TFC to FF, will valve take notice... if not why?



Seeing theres no forum for TFC i thought i`d put it the post here, it wouldnt get anywhere near enough attention in the 3rd party games forum.

Hey, first of all i`d like to say that TFC regarding gameplay, and its ability to give players so many methods of play/class choices, is easily the best game of all time, even when i consider its age... Might be a biased opinion

Valve in the last year or so with the release of Half-Life 2 has put so much of its effort into Counter-Strike:Source and advertising their development of
Day of Defeat:Source. However, valve has dropped all interest in Team Fortress Classic a home for a lot of Half-Life gamers. TFC is dieing because its not updating, most servers just have bots these days but some servers/communities still remain buzzing with the same excitement it had many years ago. No evidence of new Valve based TFC release have been put forward for a very long time.. I wonder why sometimes.... Maybe its because Valve thinks it doesnt sell? Maybe because they want Counter-Strike to dominate? But these answers dont fit right. If Valve presented a TFC modification based on the HL2 engine, like the Fortress-Forever mod (that is being build from the ground up) as their "trump" card in the industry rather than Counter-Strike:Source, it would dominate. TF mods both based on HL/Quake have been very popular in the past. A TF mod based on the HL2 engine would futher add to TF popularity and create the ultimate gaming experience. Valve could advertise and really put it out to the public as some sort of HL2 expansion.

I wonder of how successful Fortress-Forever will become without valves seal of approval. It might be intresting if the dev team of FF could have a 3 way interview with Valve, with some top game review site or unbiased game news site as the mediator.

An issue that can could be put forward would be given that Fortress-Forever meets expectations on its release, having "Fortress-Forever" in the game menu under "servers list" of the Steam client to allow specific FF server searching and allow FF to be downloadable from the Steam client rather than downloading from the website.

My questions are to Valve/Sierra/Steam...

Seeing that continual development of Team Fortress Classic hasnt been on your agenda in the past few years, will you give support the re-creation of the new FF modification if it has the support and meets the expectations of most of the old base of TFC players on its release or soon after ? If so, what will you do ? If not, why ?


If the non-profit FF modification does meet the gamers expectations, will you compete with them with a TF release of your own?
Valve isn't going to make a TFC remake, they are making TF2. That's not the same, but as close as you will get :)

FF will be a remake of TFC on the HL2 engine.
FF isnt a TFC remake, their making it from the ground up.. a lot of changes
weetbix said:
FF isnt a TFC remake, their making it from the ground up.. a lot of changes

Yeah they can go ahead and waste their time if they want, VALVe is making TF2.
How do we know they are still making TF2? A few screenshots for 3 years ago?
Barney_Calhoun said:
How do we know they are still making TF2? A few screenshots for 3 years ago?

well simply put, we don't know if they are working on TF2 or not.
the point is, Valve have their hands on many projects.. i mean HL2 alone took nearly 6 years because they wanted to build the Source engine.

CS Source, DOD Source, Aftermath...and well.. who knows? perhaps Valve has more HL2 expansions in mind.. if not i suppose TF2 would be next in line but hey? don't hold ur breath.
They ARE developing tf2, they said so right before hl2 shipped, and i think there was something in raising the bar about it.
TF2 is being worked on... we all know how quiet Valve keeps about projects until they're sure they're close to completion. Remember, we didn't know of Half-Life 2 Deathmatch's existence until someone found a trace of it in the Steam files about a day before it was surprise released.
Yeah, but did you notice how in Raising the Bar TF2 was always referred to in the past tense?
Fortress Forever

TF2 is being made, and Valve knows exactly what made TFC such a great game because they made it themselves, so I have confidence that they will do well with TF2.

Now we can only hope it'll be a downloadable mod and not a retail game :)
DiSTuRbEd said:
Yeah they can go ahead and waste their time if they want, VALVe is making TF2.

TF2 isn't going to be like TFC so there not wasting there time.
I think they have a grand total of 2 people working on TF2. I honestly can't wait for FF. Dustbowl + Sauce = WIN!
From what I know, TF2 is going to be based on realism. Modern combat type stuff, a bit like BF2 is. FF is a remake of TF, which was more arcade style play, with made up classes like a Pyro soldier etc.

Thats what I heard anyway.
Hopefully TF2 will be better than BF2. But we'll see, time will tell.
if their making TF2 ... they should continue along the same lines as previous TF mods in the past. if they dont they shouldnt call it TF at all.
weetbix said:
if they dont they shouldnt call it TF at all.

Ohnoes, I am going to tell them not to follow it, just so they can make you mad.
If TF2 is going to be a BF2 then that should be solid. I dont think the maps will be as big though and their probably wont be that many vehicles. Thats the only thing I was somewhat dissapointed with in HL2DM that the vehicles still failed to be easy coded into the maps which would have made HL2DM more chaotic.. something i enjoy. But to me if the maps are smaller there use of squads becomes smaller and smaller. TFC was the first game I played on my 14.4k modem and it was really fun. I just wished TFC had a counter strike type round system that required players to battle quickly and efficently.
nofx...check out Strider god Striders...helicopters...Apc's....buggys...
Of course no model in the buggy, (wait till sven-coop 2 they made there own gordon model)..
Last I heard (From that fan who got a tour of Valve and saw the latest TF2 artowrk), Valve was moving away from the "WW2 realism" area and moving a bit back towards oldschool TFC style. (Probably due to the proliferation of WW2 stuff).
Valve isn't going to make a Battlefield 2 clone :)
just for information, the steam forums moderators have banned and forbidden any mention of FF on their boards. the closest to an answer that was given is that it was to "protect the community". all this is presumably on behalf of valve itself. any collaboration from their part is highly unlikely at this point (as they are basically boycotting FF). all this has been (and is being) discussed widely on the FF forums, drop by and do a search if you care