to expand and the cross to close it. These didn't work btw, so I turned on the task manager where I found out that the message had something to do with security. I turned the message off, continued to play, but when the server restarted, I got the 'map differs from message' error. Exited the game, tried to restart but then the validating thing kept me from launching the game.

So back to the old fixes again. Tried the deleting the .blobs solution first. Didn't work. Verified the game cache and as it turned out 7 files were missing. The download of those files started pretty well, but now it is stuck at around 80%. It keeps saying 'download starting' but it won't start. Restarting Steam and even rebooting didn't help. So yeah. What now? I am kind of at wit's end.


EDIT Download turned on again but now it is back at 5%. Weird.
I had a similar problem for a while, however, I just gave up on it and played episode 2. It worked when I came back to it though. That sucks that it's happening with the update now.

Restart steam, they patched it.
Nah, I keep getting the problem, even after a reboot. I just decided to delete the local content and download it again.