TFC: Source (In PC Zone UK)


Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
From PC Zone UK:

"...multiplayer component to speak of. Unless of course, you count Counter-Strike: Source, TFC: Source and Day Of Defeat: Source, wich is a hell of a lot more than you got with Half-Life."

What the ...? TFC: source? Since when?
/me is confused :|
I'm pretty sure they've always planned on doing TFC Source... we just haven't heard anything about it recently... and that upsets me. ;(
As far as I've seen, TFC: Source has always been implied but never mentioned specifically.

It worries me.
there's no plan for TFC: Source, they got it wrong.

TF2 tho, that's gonna rock.
tfc source would be so cool that is such a fun and classic game. man that would be great though. now i want to play that hehe
Teddy said:
there's no plan for TFC: Source, they got it wrong.
Uhhh, what? Are you telling me that me and others were all just hallucinating in thinking we'd be getting TFC Source... ? Where'd you get that?
that reminds me... how come there was no mention of TFC:S with the steam packages?
Why would they spend time and resources on TFC:Source when they could dedicate all their effort towards TF2? Not to mention that Valve hasn't talked about TFC:Source at all. I'm pretty sure the magazine made a mistake.
Mr. Redundant said:
that reminds me... how come there was no mention of TFC:S with the steam packages?

Uhhh... probably cuz it's not comming with them...
TF2 is, last we saw, completely different from TFC. Seemed more like Firearms: Source than anything resembling Team Fortress.
There probably won't be a TFC:S, that makes me unhappy. :(
DarkStar said:
Why would they spend time and resources on TFC:Source when they could dedicate all their effort towards TF2?
Well, at first, it sounded like they were going to ruin it... :hmph:

Hopefully they've since come to their senses and realized that fun is greater than realism shit.
Why would they spend time and resources on TFC:Source when they could dedicate all their effort towards TF2?

Also, because it's been said that porting HL1 engine games over to Source is pretty easy. So it wouldent use much resources.
well cheifi do u ahve a copy of pczone???

edit: whicked ... :afro:
Could PC Zone really have made such a stupid mistake? I don't think so. But huhhh... who knows. :dozey:
i don't know about you, but TFC got boring when people only wanted to play speedball.
I think that a TFC with larger maps and vehicles would either be totally unfeasible or the best and most awesomest thing ever in the history of stuff.
TFC2? Awesome. TF2? We'll see. I'm hoping they've taken these past few years to bring the game back to its roots.
i was sad that noone mentioned TFC:S
now i got hope... strangly i didnt see it in the gold package like DOD and Cs...
I just hope there is a TF2 treaser/trailer on the HL2 disc/steam package.
why should valve waste time on source ports when the mod community is fully capable of doing it for them? i'd much rather valve focus on new stuff.
We known this since E3, a lot of you have just missed it.
Chris_D said:
We known this since E3, a lot of you have just missed it.

Would you happen to have any direct quotes confirming TFC: Source? Every time I've seen it brought up it's been ignored. If I recall correctly, in PHL's Valve interview they're asked about TFC: Source and they give us TF2 info. PlanetFortress was supposed to talk to Valve a while ago but that never ended up happening. I've personally emailed Gabe about it and never got a response (not that that's indicative of anything).
nutcrackr said:
There probably won't be a TFC:S, that makes me unhappy. :(

I like TFC too, but why would they bother making a TFC:S when TF2 is coming out?
TFC:Source isnt included in the Steam packs because am I right in thinking, you cant currently buy TFC for Halflife as a stand alone game? CS / DOD / HL1 (all mentioned Source ports) are all purchaseable as stand alone games at present, which is why they are in the packages for HL2.

Everyone is raving about Valve wasting time porting TFC when they should be working on TF2. Where have you all been the last 6 years?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

There is more than 1 team at Valve Software, while most have been working on HL2, TF2 has its own development team that has been running along side the HL2 guys, as well as that of the CS team who have been developing the port, AND some of the DoD guys.

So its quite likely TFC:Source will be something to come for free over Steam and wont be hindering any production time at Valve, because they have enough staff to handle it.

Sheesh the worlds most famous games development house and they dont ahve enough staff to make a mod for their game. Get Real!

"-- Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam"

Those magical words mean something. They mean Source ports of all the mods on the Steam games list. This includes TFC:S. They just did'nt want to mention the big list.
No i think that literally just means "-- Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam". As in all the stuff there is now, not Source conversions. It wouldnt make sense for them to say that seeing as how they are obviously advertising HL:Source, CS:Source and DOD:Source. If the back catalogue was going to be Source ports i think theyd say so.
Why is everybody so excited about TFC:s, if its just a pure port?
Its just like Doom on the gameboy. Does the fact that it runs on the gameboy make old worn down Doom fun again?
TFC is old and not of this time. A source port wont change that.
Yeh it will, better graphics and awesome physics. :P
Kouler said:
Yeh it will, better graphics and awesome physics. :P
Neh, it wont, how do physics change TFC?
And, what i've seen in CS:s, rendering old maps with a new engine, still makes the map look cheap, since it was made with a less capable engine in mind.
TFC:s is still TFC, and when people find out nothing has really changed they'll drop it nontheless
TFC is the best mod ever, id rather that than CS or DOD anyday