tf2 was set to be standalone 5 years ago


Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
I did some research and it seems that valve decided to make tf2 a standalone product a long time ago...recently everyone heard about it being standalone and thought it was a big announcement...well it wasnt

Monday, December 28, 1998

More TeamFortress2 Reactions [4:41 PM EST]
Mod Central has posted another bit of Q&A with Valve/TeamFortress Software's Robin Walker discussing the recent announcement that TeamFortress2 would be a stand-alone game, rather than an add-on for Half-Life. The latest Xtreme Opinions on ActionXtreme is an editorial on the same subject as well.
Use that link and search for the above words.

No, I thought everyone knew this. They had pics out like in 98 or whatever when it was just a mod for HL1, and then later on they released videos of some new engine they were making. The characters were awsome, they had one video with a grunt using a fixed MG and showed him moving it around shooting. Me and my friends were amazed how realistic it looked. They even had videos of the spy hanging from a wire and going across it and one of a spy jumping a guy out or a shadow and strangling him.

At that time they had vechiles but they said they were not gonna be human controlled but AI since they thought it would be better for gameplay (????!!!). They also had the microphone sounds come from the character with lip syn and echo and stuff depending on the location. Thats where the MRM tech came into play since they were using it at the time.

Anyways I'm real suprised people didnt know ages ago that TF2 was standalone. Oh well

woah buddy your pretty late with that info. It was originally a mod then a stand alone product and then it vanished off the face of the earth for a very long time. Everyone thought it might be HL2's multiplayer becuase it would make up for the really really really long wait. That is why everyone thought that. And the fact that you have to look that up tells me you just recently got into HL, which isnt a bad thing, just pointing that out.
lol... TF2 was what Valve was supposively working on as their main project for the past 5 years... Now we found out that they were actually concentrating on HL2. And the "new" engine was being made for TF2... Duh.. what do you think Valve was doing all this time? Nothing?

well, hopfully a few more people will be educated of TF2's history and pull their heads out of their asses ..
yeah, i hate it when people freak out about having to pay for this "mod"(as they call it) called TF2, and ive been telling them for quite awhile it was always set to be a standalone game that you would need to buy, heh.
I remember reading in the pczone benelux back in 1999 or something that it would be released that summer..i saw screenshots wich looked almost the same as the halflife engine, but back then it looked awesome :)
i couldn't wait...but it seemed i had to learn to do that :]
Originally posted by d8cam
I did some research and it seems that valve decided to make tf2 a standalone product a long time ago...recently everyone heard about it being standalone and thought it was a big announcement...well it wasnt

Monday, December 28, 1998

More TeamFortress2 Reactions [4:41 PM EST]
Mod Central has posted another bit of Q&A with Valve/TeamFortress Software's Robin Walker discussing the recent announcement that TeamFortress2 would be a stand-alone game, rather than an add-on for Half-Life. The latest Xtreme Opinions on ActionXtreme is an editorial on the same subject as well.
Use that link and search for the above words.

Welcome to 1962.
Originally posted by Silver.Fox

well, hopfully a few more people will be educated of TF2's history and pull their heads out of their asses ..

yeah, and it always pisses me off when people call it TFC 2 or a sequel to TFC. It's not. it's a sequel to TF
Er, just a couple of corrections here, the screenshots and videos were released on a slightly updated version of the halflife engine, the lip synching stuff was quite good, that was demo'ed in 99 ects, Robin and another Valve guy were demonstrating it behind closed doors, though i can't remember his name :(
anyway, then they decided to move it to the source engine, and thus went quiet because they couldn't reveal the existance of the new engine tech.
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
yeah, and it always pisses me off when people call it TFC 2 or a sequel to TFC. It's not. it's a sequel to TF

Damn straight ..

preach it brotha!

:afro: :cheers: :D
Developer: Valve Software
Publisher: Sierra
Approximate Release Date: Q4 2000

;( Approximate Release Date: Q4 2000
lol, why could you call it a classic game 2? It doesnt make much sense...
Its TF 2
That was on purpose, I think I will always call it that ;)

I prefer assHAT !
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
yeah, and it always pisses me off when people call it TFC 2 or a sequel to TFC. It's not. it's a sequel to TF

Same thing. TF and TFC are the same thing. So its a sequal to either. Calling it TFC2 doesn't make any sense tho :p
As somone who played TF on Quake, no. It isn't the same thing as TFC.

There are forts and teams, and that's about it.
lol... I played TF and TFC also...ok, I'll package TF and package TFC under two different names and I bet everyone would be like "Wtf this is the same thing". Yea.. forts and teams.. right.

The game design is the same.. There are minor differences and the porting it to a different engine had some big side effects.. but yes, it is the same game. TF2 will be completely different than either of them. If you are playing TF and TFC on a professional level, yes, they play completely different but on a larger perspective and on paper they are the same.
haha half life 2 makes tf2 look like utter crap rofl !!! ;)
Yeah but it isnt called Team Fortress Classic 2, regardless of what its a sequel to or not a sequel to, the game is still called Team Fortress 2 hence its initials are TF2 not TFC2.