Releases Japanese Themed Custom Content Pack


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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The fine folks over at have recently revealed their latest themed custom content pack for use in Team Fortress 2, created by forum users E-Arkham and Cinnamon (aka Aly). As you would imagine, this new "Japan Content Pack" is primarily themed around traditional Japanese architecture and foliage.


A wide number of high quality new props are featured in the pack, including various lanterns, bridges, trees, bamboo, doorways, structural supports, signage, a resupply locker, and even a themed upgrade station for use in the Mann vs. Machine gamemode. Most of the models included with the pack come in a variety of sizes and skins, allowing for map creators to easily develop the distinctive red and blue colour contrasts present within so many TF2 maps. Various themed textures and overlays were also designed specifically for the pack, including 7 coloured wood variants, bamboo flooring, and a number of signs. If that isn't interesting enough for you, the pack also includes a rather pretty blossom particle effect, which players can totally fail to notice as they rocket jump through levels at high speed blasting everything in their path.

Since this pack is made entirely of custom content, it is currently unavailable in any officially released maps, but we're confident it will catch Valve's eye sooner or later given the previous success of the Construction and Swamp packs, the latter of which was added into the game files with the release of the Mountain Lab map in 2010. The contents of the pack can be used within the Hammer Editor to create original TF2 maps or within the Source Filmmaker as set dressing. In order to use the assets, be sure to download the content from the announcement page over on

While you might not see the pack featured in any official maps anytime soon, "Suijin", a custom Arena and King of the Hill map created by Cinnamon, is included with the rest of the content as a demonstration of how the different models and textures can be used to create stunning and visually-unique levels for Team Fortress 2. Be sure to stay tuned to the Twitter and Facebook pages for more news regarding the Japan Content Pack, as we might just have a little something to announce in the next day or so.​


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TF2 was/seems cool and all, but it's so compulsively updated that I uninstalled it. Yes, I know, I can set it to not auto-update, I just didn't want to bother.

Also: pretty maps.
TF2 was/seems cool and all, but it's so compulsively updated that I uninstalled it. Yes, I know, I can set it to not auto-update, I just didn't want to bother.

This is entirely custom content designed for use by map makers and film producers.

Also: pretty maps.

Should've come to play in the ValveTime/ test session then, huh? :p
I got an update yesterday. Whatever. I didn't even know that happened. Maybe I'll redownload just for you hun.