TF2........will suck....hahahahaha

I just think that, ok you might think games where you get in the face suck, but they do teach you so much bout camouflage and stuff that you otherwise dont need 2 know - and dont use in other games. There might be loads of FPS's that completely suck(which there are!) but almost all of them give you a new approach to things, which u can use in decent games, an if they dont work there, the fine!
The last game i was really anticipating was tribes2. And well not many people bought that so the community is tiny, especially in australia
Yeah, Tribes 2 deserved a better following, and the mod community is quite good, mods like Underhive look interesting, as the engine is very sound, and gameplay better than UT 2k3 in my opinion, mainly due to the fact that the UT 2k3 jerks along with all options ramped on my hi-end pc, and other Unreal Warfare engine games run around quite happily.....ah well... another gaming loss along the lines of Giants: Citizen Kabuto
TFC is like the best multiplayer game ive played (i have few multiplayer games :( ) but there are faults so basicly TF2 should just remove the faults and make it a bit more team playing cos really everyone does wot they feel like doing not wot the team wants. Now the errors where shall i start Hw guys- get rid of them cos they **** up the game, pyro should be made better somehow cos it sucks and no one uses it, soldier is fine so is medic and scout but engineer should have less grenades, i hate meeting offensive enginneers spamming the place up. Another thing that could be improved is the spy there should be more cool things to do with them like selecting the weapon which you want to appear to have when disgised and someway of avoiding the lamer tactic of shooting all ure teammates to find a spy i have lots more opinions but im going on and on..........
the only thing i would change with tf2 is to have the sentry guns inside the spawn room shoot infected people. i hated having some lhama on 2fort go in the spawn and keep grabbing health packs because they didnt realize their contagious

i dont think the hw guy should get nerfed, he was always a sitting duck to snipers or spies or grenades. all he could really do was take down medics and scouts, and even then he needed the benefit of suprise

one of the nice things about tfc is you could get shot but would live long enough to be able to get back at your attacker, or at least leave a nade for him when he goes to scoop your backpack.
realistic games like AA:O and CS dont give you that oppurtunity, if someone gets the first shot, your done.
the pyro was underused because they never got a lot of kills, but their pretty good for base defense at the entrance to 2fort, and also for keeping the enemy snipers down off battlements. the only problem was that the napalm grenade completely sucked.

the only other thing i would add to tfc would be decent bots, that would take the roles that no one else likes, (guarding the stairwell on 2fort) and then getting more maps like murderball (maybe murderball with teams of 10 on 10 with a lil bigger bases

then again i havent touched tfc for like a year (got a new comp and didnt have the cd anymore)
TF2 had a lot of unique stuff going for it.

For example a realistic rocket launcher that created a huge backblast thing that would fry anyone standing behind you, and only came with 1 or 2 rounds, and was mainly used for destroying things like walls

It also had heaps of other stuff, but lots of that stuff has been done by now.