


It's gonna eventually come, just wondering what other people would like to see added to it from TFC.
E.g Stuff like Traitors as part of a spy's ability.
traitor... that would screw the game up beyond belief.. I i want HW man to get a chainsaw.. source engine obviously cooler snipers.. and I giant vagina that shoots aborted babies
Originally posted by alb1221
traitor... that would screw the game up beyond belief.. I i want HW man to get a chainsaw.. source engine obviously cooler snipers.. and I giant vagina that shoots aborted babies

oh and dont forget the borg:borg:
Well, the screenshots the have out with the facial animations on the soldiers don't look like the source engine, but I bet they look like HL2's quailty by now. That's just one thing that worryed me.
It was never supposed to "add-on" to TFC. It's a completely new game that will be nothing like TFC, which is a remake of TF.

Yes and the face pics on the site are from the HL engine over 2 years ago D:
it was re-done on source dont worry thats all old

I cant wait for the vagina gun that shoots aborted babies :dozey:
i wonder what kind of weird crap is going to be included in TF2

cause unless someone can prove me wrong, last time i checked TF was all about dropping rockets at your feet to jump higher, using grenades to jump higher, setting people on fire through walls, changing your clothes, knives doing more damage than rockets, charged up sniper rifles, having scouts stand in front of friendly snipers to get shot in the back and thus get boost, wacking things with wrenches to fill them with ammo/fix them. and more recently, teleporters.
I heard some muttering about them making it sci-fi, that would be kinda cool.
Just imagine this- TFC with MAJOR tweaks..

Here are some things that come to mind-

Engineer- Can build/repair vehiches the team will need to drive to the enemy base in. The EMPs disable vehicles for a short duration, exposing the team to ambush

HWG- Forget the MIRV grenades- A minigun so powerful it can flip vehicles over, and can set landmines. This is a real, heave weapons guy- weighs more, and thus, takes more to blast out of the way.

Pyro- Source engine. Havok physics. Incindiary grenades. Do the math. Napalm that can be later ignited by the flamethrower, or sparks from errant shots (or metal things thrown by MAnipulators)

I could think of more, if I took the time to ponder, but I leave you with this query: Concs in TF2?
well, i'd like to see thusly

engy-emp nades fry systems on computers rendering hitech weapons and vehicles out of order temporarily. Engy should still be responsible for dispensers, teleporters (maybe) and sentries. Whatever vehicle they pilot gets more armor and some resitance to emps

soldier-instead of the usual rocket give him some sort of powerful ballistic weapon. Make the nail nades more powerful. Whatever vehicle they pilot, its weapons are a tad bit stronger

spy-Should be able to sabotage vehicles that are unmanned, still has backstab, death feigning, and costume changing ability. ehicles they drive make a lot less noise and can be made to appear like an enemy vehicle or vice versa.

demoman-Pipe bombs should be thrown by hand but made more powerful, use a diferent weapon to shoot contact splodin' grenades.
The demopack should be able to have a quick input number for the timer in addition to the default times. The explosion should also be more spectacular. Vehicles they pilot become more resistant to explosion shock

Sniper-have small sub machine gun and have the snipe be seperate weapons. Have the snipe be a laser rifle so as to have a reason to charge each shot. get rid of nail gun and replace it with a small sub machine gun. Vehicles they pilot get extra vision modes, i.e. infrared

HWguy-Have minigun be less powerful but have a greater volumn of fire and more ammo. Any vehicle he pilots gets more ammo

scout-switch weapons to small submachine guns. Be able to place mini cams. Whatever vehicle they pilot goes a tad bit faster. Caltrops can harm tires.

medic-get rid of nail guns, replace with actual guns. Don't have the plague they inflict last forever, have it last for several minutes instead, so if they keep picking up health they will eventually beat the disease. However if an enemy is killed by the plague within close proximity to the medic or was injured mainly by the plague, the medic gets the kill.
An vehicle piloted by a medic restores the health of everyone inside, slowly.

