TF2 updates for PS3 and 360..


Dec 28, 2005
Reaction score
just out of curiosity.. are they available for consoles? Granted I would never get a valve game for console ( before PC ), but my friend just got a PS3 (and yes I heard it was "crap" but come.. its the orange box ). If he decided to get it, would those updates be available to him, and is its that bad of a copy of orange box thats its not even worth getting for half life? I mean.. I hold the half life series as being like.. the best game ever made.. I should think it would take more then a bad port then to stop me ( or some one else who wants to try it ) from playing it.. :P so it really that bad?
no the updates aren't available for consoles. they might be at a later date but it doesn't make sense to update now seeing as there are still 7 other classes to update.
Well they can over xbox live, whether or not all classes have'm could matter as much on PC (obviously not at all)
Nope. I've got the 360 version, and nobody even plays it online so they probably won't ever bother.
Na, doubt Microsoft will ever let it be free. And Valve dislike Sony and the Playstation so I dunno.
well as far as the Half life series.. I have played the whole series ( excluding bs and op ), and these games are amazing ( but i dont have to tell you :P )... is the PS3 copy that bad that its that unplayable of a game. I mean.. i played Half life 2 on an AMD 1.6Ghz cpu, a Geforce 6200, and 512Mb or RAM... and I had tons of fun with it even loading screens where near 15mins long and frames where no better then 20 fps at any point of the game.. the PS3 cant be that bad... Is it that bad that its unplayable?
i have a ps3 and the orange box.... its really not that bad. sure the loading times are a little long (about 30 sec.s sometimes) and the framerate didnt bother me at all...
30 seconds is nothing compared to alot of people's load times on pc. I know when i first played through it on my old crap system, load times where like.. almost 15 mins, respawning and loading maps.. i usually had to leave, go get food, and come back, eat my food, and it still wouldnt be loaded :( so it sounds like its not that bad at all.