pyro-flame thrower emits contant stream instead of "poofs" Instead of a rocket launcher, have the incendary thingy from half life 2, only with a bit more splash effect. The napalm grenades should be able to leak, splash, etc due to their liquid nature. A pyro driven vehicle is very resistant to fire
I could think of more, if I took the time to ponder, but I leave you with this query: Concs in TF2?
Concubines in TF2?
Conquest game mode?
Concrete players?
I have no idea what "Concs" is :p

Sidenote: TF2 should have a napalm launcher like Postal2. That would rock... And of course lag the entire game down, but still :)
Conc, aka concussion grenades. The Medic's and Scout's secondary 'Nades in TFC.
TFC needs to be revamped....i would rather be doomed to play CS than TFC any day
To each their own. I'm a TFC guy. CS just ain't my thing.
The best feature of TF2 will surely be the commander class. No more deathmatch!
Judging by the early TF2 shots on the original Half-Life engine, the game is going to have a much more militaristic feel, with more realistic elements. I could be totally wrong however, they may have changed everything about it.
I even heared a rumor that TF2 was going sci-fi. I think it was some sort of slip of the tongue by ATI in a UK PC Gamer.
Originally posted by alb1221
I cant wait for the vagina gun that shoots aborted babies
Wow alb... Even for you that was particularly disturbing <Is violently sick>
I really like the idea of having TF2 as proper proper military feel without the realistic 2-bullet death of soldier sims.
Originally posted by dbsynergy
I even heared a rumor that TF2 was going sci-fi. I think it was some sort of slip of the tongue by ATI in a UK PC Gamer.

It would fit in with the TFC thing, as lets face it TFC is hardly contempary.
I never liked Team Fortress, but maybe I will play TF2. But I will probably not play it if it's Sci-Fi.

BTW, Hi Inflatablewoman, remember me from the dod forums?=)
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Judging by the early TF2 shots on the original Half-Life engine, the game is going to have a much more militaristic feel, with more realistic elements. I could be totally wrong however, they may have changed everything about it.
Yep, that was the idea, and it would be the first to mix vehicles/infantry combat online (modern time, not like tribes). I didnt get much realistic vibes from it though, just the military... Seemed more like C&C in first person and online :)
Edit: And I do remember them talking about a C&C style game mode, where you have to protect your base and get money to build units... But maybe I'm wrong, that was like 4 or 5 years ago I read it.
Originally posted by Inflatablewoman
It would fit in with the TFC thing, as lets face it TFC is hardly contempary.

Dont use words you don't know how to spell, it makes you look dumb.

Anyway, there is a long way to go before we see TFC 2 so why don't you guys stop day dreaming. Hell, even HL2 is not out yet and you're thinking about TFC2 lol :p
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Dont use words you don't know how to spell, it makes you look dumb.

that was not nice at all

did you really need to say it?
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Dont use words you don't know how to spell, it makes you look dumb.

wow. You must be one busy person being's online rep.

I obviously meant "contemporary". Where are those little red squiggles when you need them.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Dont use words you don't know how to spell, it makes you look dumb.

Anyway, there is a long way to go before we see TFC 2 so why don't you guys stop day dreaming. Hell, even HL2 is not out yet and you're thinking about TFC2 lol :p

No need to be a spelling Nazi.
As crazy as this sounds I want TF2 more than all the other mods or even HL2 itself. Sure, I will love the SP HL2 experience and probably some deathmatch but TF2 is my style. I love military FPS games like America's Army.
geeks point out speeling mistakes, then start name calling when they are told not to.
Anyway, there is a long way to go before we see TFC 2 so why don't you guys stop day dreaming. Hell, even HL2 is not out yet and you're thinking about TFC2 lol

It's TF2, not TFC2. Don't talk about games when you don't even know the correct title. It makes you look dumb.:dork: